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Tuesday Law DSLR Photography/Portfolio/JGHS

Move Up Close/Fill the Frame

The reason this photo was chosen for my portfolio was because I felt this photo carried a lot of emotion. When most people look at a photo like this they have thoughts of love and may express emotion through compliments. For example, explaining the dog as cute or happy. One compositional element included in this photo is filling the frame or moving up close. This photo was taken for a framing assignment. Although the image does not fit this element, I saw an opportunity for an amazing photo a shot it. I enjoy taking photos of my dog the most because she always seems to have some sort of smile on her face and many people that view this photo may be able to connect to that.

Repetition of Shapes

This photo was chosen for the portfolio simply because there is so much action in the shot, viewers must look at it longer to truly grasp what is occurring. If you look closely, you can see a small fish that is trapped in one of these tide-pools. Viewers can also see the raindrops as they fall onto the small pool. This creates the compositional element of repetition of shapes. This photo was taken in Hawaii during a light rain on the beach. I have always loved photography and when I noticed the wish trapped in the tie-pool I figured I would shoot some images in hope of creating a good photo. Originally, I was taking photos of the horizon and ocean, but headed down the beach a ways to find these specific tide-pools.


The reason this photo was chosen for this assignment was due to the fact of how well it represents the compositional element framing. The small house in the center of the photo is the subject while the tree wraps around it. This photo was taken in Hawaii during a light rain near the beach. I hope the viewer focuses mainly on the bright house and the large tree above it. I captured this image while walking along the street and noticed this compositional element of framing. I shot this because in class, Mr. McCarthy showed us an image very similar to this which represented framing. I took the time to be sure that the subject was centered and the tree completely came across the image.


I chose to include this image for the assignment because this image carries a lot of emotion. I hope the viewers of this photo notice the love that is put into it. There was a bit of contrast expressed in this with the white background. Shot this photo for a framing assignment even this semester. This photo does not represent framing but I shot the image anyway because it represents beauty. I was motivated to take this photo because I saw my mom speaking to y dog and giving her treats, and there is nothing that my dog loves more than treats.


This image was chosen for my portfolio because it is one of the best images I have taken this year that represents diagonals. My personal attachment to this image is that it was taken at Dodge Ridge Ski Resort. I have grown up skiing at this resort since I was 3 years old and was on the race team there from 2010-2017. In this image, the viewer can see the compositional element of diagonals extremely well and may be able to relate to it through the temperature. I captured this shot over Thanksgiving break before the resort opened for the season as I watched my dog run up and down the slopes. I noticed that this certain area creates many elements of diagonals and I figured it would be a perfect shot to fit this. The sun in the background almost contradicts the temperature and snow that the viewer can see, creating a sense of warmth.

Diagonals/Leading Lines

I chose this image because it represents diagonals through the snowy staircase. It also represents leading lines which lead to the tree in the center of the photo, which is the subject. Again, the viewer can understand how cold it was when the photo was taken. I also took this photo over Thanksgiving break in the evening as it was snowing at my cabin. I snapped this image when noticed that the staircase would create the perfect diagonal at the right angle. The out-of-focus part of the wood plank forces the viewer to look elsewhere.

Move Up Close/Fill The Frame

This photo was chosen due to the fact that again, there is emotion that is carried throughout the image. My personal attachment to this image is that it was taken of my father at my cabin, one of our favorite places on the planet. This happened to be the first snowfall of the year and I snapped this photo as he was out front shoveling out the driveway. The snowfall on top of his hat and his red ears and nose creates a sense of attachment for the viewer, almost as if you could picture being there and being able to feel the temperature. I labeled this image as filling the frame due to the fact that it is a headshot. I dedicated a certain amount of time to take some photos and this was one of the best ones that came out of that. What motivated me to take this photo was all the small details that were included in the scene, such as the snowfall, his hat, the snow-covered trees, and his red nose and ears.

Move Up Close/Fill the Frame

This photo was chosen because it represents filling the frame. My personal attachment to this image is that the viewer can almost feel the image. You can image how hot the burnt wood is in this dying fire. The frame is completely filled with color and is of one subject. I captured this image over Thanksgiving break as well, at my cabin. I noticed the fire dying out and thought it would create a beautiful light for a photo. I snapped photos until I was satisfied with a focused image that represented heat.

Contrast & Move Up Close

This image was chosen for the portfolio because I saw beauty in the snow falling on Suvi's head. This photo may also create some emotion for viewers due to how happy she looks in the snow. My family and I have a very close connection with the mountains and have raised my dog up there for a lot of her life. Since she was a puppy, she's always loved running around in the snow and it is obvious that this makes her extremely happy. I shot this photo at my cabin in cold springs over Thanksgiving break. One of my main subjects for these images was my dog due to the fact that she simply makes an excellent model. I saw contrast and the element of filling the frame in this photo. The snowfall adds complexity to this image. The biggest challenge wth using her as one pf my main subjects is getting her to stay and pose as I wish.


This photo was chosen for the assignment because of how well the mountain represents symmetry. My personal attachment to this image is that it was taken in the mountains which I love. This image would have been perfect in my eyes if the tree to the right was not in the frame. The viewer cn see the sun almost peaking up behind the mountain and the wind blowing the snow off of it. The peak of the mountain is directly in the center and that creates satisfaction and great symmetry.
