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Thunderbird October, 2019 newsletter

Important Dates at a Glance

  • Scoutbotics......................................................October 26
  • STEM University SIUE..................................November 2
  • Roundtable.......................................................November 4
  • OA Chapter meeting.......................................November 5
  • Scouting for Food Bags Out............................November 9
  • Scouting for Food Bag Collection...................November 16
  • Committee/Commissioner Mtng....................November 18
  • Eagle Board of Review.....................................November 19
  • District Holiday Party.......................................December 2
  • Scout Camp-In.................................................December 6
  • Wilderness Remote First Aid...........................December 6-8
  • Citizenship in Community...............................December 7
  • STEM University UMSL.................................December 14
  • Eagle Board of Review......................................December 17

District News:

Next Roundtable - Monday, November 4th

Youth Protection Training will be offered at the next Roundtable in preparation for the re-chartering process.

For those with current YPTII certification, Master Angler Mike Brand will do a presentation on fishing.

Want to get more involved in scouting?

We are looking for 7 different chair positions: Roundtable chair, Membership chair, Vice chair for Cub Scouts, District Chair and several others. Thunderbird needs to fill the positions to stay strong. If you would like to volunteer, know someone who would like to get involved, or want to inquire into the different positions available, please contact WilliamHumphrey:

Service Activity from Troop 281

Every Fall, Troop 281 helps with the Second Wind Lung Walk. It was held on October 19th in Forest Park this year. Proceeds from the Lung Walk will benefit the Second Wind Financial Assistance Fund which provides limited financial assistance for lung transplant patients to help with emergency needs, lodging or many of the other associated costs in the transplant process.

Activities and Camping

Fall Camporee

The Fall Camporee was held October 4-6 at Beaumont Scout Ranch, Laemmli Area. Thunderbird and Grand Towers camped together and all went well. John Ebert is looking for a Boy Scout Program Coordinator and a Cub Scout Program Coordinator for the Spring Camporee that will be held at the end of April. Please contact him at: if you are willing to take on one of these roles.

Scouting for Food
  • November 9th - distribute bags
  • November 16th - Pick up bags
  • Link to map for units: MAP

On Saturday, Nov. 9, thousands of Scouts will deliver more than 1 million blue Scouting For Food bags throughout the St. Louis metro area, southeast Missouri, and southern Illinois. They will return one week later on Nov. 16 to collect the bags full of donated canned goods.

By giving to Scouting For Food, residents are helping those in need right in their own community. With the help of Sunset Transportation, food donations in the St. Louis area are delivered to the St. Louis Area Foodbank for further distribution to over 500 hunger-relief programs and local agencies in the bi-state area. In southeast Missouri and southern Illinois, Scouts take donations directly to local food pantries.

When it comes to donations, canned fruits, vegetables, soups, tuna, chicken, and pasta sauce, and meals in a box, such as hamburger helper, are most needed. Last year, Scouting For Food gathered 1.9 million items of food which provided more than 1 million meals for the needy.

2019 Scouting for Food Patch Orders! Be sure to get yours before they are gone! To order visit


October 26, 2019 St. Louis University Parks College of Engineering: McDonnell Douglass Hall

Cub Scout Coding Workshop: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Ages 7-11) $30 for a morning of introductory coding and a chance to learn about robotics and computers.

Scouts BSA Robotics Workshop: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Ages 11-17) $55 for a day of coding, building, and competition.

For registration and more information:

Fall Fright Fest

Overtaken by ghouls and goblins,Troop 51 Scouts and visiting Arrow of Light Cubs decorated the Cub World Pirate Ship for Fright Fest. Their efforts delighted visiting cub scouts and their parents into the night. The Scouts served into the night as tour guides, story tellers, and actors for a spooky pirate ship trapped in the middle of a forest.

Troop 51 at Fright Fest, October 12
Scout Camp In, December 6th

Scouts are invited to troop over to The Magic House for their next camping adventure! For Cub Scouts, December 6th they can camp in the great indoors and have The Magic House all to themselves as they explore the Museum after dark, take part in fun activities, sleep “under the exhibits” and more! Many badge opportunities for all ages of Cub Scouts.

