Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) mIKALIA baugh

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a condition in a child that results from alcohol exposure anytime during the mother's pregnancy.

An infant who has FAS.

This neurological disorder can cause brain damage and growth issues. Every child is different and the defects of this syndrome varies from child to child. Any defects from FAS are irreversible.

The physical symptoms of this disorder are; wide set eyes, thin upper lip, short upturned nose, smooth skin between the nose and upper lip, deformities of skeletal system, slow physical growth, vision and hearing troubles, small head circumference and brain size, heart and kidney defects.

Physical symptom (thin upper lip).

The brain and central nervous system defects include; poor coordination and balance, intellectual disability, learning disorders, delayed development, poor memory, trouble with attention and processing information, difficulty with reasoning and problem solving (identifying sequences), poor judgement skills, jitterness or hyperactivity, rapidly changing moods,

Brain comparison between non Fetal Alcohol syndrome and a victim or FAS.

FAS causes social and behavioral issues including; troubles in school, getting along with others is a severe struggle, antisocial, trouble adapting to change or switching from one skill to another, problems with impulse control, poor concept of time, problems staying on task, difficulty planning or working towards a goal.

Having FAS usually results in behavioral issues.

How a person gets this disorder: When a female is pregnant and intakes alcohol; The alcohol enters the females bloodstream and reaches the developing fetus by going through the placenta; Alcohol causes higher higher blood alcohol concentrations in developing baby rather than in the mother's body because a fetus metabolizes alcohol slower than an adult does; Alcohol interferes with the delivery of oxygen and optimal nutrition to the baby;s developing tissues and organs, including the brain.

Symptoms of FAS.

Treatment: There is no cure for FAS but to help minimize the symptoms you can have a special educational teacher, speech therapist, and psychologist. You can also have medications to cope with symptoms.

The process of how FAS comes about in a fetus.

Everyday life with someone who has FAS is very challenging. Some may be able to live semi-independently if properly caring for themselves. Every day there is a struggle with working, managing money, and maintaining a home. Those with FAS have a supportive community in the workplace along with at home.

FAS awareness month.
FAS awareness ribbon.

The sources I used for my project: Mayo Clinic, Webmd, and Nofas.


Created with images by mwcarruthers - "Sir Cloudesley 3"


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