What is The middle passage?

The Middle Passage was a triangular trade route between Africa, the New World, and Europe. This passage began in Europe, where ships were loaded with goods and sent to Africa, where they were traded for African slaves. The slaves were taken to the New World and traded for raw materials which were then shipped back to Europe. The African slaves were either kidnapped or purchased - they had not chosen to venture to the New World to be owned by colonists. While approximately 15% of the African slaves died on the ships during the voyage to the New World, more died in Africa before reaching the ships, a result of the process of capturing and taking the slaves to the ships. It is estimated that approximately 2 million Africans died as a result of the Middle Passage.

What punishment they get if they tried to escape?

The punishment for slave who took part in a revolt and failed was serve.The cutting of limbs was especially feared by Africans.


Disease and starvation due to the length of the passage were the main contributors to the death toll with amoebic dysentery and scurvy causing the majority of deaths. Additionally,outbreaks of smallpox

What did they do on the boat and how they live on a boat?

People were packed so close that they could not get to the toilet buckets, and so lay in their own filth. Seasickness, heat and lack of air all contributed to the terrible smell.


Perhaps one in every ten voyages saw a slave rebellion but very few were successful.They believed that the spirit of a body which has had it's head or limbs cut off could never return home.Occasionally though,as you will see in the next investigation,a slave revolt could succeed


The only serious disadvantage with a tightly packed ship was that there was less room for food and water.Slaves were often fed with yams,biscuit,beans and salted beef.They were sometimes given lime juice to fight scurvy.


Create a poster about "The Middle Passage" add as many fact as you can and answer the following do you think learing about "The Middle Passage" important or not and why? (answer in the poster A4 or A3 paper)

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