Mazel Tov to Sandy Portnoy on the birth of her Grandson, Nicholas Michael and to Pamela & Mike Saitta, Nicholas’ parents who are celebrating this joyous event with his big sisters, Valerie & Sabrina!
Mazel Tov to Marc & Michele Gold on the birth of their Granddaughter, Seyla Raine Gold and to Seyla’s parents, Scott & Shari Gold!
* Click on the LINK & move the cursor over each Service or Event for more information, including time(s).
- Tikvah Times Staff: Alene Schonhaut - * Editor at Large, Madeleine Wolf - Assistant Editor, and Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant
- Photograph Credits: Marc Gold & Meryl Root
- * EDITORIAL NOTE - You can click on any picture or article to enlarge it.
Rabbi Randy Sheinberg
So, How Did You Spend YOUR Summer Vacation?
- Among other things, I spent a fair amount of time in our local swimming pool, swimming laps. Although I am not very good at it, I like to swim and swimming outdoors in the summer is one kind of exercise I actually look forward to doing. Unfortunately, I am not so great at keeping up with the habit in an indoor pool when the weather gets cool. Which means that each summer, I begin again.
- Beginning again is not always easy. First, I notice my aversion to starting the task - the water is going to be cold, my limbs freeze up and as I approach the pool they start transmitting messages to my brain to try to talk me out of it; and then once in the water, my first few strokes are clumsy and awkward. Sometimes I sputter and flail, as if I have never swam before, however if I stick with it, a rhythm takes hold. Swimming is a great way to pay attention. If I am patient and calm, I can focus on one part of each stroke - the way my fingertips hit the water and the steady put-put of my flutter kick. It is calming, and meditative; even though the task is repetitive each time I do it, I notice something new - how my arms can stretch further than I thought, how I can breathe differently and make the breath last longer. Over the course of this summer, in even these short weeks, I also notice that I have improved.
- Summer is now over. In September the deliciously slow pace of summer gives way to a frenzy of activity and noise. We resume familiar routines; we begin again. Sometimes the adjustment to the new pace and new year can feel rocky; the water may be chilly, the first few laps clumsy and awkward, yet eventually we establish a rhythm and keep swimming.
- This year, the Jewish calendar gives us a special opportunity to get used to the water. This year, Rosh Hashanah and the new Jewish year fall at the end of September. This gives us the whole month of September to get used to the water, establish a routine, and prepare for the new Jewish year to come. Indeed, the month preceding the New Year, the Hebrew month of Elul, is designed for just that.
- When we get to Rosh Hashanah and the Yamim Noraim, we will focus on accomplishing things - on reviewing our lives, making atonement for our transgressions, making promises to ourselves, to one another, and to God about how we will behave differently in the year to come. The task of Elul, however is much simpler - it is simply to begin…to wake up and pay attention…to notice. What are my patterns? Who am I in relation to who I hope to be? How am I filling my days? During Elul, we need not change what is. The simple act of paying attention and seeing is enough.
- And if we pay attention, we can grow…
- This High Holy Day season, I invite you to join me in a Project called 10Q. 10Q is a project of Reboot, an arts and culture non-profit that reimagines and reinforces Jewish thought and traditions. Beginning on Rosh Hashanah and continuing through the Ten Days of Awe, you will have the opportunity to receive in your email inbox a question for you to think about and reflect on. You can write your answer to the question in a private and personal space, where the answers will be stored for you to see next year. (A hard-copy version of the questions will also be available for those who prefer.) If there is interest, we will also arrange for a communal opportunity to share some of our answers and discuss the process. I am hoping that by participating in this project, we will be able to become more intentional about the holidays, and thus deepen our experience of them.
May we all awaken to the possibilities for growth and transformation in this New Year. I wish you all sweetness, blessing, and happy swimming - L’Shana Tova!
“Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue” (Deuteronomy 16:18) - This clarion call to action has resonated with the Jewish people for centuries, and is the guiding imperative of National Council of Jewish Women.
