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family & community always!

our faith thrives!

as we share our tikvah!

Mark Daniels



* Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf, and Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant

* EDITORIAL NOTE - You can click on any picture or article to enlarge it.

june's theme: HOPE...TIKVAH

We are living through & experiencing one, if not the most difficult challenge of our lives with this pandemic. Yet we turn the page of our calendar’s every morning as the sun rises & go through the day ahead of us with a myriad of emotions. However, we continue to gather together with our Spiritual Leaders & one another to embrace our faith and hold on to hope.

Rabbi Randy Sheinberg

Hope is Rooted in Our Faith

  • We have been at this for some time now. The days of spring are trickling away, and the rise in temperature signals that summer is just around the corner. Still we find ourselves largely homebound, isolated, away from our normal routines and from much of the human contact we crave. In the beginning it was easy to characterize the battle against this pandemic as a short sprint; all we needed was to muster up some grit and push through to the end. But now we know that it is a marathon, with no clear finish line in sight. Some days it feels hard to find the energy to soldier on. Some days I dread dialing in to yet another Zoom call or obsessively washing my hands every time I walk outside.
  • How do we keep on keeping on? How do we sustain our hope?
  • I was walking my dog one early morning. The day was blustery, the skies threatening, and I was feeling more than a little gloomy and grumpy as Lola yanked her leash, begging me to allow her to chase the sanitation trucks that fill my neighborhood on garbage days. I rounded a corner and noticed one truck about to pull away from the curb, having picked up the large bags of trash that had been left there. Suddenly a woman ran out of her house, shouting and gesturing frantically. She pointed to a small pile of stuff left at the curb - from a distance it looked like a bit of cardboard and a couple of paper cups. In my grouchy mood I thought, “Look at how self-centered she is! The sanitation workers have to be out every day in this pandemic, and she has the nerve to criticize them for neglecting to pick up a tiny bit of trash!” The woman stood firm on her lawn until one of the men got off the truck and walked to where she was pointing. He saw the cups on the ground, picked them up, waved to the woman, and brought them in to the cab of the truck. It was then that I realized that what he picked up was not trash at all - it was cups of fresh-brewed coffee that the woman had prepared for the workers, a small but beautiful gesture of gratitude.
  • One small gesture of kindness. It may not seem like much, but it meant a lot to me that morning. It reminded me that people can be good, caring, and generous. That they can empathize with others and make sacrifices for the sake of others. Hope is rooted in faith, not just in a holy God on high, but also in humanity’s ability to bring that holiness to life on earth. If one person can serve coffee to essential workers on a rainy morning, then maybe I can believe that all of us can get better at opening our hearts to one another, and that by “joining hands and marching together” (as our prayer book puts it) we can help one another through this rough time and make it across the finish line.
  • The contemporary poet Ada Limon teaches us about resilience in her poem “Instructions on Not Giving Up”. As spring turns to summer and the green leaves fill out the trees, let us all continue to look to the ordinary the little things - a cup of coffee, a sprouting leaf and allow them to bring us back to hope.
“INSTRUCTIONS ON NOT GIVING UP” by Ada Limon...More than the fuchsia funnels breaking out • of the crabapple tree, more than the neighbor’s • almost obscene display of cherry limbs shoving • their cotton candy-colored blossoms to the slate • sky of Spring rains, it’s the greening of the trees • that really gets to me. When all the shock of white • and taffy, the world’s baubles and trinkets, leave • the pavement strewn with the confetti of aftermath, • the leaves come. Patient, plodding, a green skin • growing over whatever winter did to us, a return • to the strange idea of continuous living despite • the mess of us, the hurt, the empty. Fine then, • I’ll take it, the tree seems to say, a new slick leaf • unfurling like a fist to an open palm, I’ll take it all.

save the date!

