Under the Bridge
I chose to put this photo in my portfolio as is shows rule of thirds and provides ample space for a title, as well as portrays the Stanislaus county. the picture is cut into two pieces, blue and green, divided by a grey boundary, and as a green county sign which pops in contrast to the blue sky. I was under theFreeway taking pictures and I wanted to take a picture of the sign as it looked like it could be an ad.
Penn 2
I chose to use this photo as it shows a short depth of field. I like this photo as it is full of green and has a defined subject.When I took the photo I wanted to have the object as close to the lens as possible without drowning out the background. I made sure use a low fstop in order to achieve the slaw depth of field.
Peep Hole
I chose to include this photo as it shows framing and contrast. I like the fact that there is a brick at the bottom of the circle that gives it a sense of asymmetry. The frame is black, which makes the subject pop. When taking the photoI wanted to make the black frame take uptake majority of the screen to make the subject seem more interesting or obvious.
Silver on Green
I chose this photo as it uses rule of thirds and has a subject that is almost hidden by the foreground. It give the photo a more closed feeling. When taking this photo, I wanted to have the sun shine on the closer leaves and have the leaves in the back be darker in order to have some layering.
Em and M
I chose to include this photo as it uses the frame filling technique. I wanted to have the two subjects with a semi constant background. The fact that the subjects were so close to the lens made them more obvious and overpowering compared to the background. When taking this picture, I wanted to find something odd and obvious to accompany the M&M.
Gregori ^ 3
I chose this photo as it utilizes repetition. I like the photo as the posters almost take up the entire frame. When taking the photo, I made sure to displace the posters in order to keep the pattern from being perfect.
Cool Kids Only!
I chose this photo as it utilizes the rule of thirds. I like the photo as it has graffiti in the foreground, yet it is accompanied by the grass in the background. When taking the photo, I wanted to have the subject show emotion without seeing their face, as it make the photo look more questioning.
I chose this photo as it uses repetition and symmetry. I like this photo as it has these elements, yet every pillar is unique and different, yet together they are uniform. When taking this shot I wanted to have the lighting be bright and have a clear shot down a row of pillars.
Train niarT
I chose this photo as it shows symmetry and leading lines. I like this photo because it uses a short depth of field to make the railroad feel more endless. When taking this picture I wanted to have the depth of field be short, show symmetry, have leading lines, and to not get run over by a train.
Artificial Grape
I chose this photo as it gets close to the subject. I like this photo as the depth of field is short and the subject is very obvious. When taking this photo I wanted to have the m&m to be blatantly obvious compared to the vines.
"Creation of Justin" - Michelangelo
I chose this photo as It uses the rule of thirds. I like this photo as it is close enough to look like, "The Creation of Adam" painting by Michelangelo. The background is also pretty cool, yet it doesn't drown out the subject of the photo. When taking this photo, I wanted Justin to be candid and have the background behind him.