- National Council of Jewish Women - Lakeville Section (NCJW) cordially invite you to their Annual Free Luncheon to be held at Temple Tikvah on Tuesday, September 17th at 12:00pm. Their speaker will be Rabbi Randy Sheinberg.
- Please RSVP to Roslyn Sternlieb at by September 1st or call Elaine Farber at 718.281.2158.
Cantor Guy Bonné
The Hebraists
- European Reformation took place in the 16th century, aspiring to break away from the Catholic Church and its corruption. The movement fought for the idea that the scriptures are the only source to rely on and that the faith in Jesus is the only way to receive God's pardon for sin.
- The main “weapon” of the reformators was the invention of the technology of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, in Germany. Gutenberg's invention was revolutionary, since literacy allowed knowledge to vastly spread all around Europe and the world. Translations of the Bible, as well as religious books and pamphlets could be read in every household. While awakening a new interest in the classics, The Hebraists were European Christian scholars of Hebrew of the Old Testament, as well as the Talmud and Kabbalah. Though they had a contradictory attitude toward Jews and Judaism, The Hebraists expressed boundless admiration for rabbinical scholarship. They investigated the influence of Judaism on Christian religion and culture, while aspiring to return to the original text of the Scriptures. They were collecting Hebrew manuscripts and with the assistance of their Jewish neighbors, wrote dictionaries of the Hebrew language and its grammar.
- The Hebraists believed that the Bible and the Talmud contain eternal ideas about the perfect “State.” Dozens of writings at the time carried the title “The Republic of the Hebrews.“ The Republic they referred to was the one that was established before King Saul was anointed, and was depicted in the books of Joshua and Judges. It was a state governed inside specific borders, and the first one in history to acknowledge the supremacy of the law and even more, the idea that everybody is equal in the eyes of the law. Towards that goal, the Hebrew state built administrative institutions: priesthood, prophecy, and the court of law whose main purpose(s) were to interpret the law according to a divine inspiration. The Hebraists scholars argued that the first democratic legislation was actually the covenant between God and the people of Israel at Mount Sinai. While in other ancient civilizations the law was given to the people through agents, like kings and rulers. The laws of the Hebrews were given directly from God to the entire community, that had to collectively agree to accept it and to follow it.
- European political visionaries, like Thomas Hobbes adopted the biblical example. Though they modified the divine principle of God with the principle of “sovereignty”: the full right and power of a governing body without any interference from outside sources or bodies. However, like the Hebrews at Mount Sinai, the sovereign had to first receive its mandate from the people.
Please join me on September 6th at 7pm for the first session of my Bi-weekly Torah Study. Instead of following the weekly portions, we will read the text of the Torah word by word, getting a full understanding of the entire biblical narrative as it enfolds.
Temple President - shari rotstein
Welcome Aboard and Welcome Back
- As I write this column, there are two more weeks of August and then it will be September. Wow! The summer months have flown. Where did the time go? It is really true that time flies when you are having fun.
- Indeed, it has been a great summer so far. We thoroughly enjoyed our annual vacation in South West Florida and this year we ventured off our regular path to dabble with the rich and famous in Naples and Marco Island!
- I would like to welcome everyone back; whether you took a vacation and traveled, took some time off from work or just took a "mental health day or two". It is always great to take some much needed time to rest, relax, recharge, and regroup.
- Hopefully everyone saw my President's Message in the Weekly Update. For those of you who might not have, please join me in welcoming our New Office Manager, Shoshana Ellihou Cellers. She is a wonderful new addition to our Temple Family! She is currently working hard to help us prepare for the High Holidays, which are right around the corner.
- When you receive your High Holidays Tickets you should also be receiving a Schedule of Services. If you have any questions regarding your tickets and/or the schedule, feel free to call the Temple Office.
- Even though, we have several weeks before the holidays, I can feel the excitement with all the planning. I am particularly excited about our Selichot Program on Saturday, September 21st. This year we are welcoming Temple Beth Sholom from Flushing to join us. We will be starting with a Family Friendly Dinner at 5:30pm, then at 6:30pm there will be a Selichot Program (parallel adult and children’s programs), followed by Havdallah at 7:30pm with ice cream for dessert, and then the evening will conclude with an Adult Selichot Service at 8:00pm during which time, we will prepare our Torah's and ourselves for our holiest of holidays.
I wish you and your families, a Sweet and Happy New Year…Shana Tova!
Sharon Fricano - Education Director
Welcome Back to Religious School...Shanah Tova 5780!
- I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing summer with family and friends…
- Earlier this summer, we sent a letter to all Religious School Families outlining some modifications to our Program; we based this on the changes in our community, best practices in religious education, and your feedback. I also personally reached out to each family to discuss individual education plans for your respective children and to answer your questions.
- While there will be some changes, our program’s core elements: connecting our students to Judaism, teaching our faith’s values, learning about our history and traditions, and preparing students to become B’nai Mitzvah – will remain unchanged. We will continue planning holiday and family programs (with some notable enhancements), grade service dinners, Saturday Family Havdallah Ceremonies, and youth group activities.
- Special Programs for the Year will also include: an experiential Torah Scribe Program, similar to the Matzah Factory held last year (November 17th), A Family Kollel at Camp Eisner (November 22th - 24th), and A Scholar in Residence Program for Jewish Disabilities Month (February 7th - 9th.)
- * Please note the hours have changed for Sunday Religious School. For the upcoming year Religious School will meet from 9:15am -12:15am * We are pleased that four of our talented teachers will be returning and we are excited to welcome two new teachers. Please see a brief summary of our teaching staff following this article. We hope to see everyone at our Parent Orientation at 9:30am on The First Day of School on September 8th.
- A big thank you to Rabbi Sheinberg, Cheryl Stern, Lisa Lupo, and all of the parents that participated in Religious School Committee Meetings throughout the year and responded to our survey. Your feedback and ideas have been invaluable. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at or 516.746.1120, ext. 12.
- We are excited about the upcoming year and strongly believe that we will provide an enhanced Religious School experience.
Meet Our Religious School Staff
Nuccia Hernan - Early Childhood
Our Spiritual Alarms are About to Awaken Us
- Welcome old and new friends! We have been busy planning the 2019-2020 Early Childhood Programs for you and we are excited to share them with you.
- On Saturday, September 7th join us for our special “Havdallah Program” beginning at 5:30 pm. Together we will share pizza, salad, the reading of a PJ Library Book, and create our very own spice boxes. Be our guest as we mark the end of Shabbat and wish each other Shavua Tov for a good week! Together we will explore the smells, sights, songs, and prayers as we greet the new week.
- The PJ Library Rosh Hashanah Service for young children will be on Monday, September 30th starting at 2:00pm. This program is designed for young children to help them learn about the holiday, its symbols, prayers, and tastes. This program is open to all our grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
- If you have not received the 2019-2020 Program Schedule please contact us at Our programs are free however to ensure that we have adequate supplies on hand please register by contacting the above email address.
L’Shanah Tova
Cheryl Stern - Director of Youth & Family Engagement
When People Come Together, Its Result is Shared by All
- Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer full of making warm and loving memories. I have been working along with the Rabbi, the Cantor, Ms. Fricano, and many Temple Families to create some great programs for this year.
- We plan on kicking off our year with some interesting and meaningful programs in September. Our Welcome Back Shabbat Service for all Congregants will be held on Friday, September 13th and on the following day – Saturday, September 14th we will have our First Congregational Havdallah Service Selichot Program (Jewish penitential poems and prayers, especially those said in the period leading up to the High Holidays in the evening.)
- We are also instituting a Junior Congregation Service that will be held once a month with practice being held on Tuesdays during school for all students who want to partake. There will be other school-wide programs held throughout the year on Sundays for students and parents, together and separately.
- Our Kollel will be in November. Scroll down to see the flyer. Please make sure to look at the early registration rates. It is going to be a weekend full of fun, bonding, and of course making lots of memories with new and old friends.
- This year we will have several community service opportunities, so mark your calendars for December 10th and 17th, when we will take 10 students and families to the Ronald McDonald House from 4:00 – 6:00pm to participate in their Little Bakers Program. The RMHC vision is to create: A world where all children have access to medical care, and their families are supported and actively involved in their children's care. Please let me know ASAP if you or your child would like to attend.
- And last, but not least - for all our 7th graders and older we will be having teen night events beginning October 19th and also in January, March and May (dates to be announced). We are also planning to attend the L’Taken Program in Washington DC this winter. The RAC brings over 2,000 high school students from across the country to Washington, D.C. for a weekend of learning about social justice, advocacy, and Jewish values - culminating in a lobby day on Capitol Hill.
I am looking forward to another wonderful year....B’Shalom!
All are Welcome at 6:15PM
• October 11th - Family Service • October 20th - Simchat Torah Dinner of Pizza & Pasta • November 8th - Grades 6/7 Service • December 13th - Grades 4/5 Service • January 10th - Family Service • February 7th - Grades 2/3 Service • March 13th - Kindergarten & Grade 1 Service • April 3rd - New Member Dinner • May 1st - Sisterhood Shabbat •June 12th - High School Graduation
President - Marc Gold
Simchas, Rosh Hashanah, and New Beginnings
- As I begin my 2nd year as Temple Tikvah’s Brotherhood President, I would like to ask if everyone had a “fab” summer? I know…I did! First, Michele and I became a great aunt and uncle, when my nephew and his wife gave birth to a little boy in July. Then we had a wonderful baby shower for my daughter-in-law, Shari and son, Scott. And then on August 16th we became first time GRANDPARENTS, with the arrival of Miss Seyla Raine Gold!
- Prior to all this excitement, Brotherhood held a very successful outing at Citi Field in July. Even though the Mets lost, we all enjoyed each others company and our seats were covered from the extreme heat of the sun. A big thank you to everyone who attended.
- August brought Brotherhood together again for our first monthly meeting to prepare for the New Year that is ahead of us. We began with a BBQ, and then we sat down and got to business. GENTLEMEN…by now everyone should have received their invite by mail, so please remember to submit your Brotherhood Dues ASAP. In addition, please remember, we meet the first Wednesday of each month at 7:15pm. HOWEVER, even if you cannot make it, we still would like you to join Brotherhood and support us in all that we do.
La Shana Tovah To All!
An American Past Time
Co-Presidents - Terry Cutler & Terry Lepzelter
September's Scoop
- Sisterhood welcomes everyone back from a beautiful summer of sunshine and relaxation! As the High Holy Days are fast approaching, we are given time for self-reflection and evaluation…How can we be better people & how can we really make a difference in this crazy world? We need only to remember the most important lesson our Torah teaches, which is to treat others as you would like to be treated; and to be kind, be thoughtful, and be aware of all the little ways you can make someone’s day a bit brighter. Like they say - ” just do it”, you will feel better!
- One way you can make a big difference this year is by being a Sister-In-The-Hood. We invite all the women of Temple to join Sisterhood this year. We are very excited about the New Year and how we are planning for it to be filled with interesting and fun events. Please look for our Membership Flyer and be part of our dedicated group that works hard to keep Temple Tikvah strong. Our Annual Paid Up Brunch will be Sunday, October 27th. It is the first time we can all connect to spend time with old and new friends. Make sure you RSVP when you see the flyer!!!
- This year we are asking for your Support by Sponsoring a Weekly Oneg and/or an Oneg Flower Arrangement. Each one is a $36 donation ($72 for both.) You can honor or remember a special person or simcha in your life. You can pick the week you want by filling out the Oneg Form and letting the Office know. They will contact us and someone will call if a special occasion cake is needed. This will greatly help Sisterhood as we pay for flowers and oneg each week.
- We hope you have ordered your honey for the holidays. It is our first Fundraiser of the year. It is such a lovely way to send warm wishes for a Sweet and Healthy New Year to your friends and family. Do not miss out! A huge thanks goes to Michele Gold for doing a great job creating this project. All proceeds are earmarked for continuing to fund Temple Security.