june 6th 2020 at 7:00pm

Cantor Guy Bonné

where words fail, music speaks

Some Thoughts About Hope

  • It is fascinating to look for the origin of words. To try to understand the connection between the way a word sounds when it is spoken, the shapes scribbled on paper, and its meaning. It is easier when a word sounds like the object to which it is indicating. Try to quickly repeat the word “bottle” (and also “Bakbook”, in Hebrew) and it sounds like the wine poured from it. Yet what if there is no audible connection?
  • A thorough investigation should lead us to other languages of the same geographical region. The Hebrew word “Tikvah” - hope, originated from Akkadian. Akkadian is an extinct language that was spoken in Mesopotamia from the third millennium BC until the 8th century BC. Like Hebrew it is a Semitic language. What does “hope” indicate in Akkadian? To wait…
  • I think the relevant connection between “hope” and “waiting” is clear. I would just add that it has to be an active waiting, otherwise it is not hope. However, is not any kind of waiting, an active one? Isn’t standing almost two hours online at Costco the other day active enough? I was either standing straight or leaning on my cart listening to “The Marriage of Figaro” on my CD player, fixing my mask too often to try to prevent my glasses from fogging, as well as my earphones from slipping off. Hope in this instance, though corny was finally to arrive at the entrance door, get inside where they had air conditioning, and then enjoy the intoxicating scented bakery goods. So, it seems that a better definition of hope is waiting while yearning. Sometimes it is accompanied by doing, but that is not its essence.
  • Take the Countess Rosina in the Marriage of Figaro, for example. She appears for the first time only at the very beginning of the second act. What a magnificent figure. All alone on the stage, noble, and majestic. A long heartbreaking instrumental introduction sets the mood. The clarinets with breathless, tender longing. She wants her husband, Count Almaviva to love her once again, like he did once before. And then she sings:
  • Whichever witty and brilliant tricks she uses trying to win the Count’s heart back, it is in these four lines that I find the most genuine, sincere embodiment of hope. Not only because of the beautiful lyrics, but because of Mozart’s genius music. If I try to describe this divine, pure beauty in words, I guess I would say it is the perfect combination of affliction and consolation.

Affliction and consolation… Isn’t hope made from this exact blend?



Temple Co-Presidents

andrea comerchero & lisa lupo

Tikvah Binds Us

  • According to the Torah, Tikvah means hope. The Hebrew dictionary, however takes a more literal interpretation, defining Tikvah, as “a cord, a rope, a line, meaning to bind.” Eight weeks into this world-wide pandemic and we continue to strengthen the cord, the rope we call Tikvah – our community.
  • We are proud of how we as a community remain strong and cohesive. While not ideal, we have met the challenge of using technology to remain open and vibrant. We recently celebrated our last day of Religious School with a Special Zoom Tribute. Our main programs continue to run – Book Clubs, Torah Study, Meditation, Lunch and Learn Courses, Adult Hebrew Class, Junior Congregation, and Havdalah. We have even added some new ones, like On the Marc Sports Talk, and we continue to look for new ways to keep everyone engaged with their Temple Community. We welcome your ideas for programming as well, so please do not be shy about reaching out to us with your suggestions.
  • While we miss greeting each other in the Sanctuary on Shabbat, our Virtual Onegs give those who want to, a chance to schmooze a bit after Friday Night Services. Service attendance has generally been higher since we went all virtual, showing how important it is to everyone to maintain connections.
  • Our cord, our rope, our line continues to bind us. Regardless of how we connect, Temple will always be a source of healing and a place of comfort.
  • In a change from previous summers, we plan to keep many of our programs running throughout the summer and even add a few new and exciting virtual events. Of course, Friday Night Services, Torah Study, and Meditation will continue as usual.
  • Our hope is that Our Family - Our Kehilah, stays safe and healthy, and that we can soon be together in-person again…but until then let’s keep our rope strong and stay connected.

