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International Day of the Girl 2020 On 11 October 2020, we mark International Day of the Girl. Ahead of this, on October 1, we launch the Global Girlhood Report 2020: How COVID-19 is putting progress in peril.


The launch of our girlhood report marks the beginning of a launch period that runs from 1 October (to coincide with a high-level meeting at UNGA) through International Day of the Girl (Sunday, 11 October 2020) and beyond to allow offices launching the report to do this when it best suits them, including as part of their International Day of the Girl (IDG) activities. This toolkit includes:

1. Report content: Links to the report, summaries, translations and material to support launch activities including videos and a press-release.

2. Additional content for International Day of the Girl: This includes country-generated content and content from the Pippi of Today Campaign on girls on the move – if there is anything you would like to share so that it can be promoted by other offices please contact Gabrielle Szabo (

3. Additional resources: Other resources of girls and COVID-19 that might be useful.

You can use any of these resources from 1st October 2020 in your communications and advocacy work. As IDG falls on a weekend, many offices are celebrating on different days during October.


This report was developed to chart progress for girls’ health, nutrition, education, and to end child labour, child marriage, adolescent pregnancy and violence against girls since the signing of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. The global crisis caused by the pandemic now threatens the progress we have seen over the past 25 years – the impact of COVID-19 on girls’ futures depends on how the world acts now. A few key things to know about the report:

1. It includes new projections of expected increases in child marriage and adolescent pregnancy (these are broken down by region)

2. It’s our first flagship report written to speak to both policy-makers and adolescent girls and other adolescents working for gender equality

3. It was written with a girls’ advisory group who have contributed to each chapter


#GenerationEquality / #ProtectAGeneration / #SaveOurEducation

Girlhood report key messages

COVID-19 is exacerbating existing gender inequalities for adolescent girls. Before the pandemic real progress was being made to improve girls’ health and access to education. 78.6 million child marriages (6 marriages every minute) have been averted over the past 25 years. Now, 1.6 billion children are out of school and Save the Children estimates that close to 10 million – mostly girls – may never return. With access to sexual and reproductive health and rights interrupted, reports of gender-based violence increasing and the economic equivalent of the Great Depression expected, Save the Children is predicting a dramatic surge in child marriage and adolescent pregnancies putting girls’ rights, futures and lives at risk.

Before the pandemic, around 12 million girls married each year. Girls are already reporting increased fear of child marriage due to school closures and Save the Children now estimates that the economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in 2020 alone could put an additional 500,000 girls at risk of child marriage this year. An additional 2.5 million girls will be at risk of child marriage over the next five years – halting and reversing 25 years of progress.

Even before COVID-19 efforts to reduce adolescent pregnancy had flatlined and pregnancy and birth related complications were the biggest killer of girls aged 15-19 years. Now, Save the Children estimates that the COVID-19 crisis will put more than 1 million additional girls at risk of adolescent pregnancy due to economic impacts in 2020 alone.

Governments must act to #ProtectAGeneration of girls from the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis by listening to and being accountable to girls, investing in their rights and committing to address the rising risk of gender-based violence now and as we work together to build back safer.


Every year International Day of the Girl is celebrated on 11 October, to help raise girls’ voices, bring attention to girls’ achievements and the need for further progress to ensure girls can fully realise their rights and potential. This year the theme is “My voice, our equal future” – a broad theme that recognises the importance of girls’ participation in decision-making and global processes to accelerate progress for gender equality taking place this year and into 2021 in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action being agreed. These processes are referred to as “Generation Equality”.


#DayoftheGirl / #GenerationEquality / #ProtectAGeneration / #SaveOurEducation

International Day of the girl KEY MESSAGES

This year, International Day of the Girl celebrates the achievements of girls and recognise the progress still needed to realise gender equality. It calls on the world to listen to and amplify girls’ voices under the theme “My Voice, my equal future” as we work together to accelerate progress for girls’ rights and to deliver on the promise of gender equality within their lifetimes.

25 years ago, world leaders recognised that ‘the skills, ideas and energy of the girl child are vital for the full attainment of the goals of gender equality, development and peace’ in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Now, COVID-19 is putting hard-won gains at risk. As governments and allies for gender equality work together to limit the impacts of COVID-19 and accelerate progress through the #GenerationEquality process they must put adolescent girls at the centre, ensure girls’ full right to participate and be accountable to girls’ demands.

Suggested Tweets for girlhood report

COVID-19 is exacerbating existing gender inequalities for adolescent girls. Our new report estimates that COVID-19 could put an additional 500,000 girls at risk of child marriage this year alone. Governments must act to #ProtectAGeneration of girls. Read: [SOCIAL VIDEO]

Our new girlhood report estimates that the economic impacts of COVID-19 will put over one million additional girls at risk of adolescent pregnancy in 2020 alone. Governments must act to #ProtectAGeneration of girls. Read: #GenerationEquality


On #DayoftheGirl we call on governments to #ProtectAGeneration of girls from the impacts of the COVID-19 by listening to and being accountable to girls, investing in their rights and committing to address the rising risk of gender-based violence. Read: [SHARECARD]

Hear from six inspiring #girls who are challenging child marriage and calling for it to end. We can't risk #coronavirus dialling back decades of progress now. We call on governments to #ProtectAGeneration of girls. [SOCIAL VIDEO]

We can't risk COVID-19 dialling back decades of progress for girls. Maya*, Rima* and Lubna* are just three of the inspiring female leaders of tomorrow. They are standing up for girls’ rights. Hear what they have to say: #ProtectAGeneration #DayoftheGirl

See "the dreams between my eyes" social media copy below

The dreams between my eyes

social media - Twitter

On #IDG2020 we are asking you to share your dream for girls’ future. #DreamsBetweenMyEyes is a project by @savechildrenmee and @TheOrendaTribe to support girls to speak up through art about their dreams for the future. What’s yours? [IMAGE OPTION 1] and/or [IMAGE OPTION 2]

"I am my own idol." Empowered girls empower girls – here are some of the female idols girls and boys had when we asked them about their dreams for the future. Who is your idol? #DreamsBetweenMyEyes #IDG2020 @savechildrenmee [IMAGE]

‘My idol is Billie Eilish who insisted on pursuing her dream.’ @BillieEilish you are an idol for many girls around the world – what’s your dream for girls in 2020? @savechildrenmee [IMAGE]

Art is a universal language that everyone speaks, regardless of their background. We asked children about their dreams for the future for girls and they came up with these recommendations for the future. #DreamsBetweenMyEyes What’s the dream between your eyes? @savechildrenmee [IMAGE OPTION 1] and/or [IMAGE OPTION 2]

"My superpower would be to protect girls from early marriage." (girl from #Jordan). What would your superpower be to empower girls? #DreamsBetweenMyEyes #IDG2020 @TheOrendaTribe @savechildrenJOR @savechildrenmee [IMAGE]

social media - facebook

Today we are launching #DreamsBetweenMyEyes. @Savechildrenmee and @TheOrendaTribe worked with girls in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon and asked them what their dreams for the future are for girls. As children and particularly girls stay home during COVID-19, their voices are even harder to be heard than before. We know that when girls’ voices are not included in decision-making across all levels, they can be left behind. This campaign looks to support girls to speak up and defend their rights under Covid-19 lockdowns, to raise awareness amongst girls and with the wider public on their rights, their dreams for the future, and the challenges they face; and to contribute to commitments for girls by targeting decision-makers at key campaign moments in 2020. On International Day of the Girl 2020 we are asking you to share your voice for girls – what’s the dream between your eyes? #DreamsBetweenMyEyes @savechildrenmee [IMAGE OPTION 1] and/or [IMAGE OPTION 2]

We talked about the importance of girls’ empowerment and how girls, boys, and other members of the community can empower girls to reach their hopes and dreams of a better future. Here are some of their idols. "I am my own idol, I am proud of myself." Who are your idols? #DreamsBetweenMyEyes @Savechildrenmee #IDG2020 [IMAGE]

Art is a universal language that everyone speaks, regardless of their background. We asked children about their dreams for the future for girls in the MENA region for #IDG2020 and they came up with recommendations for the future. What do you recommend? Children are calling for: an end to child marriage, an end to violence against women, to raise awareness of the negative impacts of FGM, to raise awareness amongst men about the rights of girls, to provide equal education opportunities to girls and to always provide protection for girls. You can see more recommendations at What’s the dream between your eyes for girls? #DreamsBetweenMyEyes #IDG2020 @savechildrenmee @TheOrendaTribe [IMAGE OPTION 1] and/or [IMAGE OPTION 2]

Facts and Figures from THe UN

Worldwide, nearly 1 in 4 girls aged 15–19 years is neither employed nor in education or training compared to 1 in 10 boys of the same age.

By 2021 around 435 million women and girls will be living on less than $1.90 a day — including 47 million pushed into poverty as a result of COVID-19.

1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence. Emerging data shows that since the outbreak of COVID-19, violence against women and girls (VAWG), and particularly domestic violence, has intensified.

At least 60% of countries still discriminate against daughters’ rights to inherit land and non-land assets in either law or practice.

Protect A Generation sharecards

Day of the Girl sharecards

Saada*, Ethiopia
Maya*, Jordan

Girl champion content
