The book I will tell you about is called I survived the Hindenburg Disaster of 1937.
In the beginning of the story Hugo was at the airport with his parents and his four year old sister Gertie. They were at the airport because Gertie was very sick, and they needed to get to a good hospital.The hospital was very far away so they had to take the Hindenburg. Hugo and Gertie were very scared to ride the Hindenburg, but they knew that a lot of people died on a boat so they knew that that the Hindenburg was less dangerous.
When Hugo was on the Hindenburg he met a girl his age named Marty. Marty became Hugo's friend. They would talk with each other about life.
Gertie, his sister, was in bed and Hugo asked her if she could have anything what would you want, and she said for you to get me my dog from the back of the Hindenburg. Hugo said he would do that. Hugo knew that he was not supposed to go back there but he wanted to make his sister happy. When he was back there he got caught trying to get the dog out.
When he was back there he heard a big loud sound. He wondered what it was. Then they finally got to the hospital for Gertie. When they got there the doctor said that she was fine and that nothing was wrong. Hugo did not know how that could be because she had a really bad fever that would not go away. She had it for months. Hugo had thought about how far they traveled for nothing.
On the way back from the hospital Hugo heard the big loud sound again but this time he smelled smoke. He wondered what was happening. Then he saw fire. He knew he needed to get out as soon as possible. He had to jump out a window. Marty's dad helped him jump out. It was the scariest thing that ever happened in his life. When he got to the ground he found his family. They all got burned a lot but they held fast. After that day Hugo had dreams filled with fire and smoke, but he was happy that he found his family after all that he went through and that Girtie was better.
Created with images by skeeze - "hindenburg disaster zeppelin"