Stay safe and healthy and enjoy the summer.

religious school

Education Director - Sharon Fricano

Despite It ALL…We Feel & Acknowledge Our Bounty

This has been a Transformative Year for Temple Tikvah’s Religious School:

  • We replaced midweek classes with individual and small group Hebrew Tutoring and expanded our Sunday Program to increase classroom engagement.
  • We encouraged greater use of Shalom Learning to expand Hebrew Learning at home and held Hebrew Enrichment Classes for accelerated students.
  • We implemented a new curriculum which was well received. “The Chai Program” focuses on Torah - the stories; Avodah - how we live and act; and Gmilut Chasadim - how we show acts of loving-kindness.
  • We added Monthly Junior Congregation Services to our activity schedule, which have been very well received.
  • We hosted two successful Family Programs jointly with Temple Judea for Hanukah and Purim. While we had to cancel our third family program - Lego Jerusalem, we are looking forward to hosting that program in the future.
  • While unplanned, we quickly adapted to distance learning. We now better understand how we can incorporate elements that work well virtually; such as incorporating individual tutoring into our regular programming, which increases our flexibility to adjust to often chaotic family schedules.

It Took a Village to Make it All Happen:

  • A special thank you to the Rabbi and the Cantor for taking on additional school responsibilities; Tutoring and Hebrew Enrichment, that hugely contributed to the program’s success.
  • Thank you to my teachers: Melissa Schreiber, Suzanne Katz, Sarah Levy, Barbara Schreiber, Lidor Sagy, and Tikva Mussafi for not only working hard all year, but stepping up to meet the challenges of virtual learning.
  • Thank you to all the high school students who came on Sunday mornings and helped out: Paola Cohen, Andrew Horowitz, Jake Levitan, Madilyn Silverman, Kyle Soifer, Alana Wolfson, Sasha Stern, and our two high school graduates Kelsey Price and Elizabeth Duchan.
  • Thank you to Sisterhood and Brotherhood for helping us fund our special education teacher and other programs. Thank you to Brotherhood for the Hanukah latkes. We missed the matzah brie and year-end BBQ this year, but hope to taste your good cooking again next year!
  • Thank you to Carlos and our Security Guards for keeping the building prepared and safe for our students.
  • Thank you to Cheryl Stern who runs Junior Congregation and many other activities that keep our students engaged.
  • Thank you to the Religious School Committee - led by Lisa Lupo and PTA, coordinated by Debbie Klig, and especially all the parents who participate in the meetings and help out at our events and support their children’s religious school education. Your input is invaluable, and many of the changes we have made were based on your feedback. Please keep on letting us know how we can improve.

It is too early to know in what format Religious School will be in September, but as we start our planning process for the Fall, I can promise that we will continue to provide a warm and engaging environment for your children to create positive Jewish memories that will last a lifetime.

For now, stay safe and healthy and I wish everyone a good summer…L’shalom

Director of Youth & Family Engagement - Cheryl Stern

‘We need to think, speak, and act in ways that uplift the hope in each of us' - Parisa Vinzant (

  • As we are all adjusting to our new everyday lives, it has been absolutely wonderful to see so many of your faces at our various youth and family events!
  • Junior Congregation will continue to take place the second Saturday of each month at 9:30am. It is a great way to take some time to reflect on your week and see some friends via Zoom. And beginning in June, we will have virtual game nights for families on the weekend. We are also planning to hold Adult Game Nights during the week. Look for the information in the Weekly Updates.
  • I am still asking for signs and get-well cards that you can send to me via email. We want to continue to send various agencies, assisted living facilities, hospitals, and firehouses our words of respect, gratitude, and love. So, please draw a thank you poster for our first responders, doctors, nurses, and hospital support staff and when you are done ask a grown-up to take a picture of you holding the poster and the poster by itself. We are going to create a document with all of the images to print out and send, as well as placing them on social media. If you do not want your child(ren’s) face used, please just send the photo of the poster to me at
  • Our Pen Pal Program has been a huge success! I hope it will continue even after the pandemic is over. If you are still interested or would like more information, please feel free to contact me.

