This photo reminds me of my mom because she always tells me to look outside when there is a pretty sunrise in the morning, and the continuation of an amazing day because the day before I captured this view I had one of the best days of my life. The colors in the sunrise exactly represent the vibrance of my emotions the day before, which are further accented by the contrast caused by the tree and plants behind my house.
I woke up early to drive my brother to his 0 period class -- as I do everyday -- and my mom called my name to exclaim her thoughts about the beautiful sunrise she saw outside. She suggested that I took a picture of it and I did.
The simplicity in this picture caught my attention. The contrast between the electricity pole and the sky make the pole pop out in the picture, as well as the lines leading to the subject of the photo.
I was looking around on a Tuesday afternoon for a good shot. I looked up and saw the electric pole, then took a picture not thinking that would be as great as it turned out.
I've always wanted to take a good underwater picture, but with my phone it never works. With my Olympus camera, though, the photo turned out exactly the way i imagined it be. I was able to get this close to this pattern of rocks and still have it in focus.
While looking around in Pinecrest to find patterns, I looked into the water and saw these beautiful spotted rocks. I took the picture and zoomed in on it to see how focused it was and i was surprised how good of a photo it turned out to be.
This photo is one of my favorite photos I have ever taken; from the patterns of the benches to the light being emitted into the lens creating that light effect and the symmetry caused by the benches, this is a pretty picture.
While in Pinecrest, I was looking for patterns when I turned to see a stage with these benches surrounding. The perfect symmetry and patterns caused me to run up onto the stage and snap the picture.
During the Blue Angel's sky show in San Francisco, my family and I were on a boat taking us from Alameda to San Francisco. My mom pointed out the leading line of the bridge to Angel's Island.
While on the boat, I was constantly looking for leading line opportunities because of the assignment being due in a few days. When my mom saw this opportunity, I took a few pictures and ended up with really amazing pictures.
My brother, Justin, wanted me to get a picture of him jumping. I set my camera settings appropriately and surprised myself with my ability to take a stopped picture of him. With his contrast against the sky and the pattern of the trees in the background, this is one of my favorite pictures.
My mom kept telling us to come to the car. Every time my brother would jump I would show him the pictures I got from it and he kept saying "No we're doing it again!" Until we shot this picture. He was really happy with it and he started heading back up to Pinecrest
The framing of the flies in the middle of the morning glory flower looked different than any of the other pictures I took for this class. The flower is moved so close to the lens that I was able to focus on the background leaves and flies only, causing an amazing effect.
Looking for an opportunity in my backyard to shoot for the framing assignment, I found this flower with the flies inside of it. I tried to adjust my focus to get all of the picture to be focused, but then had the idea to only focus the framed part of the picture, cause the flies to be focused (the leaves being a nice addition as well).
The sky from my backyard looking East has always been the most beautiful view. This was an attempt to capture this view through the framing of the clouds by the morning glories on the wall.
I took this picture for the purpose of the framing assignment at the beginning of the year. I had to stand on my tippy-toes to get this picture and it turned out really well.
This picture, taken during the beginning of fall, shows about a quarter of my backyard. This is a picture of lights framing the main tree in my backyard.
I took this picture for the purpose of the framing picture project we had at the beginning of the year. This picture turned out to have great color and it is perfectly framed, making it an amazing photo.
This picture has insane colors which I was completely drawn to, especially that they are even more vibrant with the contrast of the next mountain and trees. Sunsets always remind me of my mom, as while as sunrises.
On the way home from Pinecrest, my mom stopped the car to take a picture of the sunset while on a mountain. I set my iso down and snapped this picture.