- Sisterhood will once again be offering babysitting services for the holiday services. Look for more details. We also look forward to sharing sweet apples on Rosh Hashanah and providing break-fast for Yom Kippur along with Brotherhood.
- Looking ahead, Fall is a good time to clean out your closets, garages, and basements. Our Annual Rummage Sale will be held on Veteran’s Day Weekend this year. Sharon Kahn is already working hard to organize this community event and is grateful for all volunteers. Help out by donating goods and your services. See the flyer below.
- Finally, we are busy working on our November 2nd Surprise Event. Keep looking in the updates for the big reveal. You will not want to miss it! Save the date!!
L’Shana Tovah Tikatenu
Meryl Root
Lunch & Learn
We do not have a Lunch and Learn scheduled for the month of September. The first Lunch and Learn will be on October 26th with a program from Social Action. There will be a special Selichot Program on Saturday evening, September 21st at 8pm. Stay tuned for details.
Torah Study:
Friday Night Torah Study with Cantor Guy Bonné will meet on September 6th at 7:00pm (see below for an explanation of the new format) and Shabbat Morning Torah Study continues every Saturday at 9:00am. in the Loretta & George Cohen Library with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. Join us and see how this ancient book is still relevant today. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome.
Torah Without Skipping - A message from Cantor Bonné: The Torah tells us that each of us should seek to understand Torah with our own hearts and minds. Join me in this journey to appreciate the teachings of Torah and their implications in our daily lives. This is a wonderful opportunity to really follow the study of the Torah as it is revealed word by word. We are going to elaborate on the beauty of the Hebrew text, linger on important stories, analyze them, and aspire to convey and understand the messages in them. This will be unique in that we will take our time doing it, without rushing in order to really allow the words and the stories to sink in without any jumps between weekly portions. I ask you to commit to this course, because the real understanding of the Torah is a task that requires close attention to each and every word as the stories unfold. Please join me on Friday, September 6th at 7:00pm as we begin this journey together. Refreshments will be served.
Adult Hebrew Class
Adult Hebrew Class is now in its tenth year! The first class this year will begin on October 24th from 7:00 - 8:15pm with Cantor Guy Bonné. The Cantor is delighted that the class has grown and we welcome you to join us. If you are interested in having some fun while learning Hebrew and about Israel, then this is the class for you. We also watch Israeli television. The atmosphere is relaxed and there is plenty of reviewing! Speak to Cantor Bonné for more details.
Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut
If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever…KOFI ANNAN
- As we have said before…in order to go far we have to go together. Join us at our meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month at 11am.
- We also encourage everyone to keep the lines of communication open and inform the Caring Community if someone needs an assist; the more information we receive, the more we can reach out.
- Summer is almost over as this article is being written and we are beginning to look forward to celebrating the High Holy Days. As Rosh Hashanah approaches we start to ponder the new beginnings that are ahead of us. The Caring Community will continue to enhance the goals that have been previously embarked upon.
- One of our new initiatives has already started. In response to the Survey that the Caring Community sent to the Congregation asking what type of different social groups everyone would be interested in participating in, a large amount of replies indicated an interest in creating a Book Club. In order to accommodate the large response, we have begun a Wednesday evening group and a Thursday afternoon group. We have already met three times and our next Meeting will be on Thursday, September 5th to review Waking Lions at 1pm, followed by Lost Roses on Wednesday, September 18th at 7:30pm. We extend an invitation to everyone. There will always be room at the table for those who want to join us. If you have any questions, please call/email Helene at 718.468.0773 or DEVORA3115@AOL.COM.
- We are also in the process of initiating a Creative Writing Group. Look for future updates.
- REMINDERS: Our next Caring Community Meeting is on September 16th at 11am. There will not be a meeting in October.
We wish everyone a good and blessed year …May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.