I wish you and your families health and safety…B’Shalom

temple - at - large

lifelong learning

Meryl Root

“Every ritual, every mitzvah, every syllable of the Jewish story, every element of Jewish law, is a protest against escapism, resignation or the blind acceptance of fate” - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

A Lifelong Learning Sponsored Conversation:

  • Join Rabbi Randy Sheinberg on Saturday, June 6th at 11:30am for thought-provoking text and conversation regarding “Where is G-d in the Pandemic?” By now many of us are wondering exactly that. Let’s come together in a Special Zoom Meeting for a lively discussion. We hope to see you there. Details for joining Zoom will be available in the Weekly Update.

Torah Study:

  • Friday Night Torah Study - ”Torah Without Skipping” with Cantor Guy Bonné will meet on June 5th and June 26th at 6:15pm via Zoom (details will be forthcoming in the Weekly Updates and on the Temple Website.) Friday Torah Study will be continuing with the Book of Genesis, B’resheit & Shabbat Morning Torah Study continues every Saturday at 9:00am via Zoom, with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We are in the beginning of the Book of Numbers, Bamidbar. Join us as we progress through the wilderness and see how this ancient book is still relevant today. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome.
  • Shabbat Morning Torah Study - Continues every Saturday at 9:00am via Zoom, with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We are in the beginning of Numbers, Bamidbar. Join us as we progress through the wilderness and see how this ancient book is still relevant today. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome.


  • If you are joining the meeting via your computer, tablet, or smartphone all you need to do is copy/paste this link in to your browser:
  • Then follow the instructions that appear on your screen. If you have never used Zoom before, the screen will prompt you to "Run Zoom" or "Setup Zoom" (I do not recall the actual language.) Click yes and then follow the rest of the prompts to "Join Meeting" and you should be there.
  • If you are joining the meeting via phone (without video), all you need to do is dial +1 915-229-6794. When asked for the Meeting ID use 898 0241 8633 & the Password 705909

Adult Hebrew Class:

  • Adult Hebrew Class continues virtually on Zoom. See below for details on how to connect each Thursday evening from 7:00 - 8:15pm with Cantor Guy Bonné. Now is a great time to join us from the comfort of your home. The atmosphere is relaxed and there is plenty of reviewing! Speak to Cantor Bonné for more details. All are welcome.


  • Copy/paste this link in to your browser - - Meeting ID: 614 859 287
  • By phone – (+1 646 558 8656) US (New York) - Meeting ID: 614 859 287 or Find your local number -
  • You may have to download the Zoom App (see above for Torah Study) and follow the instructions or you can join by phone.

Additional Opportunities for Learning from Home:

  • We are all limited in our movements and are spending a great deal of time at home. What a perfect time to learn and enjoy some entertainment. Here are a few suggestions and links that you may be interested in. All you need to do is copy/paste the link in to your browser and you can access each site at your leisure. If anyone has others to share, please let me know • Institute for Jewish Spirituality: They hold Daily Online Meditation Sits, Mondays – Fridays, 12:30pm – 1:00pm EST. Here is the link: • AishLive: Daily Live Classes (Mondays – Thursdays) featuring top educators from Aish Jerusalem and Aish Branches around the world. Check often for the current schedule - • Temple Emanu-El, Virtual Streicker: During these difficult times, we all need to keep up our spirits with joy, laughter, and new ideas. We invite you to join us to meet your favorite actors and playwrights, musicians, and chefs during a special celebration of Jewish Arts and Culture. You may register for a program on their website or watch recorded webinars from their archive • National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene Live: The Award-Winning National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene [NYTF] is the longest continuously producing Yiddish Theatre Company in the world. The company presents plays, musicals, concerts, lectures, interactive educational workshops, and community-building activities in English and Yiddish, with English and Russian supertitles accompanying performances. Use this link to access their live page, as well as archives - • Hoopla App: Instantly borrow free digital eBooks, audiobooks, movies, music, comics, and TV shows courtesy of your public library. Hoopla is the leading All-in-One Digital Library App, with over 800,000 titles - from best-selling novels and blockbuster movies to niche, hard-to find content. Hoopla has something for everyone. You can download the Hoopla App to your device. You will be able to find out if your library supports Hoopla and then you can sign in and borrow materials - • RBdigital App: For those of you in Queens, you have RBdigital that you can use to access books. You can download the app or use the web browser at

