The Las Vegas community came together to build a new community healing garden in response to the Oct. 1 tragedy, when a lone gunman massacred 58* individuals and injured 489* more who were attending a music festival. Stonerose Landscapes principals Jay Pleggenkuhle and Daniel Perez designed a memorial garden constructed on city of Las Vegas property at 1015 S. Casino Center Blvd. The garden features a wall of remembrance, a grove of trees, shrubs, flowers, walkways of pavers and benches – all to create something beautiful out of something horrific.
“This is a community garden created by the community, for the community, to heal the community, Pleggenkuhle said. “The amazing thing about this project is that everything is donated.”
This garden park was completed in four days and officially opened Oct. 6. Numerous local companies, organizations and individuals contributed to the construction effort.
The City Is Accepting Cards
The city of Las Vegas is accepting cards on behalf of the community to give those who want to help a way to share their feelings. To participate, mail or drop off cards at:
#Hearts4Vegas c/o Las Vegas City Hall
495 S. Main St., Las Vegas, NV 89101
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See the story of the Healing Garden
photos by s.savanapridi