Chora, Memory and MEmorials April O'Brien - Clemson University - @aprilobrien412

Expressive Space
Fort Hill

Chora: The Intersection of Space/Place and Electracy

"Chora is only approachable through bastard discourses, or as if in a dream; like a black hole, we perceive it only through its effects" (Rickert 269).

Chora resists codification

A wandering, traversing, journeying chora

The chora is linked to the preverbal stage and is "neither intelligible nor visible; it cannot be contemplated by the eyes of the soul, nor observed by the eyes of the body" (Cavarero 134).
While chorography as a term is close to choreography, it duplicates a term that already exists in the discipline of geography, thus establishing a valuable resonance for a rhetoric of invention concerned with the history of "place" in relation to memory (Ulmer 39).
Chora is "a field across which ceaselessly changing non-substantial images may flicker" (Mohr 94).

Choragraphy extends traditional cartography to include that which is difficult to express or visualize.

Memory, Memorials, and MEmorials

The American South as a geographical region and a textual construction
The "Clemson Family"

"Memory is activated by present concerns, issues, or anxieties" (Dickinson et al 6).


"The MEmorial . . . Allows students and citizens to use the Internet as a civic space" (Ulmer xvii).

"The MEmorial is a form of humanities visualization of data sets, giving insight into large-scale complex processes and events within an arts and letters frame of reference" (44).

"The first step in the design of a MEmorial is to notice an abject loss that the community acknowledges is a problem but that is not accepted as a sacrifice on behalf of a belief or value structuring a group subject" (134).

April O'Brien - - @aprilobrien412

Works Cited

Bhabha, Homi. The Location of Culture. Routledge, 1994.

Derrida, Jacques. “Chora.” Poikilia: Etudes Offertes à Jean-Pierre Vernant. EHESS, 1987.

Dickinson, Greg et al., editors. Places of Public Memory. The University of Alabama Press, 2010.

---. “Spaces of Remembering and Forgetting: The Reverent Eye/I at the Plains Indian Museum.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, 2006, pp. 27-47.

Heidegger, Martin. “Building Dwelling Thinking.” Accessed 27 Feb. 2017.

Kristeva, Julia. Revolution in Poetic Language. Columbia University Press, 1984.

Mohr, Richard. The Platonic Cosmology. Brill, 1985.

Morey, Sean. “Deepwater Horizon Roadkill Tollbooth (A MEmorial).” Kairos, vol. 21, no. 2, 2017, Accessed 20 Jan. 2017.

Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.” Accessed 28 Feb. 2017.

Rickert, Thomas. “Toward the Chōra: Kristeva, Derrida, and Ulmer on Emplaced Invention.” Philosophy and Rhetoric, vol. 40, no. 3, 2007, pp 251-273. Accessed on 25 Feb 2017.

Ulmer, Gregory. Electronic Monuments. University of Minnesota Press, 2005.

---. Heuretics. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.

Vitanza, Victor. Negation, Subjectivity, and the History of Rhetoric. State University of New, 1996.

Created By
April OBrien


Created with images by fda54 - "staircase snail lighthouse" • JamesDeMers - "bridge japanese garden arch" • makamuki0 - "sieve old wood" • markusspiske - "globe africa europe" • - "jc4465.JPG" • Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL - "Southern provinces of the United States" • Sweet Carolina Photography - "Clemson Football"

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