Important Dates at a Glance
- Eagle Board of Review.....................................January 22
- District Appreciation Dinner ..........................January 25
- University of Scouting......................................January 26
- Committee Meeting.........................................January 28
- Online ReCharter Deadline.............................January 31
- Camp Card Sales start.....................................February 1
- CCOCM.........................................................February 2
- Roundtable......................................................February 4
- OA Chapter Dinner........................................February 7
- Klondike Derby................................................February 9
- Commissioner/Committee Meeting...............February 11
- Wilderness Remote First Aid.........................February 15-17
- STEM University SIUC.................................February 16
- Eagle Board of Review....................................February 19
- Venturing Scavenger Hunt..............................February 23
- College of Commissioner Science..................March 2
- Roundtable......................................................March 4
- Radical Robotics.............................................March 9
- Commissioner Meeting...................................March 11
- Boy Scout NOVA day......................................March 16
- Committee meeting.........................................March 18
- Eagle Board of Review.....................................March 19
- District Pinewood Derby.................................March 23
District News:
Next Roundtable - Monday February 4th. Breakout Topic: Fishing Adventures. Presented by Eunice Bain and Steve Bain, Pack 125. What do they know about fishing? They are not only Scouters, but they own "Paul's Bait & Tackle". Be sure to attend. Always held at St. John the Baptist on Delor at 7pm.
Camp Card Sales
Camp cards help scouts earn money for summer camp, program equipment, registration, or any other scouting program.
Camp cards sell for $10, no out-of-pocket cost to the scout. 50% of the commission goes to the scouts and their unit.
Sign up for the sale at
Sales run from February 1 - April 5th.
Pack 108 Box Car Derby
If you have never held a box car derby, here is how it is done.
All the Scouts were told to design and make a "car" from a box. They were to paint and decorate their cars as they saw fit. The race was in the parking lot of the school and the course was marked with traffic cones.
Scouts had to wear the cars they made because the Scouts were the cars "engines". Wearing their own car, groups of four Scouts had to run around the course two times then stop for fuel (a cup of water).
Scouts then had to continue for two more laps when they had to make a "pit stop" and have their pit crew (their parent) make necessary repairs (untie, then retie the Scouts shoes). Race continued for two more laps until the fastest of the group was determined. The fastest of the "groups of four" then ran a race to determine the fastest in the Pack.
ALL cars showed great design imagination. One of the cars was a "tank", one had wings, a few had lights that really worked, one had a "spoiler" just like some real race cars.
Two people from other units were designated "judges" to avoid partiality. There were trophies for speed (1st , 2nd, 3rd), best design, best paint, biggest car, smallest car, and more.
Judges had a VERY difficult time making a decision because ALL the cars showed the Scouts put in a LOT of effort.
Activities and Camping
Lead Needed for Spring Camporee
A Unit needs to take the lead on the Spring Camporee at Shippey. The date is set for April 26-28. If no one takes lead, there won't be a camporee! Contact Matt Meyer if you are willing to take this on at 314-295-4777 or
Klondike Derby-
To be held February 9th at Beaumont - Laemmli camp area. Each group will need a backpack grill. Matt Meyer offered to help - contact him at 314-295-4777 or
Cub Scout Overnight Camp Registration is OPEN for 2019
Summer camp is fun with a purpose, and Scouts will find adventure in the outdoors while learning and advancing through the Cub Scout program. Click here for more information and to register
Wanted: Summer Evening Camp Director
If you are interested in taking on the summer evening camp program, please contact Matt Meyer: 314-295-4777 or or William Humphrey:
Ozark Adventure Trek
Back by popular demand, GSLAC will offer a 9-day Ozark Adventure Trek in 2019. Explore S bar F Scout Ranch and the nearby Ozark Trail over the course of this backpacking adventure. The Ozark Adventure includes support services such as logistics, crew gear, food, staffed program, and more. This program requires similar preparation to a Philmont trek, so please plan and train accordingly. Click here for more information.
Pinewood Derby Time!
