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Inject Creativity Live Wednesday 6th October 2021

Adobe Max

Adobe Max is Adobe’s largest annual conference event. Usually attracting up to 20,000 of the world’s creatives in one location, last year over 5 million registered to the virtual version of this amazing event and we are expecting even more this year. Look up to find out more.

Missed the APAC Adobe Education Summit? No worries! Tim has all the details (including my Spark Page Summary from the Open Day) documented in his blog post here:

Don't forget to register for next year!

And now... our guest presenters...

Brett Kent

Adobe Audition

Brett took us through the tools available when creating an audio recording from scratch in Adobe Audition. First, he shared with us how to get started, then quickly moved on to sharing how to non-destructively manipulating the recording to remove unwanted sounds picked up by your mic.

Spectral view allows you the freedom to lasso and remove unwanted background sounds (Beeping trucks, slamming doors etc) and remove them without destroying parts of your recording!

He also shared with us the Noise Reduction and DeNoise tools, including capturing ambient room sound to remove unwanted background noise in bulk.

Brett continued by sharing with us the ease of adding sound effects to a recording in Adobe Audtion. As an example, in his library, he had some animal and farmyard sounds that he added to his example recording, including intuitive audio fades that make the sound effects seem more native to the recording.

By learning to use the wave form editor, you can make your recordings more 'watchable' - people's attention can be decreased by bad audio, and greatly enhanced by great, thoughtful audio without pops and buzzing.

Top Tip: Remember to SAVE, and when exporting, remember to save and export the ENTIRE SESSION, as shown below:

Paul McClean

Paul started out by discussing the changes happening in New Zealand, starting with the support for new agreements to help deliver both software (like Adobe and Microsoft) and suitable devices into classrooms. He highlighted the importance of driving strategic change and connecting to society.

He discussed his 10 points from his article "Bringing on the Bench", available here. Five minutes was not enough time to cover all the points, so please check his article out using the link above.

Created By
Erin Raethke


Created with images by Guddanti - "voice in visible waves circles" • StartupStockPhotos - "children win success" • Tumisu - "podcast headset microphone" • merlinlightpainting - "abstract painting feathers"
