Scientific Name: Arctostaphylos x coloradoensis
Common Name: Manzanita (Panchito Manzanita)
Family: Ericaceae (Related to Heather)
Habit: Broadleaf, evergreen shrub
Growth Form: Slow growing groundcover.
Mature Size: Height: 10-24" Width: 36-60"
Flowers: Pink flowers. Small Red Berries on mature plants. Tiny, waxy, urn-shaped.
Hardiness: Zone 4b-8
Sun Requirements: Dry Shady
Water Requirements: Moderate for first 2 years, Xeric once established. (i.e. Requires little supplemental water).
Soil Requirements: Average well-drained loam or sandy soil.
Other Info: Natural hybrid of Kinnikinnic (Arctostaphylos uva ursi) and Greenleaf Manzanita (Arctostaphylos patula). Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.