Request for Suggestions: If anyone has a suggestion for a film or a program, feel free to email me at Thank you. Have a great summer & stay safe.

social action

Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss

“Optimism is a passive virtue, hope is an active one” - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

  • This month’s theme is hope in a time of crisis. In 1932, in the midst of the Great Depression, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt was accepting the nomination of the Democratic Party for the presidency he said: “Out of every crisis, every tribulation, every disaster, mankind rises with some share of greater knowledge, of higher decency, of purer purpose…” We hope that will be true in our time as well.
  • Temple Tikvah’s Clergy and Leadership Team have promoted the spirit of hope by continuing to offer services, classes, meetings, and all kinds of special events online. Committees continue to work on advancing their goals.
  • For about two years, Social Action and our Temple Community have been involved with the Bulux Family, immigrants from Guatemala who were reunited by Immigrant Families Together. Recently, Juana and Adolfo started a small home mask making enterprise and our Congregation, along with the Reform Temple of Forest Hills, has been purchasing the masks either for personal use during the pandemic or to donate to local charities such as food banks for distribution. All proceeds of the sales go to the Bulux Family, while at the same time we are able to donate masks to those in need. Thank you to everyone who have purchased masks so far.
  • Temple Tikvah belongs to two of the RAC’s (Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism) Cohort Groups, Immigration and Climate. The RAC has joined many other groups in pushing for the release of immigrants from detention centers, particularly at this time when the centers have become breeding grounds for Covid 19. At the May 4th Immigration Cohort Zoom Meeting, Julia Paley the Cohort Leader, introduced us to Jeanette Vizguerea, who founded the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition. Ms. Vizguerea is currently living in sanctuary in a church in the Denver area. Her group has taken the leadership role in the fight for release in her area, with other groups such as the RAC working to help them. We were reminded that the detention centers are mostly private businesses that depend on keeping immigrants locked up for their profits, although most detainees have never committed any crime other than crossing the border.
  • During that Meeting, we also watched a moving film called, “Free and Alive” which was made by Rabbis and Cantors to advocate for release. There is a need for more lawyers willing to do pro bono work and for other specialized assistance. The RAC will be sending out a survey for potential volunteers to indicate their skills.
  • In the area of climate policy, the RAC is pushing its action alert to tell Congress to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050. You can learn more about the issue at: In addition, The RAC is also launching its new campaign, Civic Engagement 2020: Mobilize Our Voters. More about that in future updates.

For now, we wish you a good summer and hope that things will improve enough so that in the fall we can all be together again.

caring community

Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut

Reaching Out to Everyone in Our Village Makes Everyone Smile!

  • Last month we told you that many of our Congregants have been making phone calls to other Congregants and former Congregants to let them know we are thinking of them and care about their well-being. Everyone is continuing to make follow up phone calls, and at this time we are taking the opportunity to give a SHOUT OUT to all of the volunteer callers!
  • The environment we are now living in is testing all of us. Under the circumstances, it has not been easy to write this article. With that said, we have decided to list some quotes, recently brought to our attention and are sharing them with you...






  • On June 4th there will be a ZOOM 1pm Meeting of the Afternoon Book Club. The book The Weight of Ink by Rachael Kadish will be reviewed.
  • On June 17th there will be a ZOOM 8pm Meeting of the Evening Book Club. The book The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes will be reviewed.


END NOTE: Please remember, that if you need an assist or know of someone who is in need of an assist, please call the Office and leave a message for either Helene or Sharon.


