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Archaeology: People & Place By Hailey HAnson

Group Picture looking at the Grand Canyon...

My name is Hailey Hanson and I am a Tucson native. I attend Catalina High School and I will be a Junior this year. This program has surpassed my expectations and taught me more then what I was anticipating. First off, I wanted to be in this program because of my interest in archeology. I wanted to learn a new and unique prospective on human history, and learn and understand both ancient and resent past.

Grand Canyon...

The Grand Canyon is one of seven wonders of the world. The Grand Canyon is number #3 of the seven wonders of the world, and Im glad that I was able to see it when I can. Looking at the canyon, it seems at first but when you continue to look at the canyon, it seems like a painting, like you are stuck inside a painting. The Grand Canyon is also a home to much of the immense Grand Canyon, with its layered bands of red rocks revealing millions of years of geological history.

Wupatki & The Watch Tower

The Watch Tower and Wupatki National Monument are at least 51 miles from each other. The WatchTower is located on the south rim of the Grand Canyon and Wupatki is located in north centeral of Arizona, near flagstaff. The watchtower and Wupatki is different but same. I say this because both monuments were build for tribes. But the watchtower was build for tourism, while the Wupatki was build like a home basically. The watchtower was build in 1932 and became a tourist stop. Wupatki was build in around 500 AD. and became a tourist stop around the 2000’s.

Montezuma Castle, Montezuma Well & Tuzigoot...

Montezuma Castle National Monument protects a set of persevered dwellings, which was built and used by Sinagua people, a pre-Columbian culture, which was closely related to the Hohokum and other indigenous people of the southwestern United States. Montezuma Well is a detached unit of Montezuma Castle, the well is also a natural limestone sinkhole near the town of of Rimrock, Arizona. Archeological evidence suggest that this well monument has been here since 600 CE. The Sinagua people, and maybe earlier cultures, farmed a land surrounding the well. The Tuzigoot is an ancient village or Pueblo built by culture known as Sinagua. The pueblo ruin is a 2-3 story on a summit of a limestone and sandstone ridge.

Tumacaori National Historic Park...

Tumacaori dates set back at least to the early 17th century, when this was the site of an Indian village of north Mexico. An Indian revolt in 1751 caused the tumacaori mission to be relocated at the present site on the West Bank of the river, receiving the full name, ‘Misson San José de Tumacaori.

Archeology as people and place focuses on the past people and places they lived, by examining what they left behind. Archeology is about discovering and trying to figure out what happened. I was told that whatever a person leaves behind and whatever they leave behind, can represent who they are as a person. In the world, there’s a tons of archeological places, each place focuses on culture. The culture is the main part of archeological places and people.

Now that LSWHTA program is at ending, I would like to recall of all of the trips that we all went too. Each archeological place gave us plenty of information about each site. The things I will take way/remember from this program is that when you go each archeology site, try to think what was it like for the person from many years from now. But I would like say what the most important part of this program is to me, and it is able to have this opportunity to go to this archeology program and being able to go to all these places, and also being able to actually understand archeology from outside of school. My favorite part of this program is going to the Grand Canyon and being able to see it’s beauty and know a bit of its history.


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