Barbara & Joe Massey in memory of Sarah Katz
Gloria & Larry Konstan in memory of Roslyn Lefkowitz • Cheryle & Steve Levine in memory of Jack Leitingberg • Lisa Lupo in appreciation for your guidance and support
Stanley & Irene Zorn in memory of Evelyn Kamberg • Susan & Alan Levison in honor of Dorothy Kellner’s 100th Birthday
Jody & Artie Diamond, Cheryle & Steve Levine, and Sue & Kent Moston in honor of Paola’s Bat Mitzvah • Penny Katz in memory of Arlene (Cookie)Hutt • Lisa Lupo in appreciation for you guidance and support • Carol & Amram Weiner in memory of David Spector
SHMIRA (Security Fund):
Robin & Robert Jacobson in honor of their 45th Wedding Anniversary • Ruth Selig • Phyllis Richards
Kathleen & Dr. Stuart Grossman in honor of Kate Grossman and Tim Finkel • Gloria & Larry Konstan in honor of Rachel Rotstein’s Confirmation • Rachel & Nicole Lavoie in honor of Carson Miller Lavoie • Shari & Rony Rotstein in honor of Rachel’s Conformation and 16th Birthday • Barbara Silberman in honor of the Aliyah and Dorothy Kellner’s 100th Birthday
Beth Haidt in memory of Evelyn Kamberg
Karla Adasse in memory of Elizabeth A. Schmidelin • Sharon Adler in memory of Kate Adler, Jacob Kornhauser, and Shirley Schwartz • Helen & Robert Bader in memory of Bertha Bader, Libby Gould, and Fannie Kramer • Bernice Bloch in memory of Mollie Margolis and Max H. Bloch • Sylvia & Arnold Bloch in memory of Mollie Margolis and Max Bloch • Sheila & Martin Bokser in memory of Jacob Bokser • Elaine Brooks & Anthony Kolios in memory of Sarah Brooks, Katerina Kolios, and Anne Selkin •Brotherhood in memory of David Spector and Anita Fox • Doris Brown in memory of David Brown and Samuel Ginsberg • Julie & John Covelli in memory of Leonard Fischbach • Beth Curcio in memory of Diana M. Krisses and Anna Rich • Terry & Michael Cutler in memory of Sydelle Cutler • Jody & Arthur Diamond in memory of Helen Diamond • Nancy Eschemuller in memory of Alice Laino • Sonia Fink in memory of David Fink • Merle Fishkin in memory of Seymour Fishkin • Lynn Frank in memory of Simon Kaplan • Judy & Mitchell Friedman in memory of Miriam Friedman • Susan & Robert Gelfand memory of Irving Gelfand • Judy Gilbert in memory of Jack Klein • Michele & Marc Gold in memory of David Gold •Barbara & Stephen Goldberg in memory of Alexander Muchnik • Susan & Martin GoldSchmidt in memory of Miriam Schwesky • The Green/Suss Family in memory of Marvin Suss • Maria, Bruce, Lauren & Marc Gross in memory of William Gross • Helene & Howard Hecht in memory of Esther and Nathan Hecht • Debra & Herb Hochrad in memory of Aida Hochrad • Gail & Steve Hollander in memory of Arthur and Shirley Hollander, and Belle Roth • Ronni & Charles Hollander in memory of Sophie Hollander • Irene Horn in memory of Harry Horn and Isador Freitag • Phyllis & Joe Horne in memory of David Spector • Lois & Richard Howard in memory of Leonard Feitell and Harold Kohlberg • Elaine, Adam, Karen & Jessica Kaplan in memory of Celia Malin Goldstein • Judy & Joe Kirschner in memory of Alex Kirschner and David Spector • Nancy & Robert Kiss in memory of Ethel Cooper, Cora Heimendinger, and Anna Kiss • Leslie Kizner in memory of Ruth Kizner, Rose Kizner, and Lola Bercovici • Gloria & Larry Konstan in memory of Evelyn Kamberg, Jack Leitenberg, John Schustek, Dora Siegel, Marian Konstan, and George Walters • Gloria & Larry Konstan in memory of David Spector • Hanna & Abe Kormas in memory of Rachel Hirsch and Zvi Kormas • Judy & Sol Lefkowitz in memory of Morris Weinerman • Cheryle & Steve Levine in memory of Paul Passeriello and Doris Werner • Lisa, Nicholas & Marisa Lupo in memory of James Lupo • Lynn Moser in memory of Ivy Jacobsen, Bess Okun, and Anita Fox • Sue & Kent Moston in memory of Evelyn Kamberg, Jack Leitenberg, and