Co-Presidents: Terry Cutler & Terry Lepzelter

When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.” - Unknown

  • As we were preparing to write the last Sisterhood Scoop as your Sisterhood Co-Presidents, we ironically found our June 2019 piece that started with, “We welcome June hoping for a long, sunny summer. What will be your best adventure? Will you travel? Will you lounge at the pool? Will you keep busy and find some “me” time for yourself? Whatever you do, enjoy it and make it count.” Wow! How we wish for those choices right now…
  • In 2007, when we first talked about naming our newly formed Congregation. Temple Tikvah was high on the list. How smart we were to make it our overwhelming choice. Hope is what gets us through these uncertain times. It lets us keep our faith that this too shall pass, and we will get back to a place where we can feel safe to hug our family and friends. Hope is more than feeling positive, it is showing your positivity by reaching out and helping others. It is choosing to take an active role in making a change for a better world. It is believing in Tikkun Olam.
  • We want to congratulate Phyllis Richards who will be our new Sisterhood President! We know her many years of devotion to Temple and Sisterhood will allow her to lead us well. We also want to thank all of our Board Members for accepting their positions for 2020 - 2021.
  • It has truly been our honor to serve as Sisterhood Co-Presidents. We were proud to be involved with so many dedicated people whose creativity, initiative, and spirit led to so many wonderful and successful projects and events. As always for us, we are looking forward to supporting Sisterhood and Temple in any way we can. We are excited to see what events will be planned for the new year to keep Temple Tikvah strong! We thank you all for your support and continued involvement.

One last question… Do you really know which Terry is which???

Wishing you as happy a summer as we can all make it. Stay safe and healthy!

end note

Sisterhood would like to recognize and thank the following members for Sponsoring an Oneg and/or Flowers to Remember or Honor a Special Occasion. All donations go directly to the Friday Night Security Fund.

  • March 13th - Terry & Michael Cutler in memory of their son, Adam and Michele & Marc Gold in memory of Adam Cutler
  • March 20th - Terry & Michael Cutler in honor of their Anniversary
  • March 27th - Andrea & Mark Comerchero…Just Because and Ann Arkin in memory of Dick & Ann’s Anniversary
  • April 3rd - Lois & Richard Howard in honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary
  • April 11th - Joyce & Joel Mensoff in honor of their 55th Wedding Anniversary
  • April 24th - Sandy Peskin in honor of David’s Birthday
  • May 1st - Lynn Moser in honor of Sisterhood Shabbat
  • May 8th - Arline & Jack Cazes in memory of Arline’s Parents and Jeff & Theresa Weisbrot in honor of Danielle receiving her Master’s Degree
  • May 15th - Larry & Gloria Konstan in honor of their 7th Wedding Anniversary
  • June 12th - Madeleine Wolf in honor of Michelle’s Birthday


President - Marc Gold

"Hope is the belief that we can make things better." - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

  • I am happy to write that the entire Gold Family is fine, and like everyone else is dealing with this pandemic. It has really not been fun. Yet of course we do feel blessed to wake up each day!
  • The first thing I do each morning is check the weather. I pull up the window shade and look outside. Ah…looks like nice weather and the sun is out! What a combo…then I run downstairs to take in the newspaper…looks like we can go for a walk, which Michele and I both love. So, we are then off to Cunningham Park, Douglaston Manor or the walking path alongside the Cross Island Parkway.
  • Then later in the day…food shopping is usually what comes next. Michele is better than I am. She does what you are really supposed to do, and orders things online and waits for the deliveries or curbside pickups. However, I mask and glove-up and venture out to a store or two. Next is FAMILY TIME; our children, of course our daughters-in-law, and our granddaughter are seen regularly on Facetime or Zoom. Watching little Seyla grow before our eyes on Facetime or Zoom is not ideal, for sure. We want and are so in need of a kiss and hug. I am sure others can relate…
  • We started this pandemic very eager, strong, and ambitious; we cleaned closets and drawers, touched up painting here and there, rearranged bookshelves, and worked in the attic - you know all those things one does when it snows. However, those days are over, because they are DONE and so we now watch TV and listen to the Mayor, the Governor, and President every day. Of course, we also watch our General Hospital daily.
  • I recently started a Weekly Sports Talk Hour on Zoom called “On the Marc” for our Temple Members and Friends (men and women) every Thursday at 4pm. Everyone is welcome to join us! We share our views on all sports topics and what is or what is not going on in various sports. Please join us. Look for the Zoom Link in the Weekly Updates.
  • Walking on Wednesdays is still a Brotherhood Weekly Event. We have started up again and if anyone would like to join us on Wednesdays at 10am contact me. I will give you that week’s location. All you need to do is BYOM (bring your own mask.) We no longer walk as a large group; we walk in groups of 2 and 3, and 6 feet apart and always following the “leader.”
  • And of course, we all have Friday Nights at Temple, where you can Zoom or Face Book Shabbats. Together as a Community we pray and sing with the Rabbi and Cantor. This has become our Sukkah - to feel…hope, the peace of safety, and sense of security.

