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Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) brings together and represents our lands five custodial Ngarda Ngarli; Ngarluma, Yindjibarndi, Yaburara, Mardudhunera, and Wong-Goo-Tt-Oo. Our strategy is to work closely as the traditional Ngarda Ngarli to maintain cohesion and to ensure our programs and outcomes reflect the needs of our community. MAC's mission is to preserve and protect our land, heritage and culture while transforming the lives of our community.

Welcome to our February newsletter.

With 2021 truly underway, our staff, the Circle of Elders and MAC members have been putting in significant collaborative efforts to progress a number of projects and initiatives. Together we have achieved so much since the start of the year.

Last week we officially welcomed the new Murujuga Commercial Limited (MCL) board members. They have a lot of work ahead of them, but I have absolute confidence in their abilities to guide us in the right direction and I look forward to sharing their progress and announcements in the coming months.

The Business and Employment Development Unit (BEDU) launched late last year and is already providing our members with new business and employment opportunities through the development of partnerships with local companies. Well done to everyone involved.

Key projects such as the Murujuga Tourism Program, Murujuga National Park, World Heritage List and MLSU Ranger Program are also progressing as planned and we’ll keep you updated as they reach milestones or have important announcements to make.

Ngayintharri gumawarni ngurrangga and stay safe.


Peter Jeffries

CEO, Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation

$2 million government investment for green hydrogen project on Murujuga land

The State Government is providing a $2 million grant towards Yara Pilbara’s new YURI Green Ammonia Project on the Burrup Peninsula.

The YURI Green Ammonia Project will utilise solar energy to produce renewable hydrogen, which in turn will be used to produce green ammonia for export to global markets.

A 10MW renewable hydrogen plant will be installed to feed into the existing ammonia plant, with the option of significantly expand this in the future. Yara’s Pilbara site accounts for a significant 5 per cent of the world’s ammonia production.

The project is on Murujuga land and is being closely managed by Yara Pilbara who to date have been proactive in working collaboratively with MAC to ensure engagement, knowledge sharing and potential environment, land and heritage issues are extensively assessed and monitored.

MAC staff, Yara Pilbara staff and stakeholders in the YURI Green Ammonia Project.

Murujuga Commercial Limited appoints Board of Directors

Positions were recently advertised for experts with professional skills in governance, commercial development and leadership to become Murujuga Community Expert Directors on the board of Murujuga Commercial Limited.

We are pleased to have recently announced Derek Albert, Lachlan Haughey, Jahna Cedar and Stephen Lennon have officially accepted the board member roles. Their skills set, experience and dedication to helping the MCL achieve its objectives will be a real asset to MAC.

The MCL has a key responsibility to collectively investigate, pursue and operate a range of commercial ventures that will help grow our commercial footprint and create long term financial stability for MAC.

For a full overview of the MCL and information and the newly appointed board members, please refer to the media statement on our website.

Peter Jeffries nominated for Impact 25 Award

Peter Jeffries, CEO

Our CEO Peter Jeffries has been shortlisted as an Impact 25 Award nominee - being one of the most inspiring and influential individuals making a positive impact in the social sector - this includes charities and not-for-profits, philanthropists, social enterprises, impact investors and corporate organisations.

150 nominees are shortlisted by Pro Bono Australia based on who they believe accurately represent the spirit of the awards and each individual’s work in the sector. These 150 nominees are then publicly voted on.

The 25 nominees with the most votes will be announced as the Impact 25 Award winners for 2021. In addition, three of the top 25 winners will win a judge’s choice award in one of the following categories: innovation, influence or collaboration.

Peter’s strategic vision and leadership has been integral to MAC’s progress to date and the strengthening of our voice as we work together to achieve positive economic outcomes for the Murujuga community and its future generations, whilst preserving and protecting our land, heritage and culture.

Some of these projects include the Murujuga World Heritage Listing, the Murujuga Ranger Program, the Murujuga Tourism Program and the Deep History of Sea Country discovery.

Thank you to the MAC staff, the Board of Directors, the Circle of Elders, our members, partners and the broader community who have voted for Peter for this award. Voting has now closed and winners will be announced on 25 March 2021.

