Article: Everything You Need to Know About Parental Controls
This Common Sense Media article has the best overview of most aspects of parental controls along with linked pages with more details on specific topics and some product recommendations. A must read!
Browser Securities
Once again, Common Sense Media has got this covered! They offer excellent advice for parents on how to secure web browsers and Google searches. Check out their articles and videos below:
Article: Easy, Free Browser Hacks to Make the Internet Safer for Your Kid
Great article that gives instructions on how to set safe search settings for Google searches in Chrome, Safari, or Firefox; how to make your web browser more kid-friendly, and additional browser-specific options to make it safer. A FANTASTIC reference!
Videos: Safe Search Google or Safe Search Bing
Videos: AdBlock Safari or AdBlock Firefox or AdBlock Chrome
Video: How to Set YouTube Safety Mode
Kid-Friendly Search Engines
Want a safer search engine for your child than Google? Bookmark or make one of these the start up page on your browser and help your kids search in a safer environment. Keep in mind no filter is 100% safe. Do know that they often come with ads, so help your child learn the difference between search results and ads. Start with the popular engine Kiddle and its Google-like feel. It is NOT by Google; instead it uses the publicly available Google Custom Search option and was designed to include kid-friendly sites in the search results. Other options include Infotopia or their even easier Kidtopia. Another option is Sweet Search.
Windows has web browsing blocking available in their settings. For more information, see the Windows section below.
Kid-Friendly Browsers
Many popular parent control apps (like MMGuardian or Mobicip) come with their own kid-friendly browsers that you can customize for your child. In addition, if you opt for a parental control program like Norton Family, Net Nanny, or Qustodio, the program will come with additional features to block/monitor your normal browsers.
If you want a step up from a kid-friendly search engine and aren't purchasing a separate parental app or program, or if you just want a safe kid-friendly browser designed for younger children, you can download a specific kid-friendly browser. Take a look at Zoodles (ages 2-8), and Kido'z (ages 4+).
Windows has web browsing blocking available in their settings. For more information, see the Windows section below.
Windows 10 Parental Control Options
How to set up a kid-friendly Windows 10 device with a child account - Windows Central
Everything you need to know about how to create a child-friendly account using Windows built-in options. I have not personally tested the Windows 10 options, but I did setup the Windows 7 options for my children. I especially tested the ability to monitor web browsing. This worked fine for a short period and then stopped working altogether. I found other parents reported the same problem. Be sure to periodically test functionality.
Parental Control Programs for Windows Machines
In addition to using the built-in parental control settings, there are many parental control programs you can run on your computer for further parental control and oversight. Features often include much stronger content filtering and more flexibility in blocking/allowing content you want, the ability to use schedules to control when a child can access the computer, social media oversight, and more.
PC Magazine has reviewed and rated may of the most popular parental control programs for 2016. Tech Radar reviewed free controls. Note the different features between the free and paid versions.
Take the time to read user reviews from sites like Amazon and look at YouTube videos demonstrating the product.
Apple has built-in parental controls, and instructions can be found on their website depending on the iOS X version you are using. Here's the document for setting up parental controls and restrictions for iOS X El Capitan. If you are running a different version, simply search for "parental controls for ios X (insert your version)".
PC Magazine has reviewed and rated may of the most popular parental control programs for 2016. Tech Radar reviewed free controls. Note the different features between the free and paid versions. Most of these also work for iOS. Be sure to carefully check which specific features will work on iOS.
Michelle Kelley, Teacher Librarian
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