As this is the last Tikvah Times Issue until September, I would like to thank my Vice Presidents, Ron Schreiber and Marty Goldschmidt and my Treasurer, Victor Kahn for their assistance during this past Temple year. And of course, I would like to thank ALL THE BROTHERS who joined Brotherhood this year! Your support as a member goes a long way in the success we had this year.

with gratitude


  • CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND - Nancy Kiss in appreciation of Cantor Guy Bonné
  • LEAF FOR THE TREE OF LIFE - Gloria & Larry Konstan – A special thanks to the Rabbi, Cantor and Co-Presidents - Andrea & Lisa…for all you do!
  • RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND - Joan Schuster – Thank you to the Rabbi for her support and kindness
  • SHIMIRA (Security Fund) - Joyce & Joel Mensoff in honor of our 1st Responders!
  • SIMCHA FUND - Lynn & Jay Beber in Honor of Janet & Barry Spool's 50th Anniversary • Gloria & Larry Konstan in honor of the birth of Phyllis & Joe Horne’s grandson, William Solomon Kuczynski • Ruth Selig in appreciation of Rabbi Randy Sheinberg & Cantor Guy Bonné • Elaine & Howie Weiss - Mazel Tov to Phyllis & Joe Horne on the birth their grandson, William Solomon Kuczynski • Barbara Silberman in honor of #GIVINGTUESDAY • Terry & Ira Lepzelter in honor of #GIVINGTUESDAY
  • SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND - Sisterhood wishes Happy Anniversaries to Janet & Barry Spool on their 50th and Roslyn & Burton Tropp on their 55th
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND - Helen & Robert Bader in memory of Pearl Bader and Ed Kahn • Florence Baravarian in memory of Jules Herkitschek • Sharon Bibergal-Goldberg in memory of Hyman Goldberg • Brotherhood in memory of Albert Zavadoff, Robert Saltzman, Emilia Lipowiczi, and Mariya Feygina • Doris Brown in memory of Steven Philip Brown • Arline & Jack Cazes in memory Lotte Hertz • Mindy & Mark Daniels in memory Marilyn Daniels • Beth Davidson-Mendick in memory of Robert Kiss • Myrna Fischbach in memory of Lori Robin Fischbach • Libby Glowatz in memory of Esther Graff and David Weisbrot • Martin Goldschmidt in memory of Robert Schwesky • Dean Hernan in memory of Joseph Hernandez • Phyllis & Joe Horne in memory of Solomon Horne • Carole Kaplan in memory of Mathilda Abzug, Shirley Kaplan, and Zoey Kaplan • Nancy Kiss in memory of Irving Kiss • Gloria & Larry Konstan in memory of Harry Konstan • Esther Krichevsky in memory Hyman Cantos, Sol Krichevsky, and Shirley Cantos • Terry & Ira Leptzelter in memory of Al Zavadoff • Cheryle & Stephen Levine in memory of Alison Werner Levine and Abbey Bonnie Passariello • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in memory of Sam Selig • Lynn Moser in memory of Solomon Okun • Lee Newman in memory of Irving Newman • Margery & Edward Orenstein in memory of Joseph Orenstein • Lori & Don Panetta in memory of Evelyn Freeman, Rose Schoener, and Ed Kahn • Sandra Portnoy in memory of George Margolin, Frances Rabinowitz, Jeff Portnoy, and Irving Portnoy • Barbara Rosenthal in memory of Philip Kaplan • Helene & Ed Schachter in memory of Samuel Levine • Marilyn Schwartz in memory of Janet Schwartz and Lt. Marvin Schwartz • Barbara Silberman & Dorothy Kellner in memory of Sylvia Miller • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of Edward Spool • Felice Tarter in memory of Louis Tarter • Judy & Stuart Weinstock in memory Gisela Weinstock • Teresa & Jeffery Weisbrot in memory Esther Graff and David Weisbrot • Gertie Wolf in memory of Ida Weisser, Pearl Wolf, and David Weisser • Linda & Jack Zaffos in memory of Mollie Zaffos • Gale & Howard Zeidman in memory Leon Zeidman
  • YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND - Janet & Barry Spool


