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XD App Project Adobe Assignment Pack

What is Adobe XD?

Adobe XD is a program that lets you mock up mobile apps. While it doesn't allow you to create the app itself, you can mock up all interactivity, navigation, and design elements to create a prototype that can be shared online.

By creating an app prototype you are allowing your students to become problem solvers. Each app will present a series of issues that students will be able to overcome. Additionally, they will be using technology that they are comfortable with to learn new ideas and skills.

Creating The Assignment

Below, you will find instructions that include full details of the assignment. Details include:

  • Overview
  • Project Takeaways
  • Required Materials
  • Instructions
  • Feedback Dates
  • A list of Tutorials

These instructions can be posted or copied into a Blackboard Assignment.

How-To Videos

The videos in this section are here to help both you and your students work through this assignment. The links to the videos can be copy and pasted into your Blackboard Course. Use the instructions below on how to insert the videos into your Blackboard Course.

Adding Your Assignment to Blackboard

Ready to add this assignment to Blackboard? Below, you will find detailed instructions for adding your assignment to Blackboard which will include:

  • Adding a Rubric for Grading and Setting Expectations
  • How to Create an Assignment
  • Adding Assignment Criteria

Need Help?

For Adobe Assistance Contact:

For Blackboard Assistance Contact:

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Created with images by Pexels - "phone android apps" • Firmbee - "ux design webdesign" • sweetlouise - "pencil ruler school" • VinzentWeinbeer - "home office office work" • Eligrek243 - "business woman black woman african woman" • Anemone123 - "question question mark survey"
