ISTE 2016 Student Standards
The following is based on ISTE Student Standards released 2016.
I can use technology to make and complete my goals.
I can use a variety of digital tools to demonstrate learning.
I can be safe, respectful and responsible online.
I can collect, evaluate and organize information that helps me learn.
I can use information collected to create ideas and theories about problems.
I can use the design process along with technology to solve problems.
I can work through open ended questions and unexpected challenges.
I can use technology to collect, analyze and share data.
I can break problems down into parts and create steps toward a solution.

I can express myself and my ideas many ways and with a variety of tools.
I can share content in ways appropriate for the audience.
I can use collaborative tools to connect with others locally and globally.
I can productively contribute to a team working toward a common goal.