A HEARTFELT THANK YOU to Temple Tikvah’s Sisterhood and my Temple Friends for sending your special birthday wishes. It was a wonderful blessing and so greatly appreciated!


  • CHESED - Barbara Silberman • Ken & Neela Weber
  • TZEDEKAH - Elaine R. Farber • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
  • BENEFACTORS - Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Carole Kaplan • Cheryl & Steven Levine • Kent & Susan Moston • Sandra & David Peskin • Jeffrey & Teresa Weisbrot
  • PATRONS - Helen & Bob Bader • Brotherhood of Temple Tikvah • Arline & Jack Cazes • Jeannette & Charles Golden • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Andrea & Doug King • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Janet & Barry Spool
  • SPONSORS - Anonymous • Maureen & Steve Berman • Rabbi Randy Sheinberg & Dr. Martin Cohen • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family • The Diamond Family • Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Lois & Richard Howard • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Joe & Judy Kirschner • The Klig Family • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Robin & Mark Mandell • Arlene Sheff • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • DONORS - Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • The Birnbach Family • Cynthia & Joseph Bettelheim • Sharon Bibergal • Bernice Bloch • Henry Bloch • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Anonymous • Beth Feldman Curcio • Merle Fishkin • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Libby Glowatz • Vivian Goldbaum & Dr. Norman Feder • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Susan & Marty Goldschmidt • Anonymous • Helene & Howard Hecht • Dean & Sebastiana (Nuccia) Hernan • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Irene Horn • Phyllis & Joe Horne • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Estelle Magidson • Barbara & Joe Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Oscrow • Robert Peskin (non-member) • Phyllis Richards • Helaine & Ed Schacter • Burton & Susan Schall • Rosalyn Schwartz • June & Jack Schwarz • Ruth Selig • Claire Shapiro • Lenore & Barry Stein • Roslyn & Burton Tropp • Leo & Jane Tujack • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Joan Wiener • Sandra Witt (non-member) • Laurence & Aki Wolfson • Carol Fenves & Isaac Yavetz • Gale & Howard Zeidman • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
  • PARTICIPANTS - Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Lois & Andrew Baron • George & Jeanie Berger • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Anonymous • Brenda & Mark Brody • Barbara & Fred Fleisher • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Lori & Mark Gordon • Muriel Gorochow • Linda Kamalic • Dorothy Kellner (non-member) • Leslie Kizner • Erika Korpacz (no-member) • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Helen Lipson • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Gail & Michael Meisel • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Anonymous • Sandy Portnoy • Susan & George Prinz • Rachel Raphael-Kupferburg • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg • Richard Roth (non-member) • Jaynie Rudnick • Alene Schonhaut • Susan, Irwin & Alex Schneider • Anonymous • Shirley Snyder • Carol & Amram Weiner • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Elaine Zipser

in loving memory

SIVAN - tammuz 5780




Created with images by Jake Weirick - "untitled image" • AhmadArdity - "books bookshelf library" • Alex Wigan - "Sunrise seagull silhouette" • Anelka - "tulips flowers tulip bouquet" • Gérôme Bruneau - "untitled image" • exoteric - "sundial clock old"