Regardless of the outcome, the nomination has provided MAC with an opportunity to raise awareness and advocate our mission, vision and values with individuals, groups and organisations across Australia and beyond. Great work Peter!

To find out more about the awards or see last year’s winners, click here.

Changes to the MAC rulebook

At our recent AGM in November 2020, MAC members voted to change several items in the existing rulebook, which include:

  • Implementing staggered terms for directors
  • Allowing directors to pass circular directions, and
  • Clarifying the appointment of replacement Directors

These amendments were approved by ORIC on 9 February 2021 and can be viewed online here.

Business & Employment Development Unit

BEDU Bulletin

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the BEDU Bulletin, a new eNewsletter to support BEDU’s mission to work with industry partners and broader businesses and facilitate business and employment opportunities for MAC members. Click here to subscribe and be sure to keep an eye out for our first edition next month!

Roebourne and Karratha BEDU visits

MAC’s Business & Employment Liaison Officer Carly will be conducting regular visits to Roebourne and Karratha to offer business information and advice to MAC members.

Carly will be at Roebourne Woodside (located on Roe Street) on Friday 26 February from 9.30am to 1.00pm. Visit our Facebook page for other visit dates, times and locations or contact Carly via email if you would like to book an appointment with her.

Supplier capability assessment

Please be advised that Woodside is releasing a supplier capability assessment for onshore facilities management and property services. Suppliers are invited to express their interest via email before 10 March 2021.

Speed networking event

We recently attended a speed networking event organised by the Pilbara Indigenous Business Network Group, which encouraged indigenous businesses to network with contract providers and services.

Thanks to the clever structure of the 5-minute network pairing, we were able to speak to over 50 different attendees about potential opportunities for MAC members. Some promising leads were developed and we will share upcoming opportunities with members as they become available.

MAC Rangers success

Congratulations to our ranger teams who have shown consistent dedication to their roles and responsibilities and been in regular consultation with the Circle of Elder to ensure strong knowledge sharing.

The rangers are currently working on upskilling and mastering their roles, and undertaking a variety of training including:

  • Completing Cert III Conservation and Land Management
  • First aid training
  • ICARE roadside project through Pilbara Ports Authority, and
  • Turtle monitoring training
Craig Williams, the new Murujuga National Park Senior Ranger.

Craig Williams joins MAC as the Murujuga National Park Senior Ranger

Craig is employed by Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and the Parks and Wildlife Service, our joint management partners of Murujuga National Park.

Originally from South Australia, Craig moved to northern WA in early 2006 where he began working in the land and resource management industry. As Murujuga National Park's Senior Ranger, Craig said he is looking forward to enhancing on-ground operational capacities within the National Park program and gaining a deeper understanding of the culture and landscape within. Welcome to the team Craig!

Stepping Offshore and into Sea Country

Science journalists from Hakai Magazine based in Canada recently wrote about Murujuga’s land and sea country following our recent underwater heritage finds on the Burrup Peninsula. Click here to read the article or listen to the audio recording.

Archaeologists exploring submerged landscapes on Murujuga sea country.

Industry & Community News

Murujuga Land & Sea Unit – Casuals, Karratha

The Murujuga Land and Sea Unit (MLSU) is holding an information morning on Tuesday 30 March 2021 from 10.00am to 12.00pm at the MAC office for anyone interested in becoming a casual MLSU Ranger.

Work will only be offered as required and may not be consistent; however, being a part of the MLSU Ranger pool is a great opportunity to learn and develop skills.

The presentation will provide further details on the role, activities that rangers do and what training will be offered to successful applicants. A light lunch will be included, with an opportunity to talk to current Rangers and MAC staff.

RSVP here or call the MAC office on 9144 4112 by Friday 19 March 2021.

Karratha Business Grants

The City of Karratha has grants available for business owners interested in taking their business online, for not-for-profit organisations, for economic development and for major event sponsorship. Click here for more information.

MAC Reminders

EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES: If your business has any employment or training opportunities available, please feel free to email us and we can include this information on our MAC member newsletters.

For all the latest MAC news and updates click here.

Stay safe and look after each other

Office Address: 313 King Bay Road, Dampier, WA 6713

Postal Address: PO Box 1544, Karratha, WA 6714

Email: | Phone: +61 8 9144 4112