Please send information and pictures from your local Pinewood Derby events. The District Pinewood Derby is scheduled for March 23rd at St. Gabriel's. For more information, go to the District Website and download the flyer:
Advancement and Recognition
02/08/2019: Deadline for renewal
Once the renewal form has been processed counselors will be mailed their 2019 merit badge membership card (Registration will mail out cards). Merit Badge counselors must be current with their youth protection. If counselors do not receive a letter or need any follow up contact:
Upcoming Badge Workshops:
Merit Badge Skill Centers
| American Labor - Feb. 9 | Scuba Diving - Feb. 19| Horsemanship March 7 -23 (4 sessions total) | Reptiles and Amphibians Feb. 23 and April 27
The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to\scouts
Radical Robotics - Saturday, March 9th
Bring all Scouts -- boys and girls, siblings and friends -- to a morning of fast-paced, engaging technology and engineering. Scouts will learn basic robotics by building and testing their own robot that they get to take home!
Scouts will get to build the Captain ROAM-E-O robot!
Check it out here:
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (sign-ins 8:30 am - 9:00 am)
Where: Webster University, East Academic Building (545 Garden Ave). Parking is in the garage across the street (568 Garden Ave)
Supervision: At least 1 adult who knows your Scouts should attend, but they do not need to register. Please bring camp chairs. We will be limited on chairs at this event and appreciate the adults bringing their own.
For registration information go to
OA Report
OA Thunderbird Chapter Dinner
- Thursday, 2/7/2019 at 7:00pm, doors open at 6:30pm and held at St. Gabriel the Archangel School Cafeteria
- Theme: Game Night (Family Friendly Games, such as "Apples to Apples")
- Contest: Dessert Cook-Off Each unit to submit a dessert. Best dessert wins.
- To register for the banquet and get information about the dessert contest go to the website below:
OA American Indian Seminar
Focusing on key aspects of American Indian culture such as dance, singing and crafting, this program offers a wide variety of training and programs. This event is open to all registered BSA members and includes a Cub Scout program.
This will be held at Beaumont Scout Reservation March 22-24, 2019. For more information, go to the link:
- Scavenger Hunt 2/23/2019, Saturday.
- Venture Crews will be on a scavenger hunt riding Metro and going around the city hunting for listed items.
- Cost INCLUDES a metro pass for the day: $16 early bird price $20 the day of the event.
- Go to website to download the flyer:
STEM University at SIUC February 16th
Boy Scout College:
Cub Scout College:
For more information on STEM, go to the GSLAC website:
Boy Scout NOVA day - Saturday, March 16th
Earn the brand new Splash! NOVA!!!
Join the experts at the Saint Louis Science Center to earn the Splash! NOVA Award! Scouts will spend the day working, creating, and problem solving as they earn the NOVA Award. NOVA cards will be distributed. Attending the event does not guarantee that the Scouts will earn the awards.
SPACE IS LIMITED TO 60 SCOUTS - REGISTRATION CLOSES ON March 10th. Unfortunately we cannot accept late registrations or day of event walk-ins. Get your information here:
University of Scouting
Class is back in session Jan. 26 at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. University of Scouting is a supplemental training opportunity for every adult involved in Scouting. Many required BSA trainings are offered, as well as a wide variety of courses that can enhance your ability to deliver an outstanding program. Click here to view the class catalog or register.
2019 Wilderness Remote First Aid Spring
Beaumont Scout Reservation February 15-17 and April 5-7
The American Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid 16-hour course is consistent with guidelines established for and by the Boy Scouts of America and is adaptable to meet needs for such training for youth-serving organizations and adult participants in outdoor recreational activities as well as employees working in various wilderness and remote settings where EMS response to the site of an incident is more than 60 minutes. These courses are designed to meet the needs of those who go into areas that are beyond the reach of urban EMS. It is required for those units going to Philmont, Sea Base or Northern Tier and is recommended for back country camping, hiking, canoeing, or other high adventure. The certification is good for two years. You must be certified in CPR and AED before taking the course, if you need this certification please sign up for the CPR class on Friday night.
Please bring equipment and first aid supplies that you would need to bring on a trek. Also needed is overnight gear to sleep in the dining hall. Tent camping available, please see the camp ranger for the assigned camp site.
- CPR-Friday 6:30pm-10:30pm
- WRFA- Saturday 8:00am-9:00pm and Sunday 7:00am-noon
- Click here to register:
College of Commissioner Science - March 2nd
Want to learn how to be a better commissioner? There is training for YOU!! The college of Commissioner Science will be offered on Saturday, March 2nd from 8:30am - 4:30pm in Edwardsville, IL. Go to the training website to download the flyer: