Marissa Petsch is the Physical Therapist at Webster County Community Hospital in Red Cloud. She grew up in Nelson, Nebraska and attended Lawrence/Nelson High School. She received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2018 and has worked at WCCH for just over a year. Her and her husband Justin live in Red Cloud with their dog Harley.
What is your favorite thing about Red Cloud?
My husband and I both grew up in small towns near here (Guide Rock & Nelson), so Red Cloud seemed like the perfect fit as it's close to home for both of us. I really love that there are a lot of young people moving back to Red Cloud that are eager to continue working toward keeping our town thriving, and that there is always something to do!
You’re on the board of The Valley Child Development. What drew you to that organization and why do you think it’s a valuable part of the community?
I think TVCDC is a great asset to our small community! It is so important to have a safe, reliable place for our children to not only have childcare but also to be in a learning environment lead by certified educators. As a young couple planning on starting a family soon, this seemed like a great organization to be a part of and I am happy to serve as a member of the board.
I really love that there are a lot of young people moving back to Red Cloud that are eager to continue working toward keeping our town thriving, and that there is always something to do!
What are some of your favorite businesses to shop at in Red Cloud? Why?
Sometimes I truly feel that I might as well auto-deposit my paychecks into Danny Benge's account down at Hometown Market. I feel like I go there every day! Otherwise there are so many great businesses in Red Cloud, including Kenny's Lumber, Village Pharmacy, Fat Fox's, C & D Service Center, Olson's Auto, On The Brix, and The Palace that we visit often!
Is there anything you wish people knew about Webster County Community Hospital?
Though it is a little different than a local small business, WCCH is essentially like a hometown business that continues to need your support. Keeping a hospital in our town is another vital part of the community surviving. This really depends on local residents to continue using our services. We have some great primary care providers here, as well as several outpatient providers from Hastings, Grand Island, and Lincoln that come here regularly to see patients. We also offer physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy!
Webster County Community Hospital is essentially like a hometown business that continues to need your support. Keeping a hospital in our town is another vital part of the community surviving. This really depends on local residents to continue using our services.
The First Annual BBQ Cook-Off/RibFest is Saturday, Oct. 5th and it’s being organized by Webster County Community Hospital. Is there anything you’d like to tell our readers about the event?
This is a fundraiser that WCCH is sponsoring that I am very excited about! We are planning on about 20 teams attending to cook ribs and brisket that afternoon. We have some pretty cool stuff in store, with the grand prizes being two new grills donated by Landmark Implement/John Deere! For everyone that is not a grill-master, the general public will be able to come between 5:00-7:00 that day to “taste test” and support a great cause. This is the same weekend of the “Trail of Treasures” so if you’re out and about that evening, stop on by for a great meal. All of the money raised will be put directly toward improving the hospital! Come check it out!
If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?
I think I’d like to teleport… I really hate being in the car!
Do you have any hobbies or interests you’d like to share?
I really like anything having to do with sports and being active. I enjoy working out, running, golfing, playing slow pitch softball, sand volleyball, and basketball. Justin and I also enjoy deer hunting in the fall. If we aren’t being active ourselves, we are probably sitting on the couch watching football or chasing our nieces and nephews around to all of their games!
Do you have any pets?
We have a dog, she is a German Shorthair named Harley
You’re a Physical Therapist. Are there any stories about working in this profession that you’d like to share with our readers and/or anything you wish people knew about Physical Therapy?
I really enjoy being a physical therapist in a small town where I can really get to know my patients. It is rewarding for me to be able to work with a patient for multiple weeks and get to see them out in the community succeeding following completion of the program. No matter what you hear, I always try to keep physical therapy exciting and rewarding and it is not all “pain and torture” :)
What would your high school teachers or guidance counselor say about you if we asked?
I hope that they would say I was a good student, but I think they would actually say that I talked too often in class!
What are you most proud of?
I am probably most proud of my education. I was privileged enough to attend a great university in Nebraska Wesleyan which prepared me to be accepted into the University of Nebraska Medical Center and receive my Doctorate in Physical Therapy at 24 years old. That was a task that required an absolute team of support behind me to accomplish!
Do you have a mantra or mission statement you live by?
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget the way you made them feel” –Maya Angelou
What historical figure or celebrity would you most like to have dinner with? Why?
I would probably choose Jesus, I have lots of questions!
Do you have any advice for someone looking to relocate to rural Nebraska?
I think small town Nebraska is the best when it comes to growing a family and working in a local business. Red Cloud is a small town that is thriving while many others surrounding us are working in the opposite direction. Choose Red Cloud!
I really enjoy being a physical therapist in a small town where I can really get to know my patients. It is rewarding for me to be able to work with a patient for multiple weeks and get to see them out in the community succeeding following completion of the program.
What is your favorite song and/or recording artist?
Right now I am really into anything by Luke Combs, otherwise I like a lot of different music! Country is probably my go-to.
Do you have a favorite sports team or athlete?
Being a sports fan I have a few favorite sports teams! I am obviously a pretty big fan of the Huskers, otherwise you will catch me supporting North Carolina basketball or the New Orleans Saints :)
What is your dream vacation?
Justin and I have been lucky enough to visit both Mexico and Jamaica, so I think the Dominican Republic is next on my list! I love the beach!
What’s your favorite place to visit in Nebraska?
My sister-in-law and her family have a cabin up by Niobrara along the river, and it is so beautiful up there. We like to go out there at least once a year and go four-wheeling, boating, and exploring!
Who has been the biggest influence in your life? Explain why.
Definitely my parents. They are my biggest supporters and have been there for me every step of the way of my education and beginning my career. I wouldn’t be here without them!
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I really enjoy being a part of Red Cloud and like to be involved in helping our small town continue to thrive. I may always be a Nelson kid at heart, but I have definitely become accustomed to calling Red Cloud home!