Gisela Weinstock • Lynn & Avery Okin in memory of Frances Drespel, Eleanor Okin, Joseph Okin, and Julius Okin • Margery & Edward Orenstein in memory of Irene Friedman • Lori & Donald Panetta in memory of Charles Freeman, Louise Panetta, and Penny Teitelbaum • Phyllis & Richard Ravens in memory of Louis Barocas, and George and Gladys Ravens • Frances & Steven Robbins in memory of Evelyn Kamberg • Jaynie Rudick in memory of Roberta Schwartz • Robin Savitt & Toby Kemelor in memory of Seena Bazerman • Susan & Burt Schall in memory of Roslyn Lefkowitz and David Spector • Helaine & Ed Schachter in memory of Esther Levine • Joan Schuster in memory of Gisela Weinstock • Marlyn Schwartz in memory of Tillie Newman, Alice Schwartz, and Helen Schwartz Mittman • Rosalyn Schwartz in memory of Isaac Berger • Ruth Selig in memory of William Edmund Gardnee • Claire Shapiro in memory of Abraham Linzer • Rabbi Randy Sheinberg & Dr. Martin Cohen in memory of Philip Cohen, Nathan Goldberg, and Vita Goldberg • Susan & Martin Siroka in memory of David Spector • Helene & Larry Spero in memory of Anita Imber • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of Lewis Kaplan and Minnie Kaplan • Marie Warshaw in memory of Louis Warshaw • Judy & Stuart Weinstock in memory of Ruth Kaminstein • Elaine & Howard Weiss in memory David Spector • Joan Wiener in memory of Mari Kolman and Lillian Wiener • Gertrude Wolf in memory of Alfred Weisser, David Weisser, and Max Weisser • Gale & Howard Zeidman in memory of Gertrude R. Zeidman
Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss
Head of the Year: A Time to Get Started
- The arrival of Rosh Hashanah 5780 is an opportunity to reflect on the past year and set goals for the months ahead. In this New Year, we plan to strengthen our ties with the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. Since November of 2017 Temple Tikvah has been a member of the Brit Olam, which the RAC established two years ago as the Reform Movement’s “covenant to create a world in which all people experience wholeness, justice and compassion.” There are various ways to participate, including joining one of the cohort groups, which currently include: Immigration Justice, Gun Violence Prevention, Environmental Justice, Racial Justice, and Reproductive Justice. Cohort groups are issue-based networks of communities not limited to any particular state. We can consider joining one of them and work on an issue in cooperation with congregations across the country.
- The RAC also has a number of state chapters. The New York Chapter was formed a year ago and was part of a coalition that successfully lobbied to pass the Drivers’ Licenses for All Bill in the NY State Legislature. Thank you if you participated in that campaign by contacting your representatives! The NY Chapter will be deciding on a new goal for the upcoming legislative session. We hope to get involved in that effort as well.
- Upcoming Events & Plans: Our first Social Action Meeting will be on Sunday, September 15th at 10:30am, in the Rabbi’s Study; A Social Action Shabbat is scheduled for October 18th, with details to follow; and A Fall Collection for our Veterans will be held, also with details to follow.
- Please remember to help the needy by bringing your food donations to Temple during the High Holidays.
- We are looking forward to a productive year and hope you will join us for meetings, events, and RAC initiatives.
Shana Tova
Created with images by 1966666 - "baby fertility children" • Adi Goldstein - "untitled image" • FotoRieth - "challah shabbat challah board" • hurk - "star of david star symbol" • Butterfly76 - "butterfly insect close up" • KRiemer - "bouquet flowers bouquet of flowers" • geralt - "hands businessmen team" • exoteric - "sundial clock old"