One acts are student directed and student performed short scenes. It is unique in comparison to a play or musical because the students are allowed to direct.
“One acts [are] the best possible way [that] a student who has nothing to do with drama [can] get in to [it] whether it be acting or teching our shows,” said drama club president Jackson Leuenberger (12), "Its a lot easier to ease into the acting and drama. Its not all in your face like it would be in a musical or a fall play.”
“This year, my favorite part about [one acts] is that I’m directing and that we have the opportunity to direct,”said sophomore Bobby Gorelick, “As students who have been acting, we have a different perspective and a different vision.”
“Mrs Lloyd, our supervisor who we love very much, she has nothing to do with the shows except for during our tech week." Leuenberger said, "Before that the student directors take care of everything. Rehearsal process, scheduling, all of that. It's all the students. So we get to decide our own fate. Once we finally perform we get to feel like it's 100%, our creation and our effort that led to it.”
“[Drama] is a very high energy place,”Gorelick said,“There's a lot of passion, you can tell that everyone in the club loves what they’re doing.”
“We’re a very inclusive community and we support doing new things,” said sophomore Nir Reiter.
“Drama, is a team sport, you cannot do it by yourself,” said sophomore Helen Beyer, “There's so much more than [just] you on the stage.”