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The global COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally challenged humanity in ways not experienced in over a century. At the same time, it has brought into sharpened focus the capacity of the human spirit to overcome adversity. Seeking solace, inspiration, and immersion into worlds of the imagination, many of us have turned to the arts for reassurance about our shared humanity. The Aga Khan Museum is home to many centuries-old works of art that encapsulate powerful stories about our ability to triumph in the face of life’s greatest challenges.

Drawing on the museum’s important collections of Islamic painting and arts of the book from Iran, Turkey and South Asia, Remastered showcases timeless stories and captivating illustrations. Using cutting-edge technologies, digital enhancements offer expanded views of these works. The exhibition is divided into three sections, each focused on an essential aspect of the human condition: courage, love, and exemplary living. We invite you to immerse yourself and contemplate art’s extraordinary ability to open new horizons of beauty and inspiration—even in the most difficult of times.

Remastered Virtual Tour

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Presented in partnership with:

With holographic displays generously loaned by: