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Maggie Rieckman Humanities Intern, National Willa Cather Center

The Willa Cather Foundation—formerly the Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial—is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancing the work of Pulitzer Prize-winning author Willa Cather and preserving the historical settings and archival material associated with her life and writings. Since its founding in 1955, the Foundation has been headquartered in Cather's hometown of rural Red Cloud, Nebraska.

Maggie Rieckman, originally from Clay Center, NE, is a summer humanities intern at the National Willa Cather Center. In 2018, Maggie began her undergraduate education at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln, where she studies English and Anthropology and is most notably involved with the Writing Center, the DailyER, and the Willa Cather Archive. After graduation in May 2022, Maggie hopes to become involved in global education opportunities so that she can work with international students in the future. In pursuit of this goal, Maggie will embark on a study abroad trip to Thessaloniki, Greece after completing her internship this fall to become an international student herself.

What is your favorite thing about Red Cloud?

Being from another small Nebraskan town, I appreciate how Red Cloud residents embrace the town’s rural identity while still recognizing that it can be that and more.

You’re the Humanities Intern at the National Willa Cather Center. What made you decide to apply for an internship with the Willa Cather Foundation in Red Cloud? Can you tell our readers a little about what you’re doing this summer?

I applied for the internship at the NWCC because I knew that the curriculum-based work the foundation supports would be valuable to my future goals in global education. In this position, I get to participate in these educational outcomes both in a hands-on and behind-the-scenes way. For one, I interact with patrons and contribute to their learning experience by working at the bookstore and guiding tours. On the other hand, I am creating a resource for organizers to utilize in booking Cather speakers at their events. The internship revolving around Willa Cather is a cherry on top, as I have enjoyed every minute of getting to know her better.

I appreciate how Red Cloud residents embrace the town’s rural identity while still recognizing that it can be that and more.

What are some of your favorite businesses to shop at in Red Cloud? Why?

At least three mornings a week, I head over to The Corner Nook to get an iced coffee and work on my summer class. Because I was able to continue the routine from my first few years of college, I am most thankful for this business and the welcoming environment and kind people attached to it. I also love the cheese selection at the Hometown Market.

Is there anything you wish people knew about the National Willa Cather Center?

As a student, something I wish people knew about the National Willa Cather Center is that there is something for everyone here, as we are all life-long learners. In this statement, I am speaking about the services and spaces we offer as well as the individual we are immortalizing at the Moon Block and globally. Willa Cather’s novels are works that one can read at any point in their life, whether for scholarly or recreational purposes. I have met families that read My Antonia with their kids as well as older visitors that have read Death Comes for the Archbishop at various stages of their lives. Willa Cather and the NWCC are not “one stop shops.” She and it is meant to be revisited, reconsidered, and reoccurring in conversations about what it means to be a contradictory, complex human being whose art and readership reflects that.

I applied for the internship at the NWCC because I knew that the curriculum-based work the foundation supports would be valuable to my future goals in global education. In this position, I get to participate in these educational outcomes both in a hands-on and behind-the-scenes way.
Maggie standing in the selfie spot in the American Bittersweet exhibit located inside the National Willa Cather Center

What has been the most memorable moment about your Red Cloud experience thus far?

Every day here at the NWCC has been unlike the last, as visitors bring to the center their unique narratives and perspectives. If I were to choose the most memorable moment of my Red Cloud experience thus far, it would be the day the bicyclists from Tour de Nebraska came through here. It was the hottest day of the summer yet (we are talking triple digits), and I guessed they would be too exhausted from biking for hours to visit our center. However, I underestimated the power of curiosity (and air conditioning). We had the heaviest traffic of the summer that day, and the groups I took on tours were delightfully engaging and excited about Cather and the town.

If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

I’d like to be able to teleport so I don’t have to own a car and waste time in transportation.

Do you have any hobbies or interests you’d like to share?

I love making homemade cards for people and sending those along with letters and postcards in the mail. Reading, listening to podcasts, and doing puzzles are also things I never regret devoting hours to.

Do you have any pets?

From childhood until college, I had an Australian Shepard/Border Collie mutt named Winnie. She’s dead now.

What’s the last show you binge watched? Do you have podcast you’d like to recommend?

I would say the last show I truly binged was Cheers during the shutdowns last summer. That sitcom was the only constant in my life for a long time, besides huge amount of stress, ha! As for podcasts, my favorites are Just Break Up and You’re Wrong About. I listen to the first one to be comforted, the second one to learn something new, and both to laugh my head off.

Maggie shopping at Riverwood Bakery

What would your high school teachers or guidance counselor say about you if we asked?

They would probably say that I made them laugh and that I was also their favorite and they couldn’t imagine life without me.

What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my friends. I have met so many young exceptional people from different backgrounds and disciplines in my life, all of which have bright futures ahead that I cannot wait to witness.

Do you have a mantra or mission statement you live by?

Someone once told me that the person I should be most worried to disappoint is myself since I have live with myself indefinitely. This allowed me to push back against unhealthy people-pleasing behavior and self reflect more than overthink about uncontrollable factors. I am also a fan of the simple mantra: "Take your time". I find solace in knowing that we are all on our own journeys and shouldn’t feel pressure to catch up or slow down to others.

Visiting a gigantic visage of Richard Nixon at an antique store in Iowa City, IA

What historical figure or celebrity would you most like to have dinner with? Why?

I would say Richard Nixon—not because I look up to him, but because I had to research him thoroughly for a high school project and learned way too much about him and his enigmatic existence. I feel like talking to a former/current U.S. president would be interesting and disturbing, similar to watching how hot dogs get made or something…even though I don’t eat meat.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to relocate to rural Nebraska?

Support local business, and study at the bar.

As a student, something I wish people knew about the National Willa Cather Center is that there is something for everyone here, as we are all life-long learners. In this statement, I am speaking about the services and spaces we offer as well as the individual we are immortalizing at the Moon Block and globally. Willa Cather’s novels are works that one can read at any point in their life, whether for scholarly or recreational purposes.

What is your favorite song and/or recording artist?

My favorite artist is the Norwegian pop singer Sigrid. I saw her live in KC, Missouri, and I can die happy now.

Who is your favorite writer and/or thinker?

I love everything I have read by Kurt Vonnegut. He is funny, romantic, and dark and still accurately represents the human condition in extraordinary settings. Cather is a close second :)

What is your dream vacation?

This fall, I hope to visit my Czech friend before my study abroad trip and travel around surrounding countries with her. I have been wanting to do that since I met her in high school, so you could say this is a dream vacation.

Maggie with her family

What’s your favorite place to visit in Nebraska?

Carhenge all the way! But aside from tourist attractions, I would say Lincoln because I’ve found my circles of people and places that have a nice, cozy, warm pocket, rent-free in my heart.

Who has been the biggest influence in your life? Explain why.

Living in Red Cloud has made this summer my best to date...I feel so fulfilled here. The summer is moving way too fast, and Red Cloud is a place I plan to visit often once my internship is over.

I feel like I would be a liar if I don’t say my parents. My dad taught me how to be generous with my time and talents. My mom taught me how to be creative and loving every chance I get. Together, they make one heck of a team! (And surely getting tired of me since I visit them every chance I get, living only an hour away this summer.)

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Living in Red Cloud has made this summer my best to date (aside from when I was 11 and could run around wild with no responsibilities eating ice cream all day). Though I am away from my college friends and the veggie burgers from Honest Abes, I feel so fulfilled here. The summer is moving way too fast, and Red Cloud is a place I plan to visit often once my internship is over.