Participants will enjoy an evening snack, a light breakfast and receive a special Magic House Camp-In patch. Check-in is at 7:30 pm, check-out is at 8:00 am. Cost: $35 per person (adults and children) - 1 adult is required for every 5 children. A $100 nonrefundable deposit is due when making reservations. Balance due two weeks prior to camp-in.

For registration, go to For badge information, go to

Pack 51 Haunted Hike

Where are all those spooky goblins off to? Where else but a haunted hike of the woods! Pack 51 took advantage of the beautiful fall weather to show off their Halloween costumes as they hiked the woods of nearby Jefferson Barracks Park. They enjoyed hiking the woods, seeing the red tailed hawk and deer as well as the chance to strut the stuff with their friends.

Pack 51 Haunted Hike

Advancement and Recognition

Upcoming Badge Workshops:

Workshops for Eagle Required Badges

The following workshops will be held at South St. Louis Catholic Academy (Formerly Joan of Arc School) at 5821 Pernod Ave. St. Louis, MO 63109. These will run from 8am until noon with registration starting at 7:30am. Pre-registration is recommended. Please email Mr. Volansky at Put the title of the workshop in the subject line. You may register more than 1 scout in an email but be sure to list the names of all the scouts to be registered. Scouts should be in uniform and are allowed to bring a snack and drink to the workshop. This is limited to 75 scouts so register as soon as possible! Mention that you are in Thunderbird district.

  • Citizenship in the Community -Saturday, December 7th. $10 per scout - 100% will be donated to Friends of Scouting. Requirements: must be 12 years or older and First Class Rank. Bring a signed Merit Badge card from your scoutmaster. You must have the Merit Badge book, and if you want to complete it that day, pre-work requirements should be brought with you: #2A, #3A,B, #4A,B,C, #7A,B,C, and #8 from the Workbook.
  • Citizenship in the Nation - Saturday, January 11th. Bring a signed Merit Badge card from your scoutmaster. If you want to complete it that day, pre-work requirements should be brought with you: #2, #6 and #8.
Merit Badge Skill Centers
  • Climbing - Saturdays and Sundays at Upper Limits
  • Chess – Dec 7
  • Citizenship in the Community – Dec 7
  • Citizenship in the Nation – Jan 11
  • Personal Fitness - Nov 9
  • Scuba Diving - Nov 19
  • Chemistry – Nov 16
  • Go to the Merit Badge Skills Center page for full listings and to register:

The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to\scouts

The Salesmanship Merit badge has several workshops coming up. Find out more:

Upcoming Moviemaking Merit Badge Workshops:

Webolos Game Design Adventure has several upcoming workshops:

Digital Technology Merit Badge workshop dates:

Congratulations to 3 New Eagle Scouts!

On Sunday, October 20th, Troop 179 held an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for it's three newest Eagles: John Mersinger, Jeff Young and Ben Kurkowski. Here are a few pictures of the three of them along with presenter (and Eagle Scout) Henry Ebert and another with all the 179 Eagles that were present at the ceremony.

Eagle Scouts of Troop 179


The next chapter meeting will be November 5th at Beaumont. Come early to Rock Climb. Meeting starts at 7pm, but you can arrive at 6pm to climb before, or you can stay to climb after the meeting. Nominations are due by November 1st.


STEM Universities

11/02/2019 SIUE (Southern Illinois University--Edwardsville)

Earlybird price of $16 youth/$10 adult by Oct. 20, price goes up $5 after. Price includes lunch, STEM-U patch and program materials. Registration deadline: Sunday, Oct. 27 at 11:59 pm or when capacity reached. NO late registrations or walk-ins. Out of Council Scouts are welcome to enroll.

For more information and to register your cub, go to For more information and to register your boy scout, go to:

12/14/2019 UMSL (University of Missouri--St. Louis)

No registration information yet, but keep an eye out at:


2019-2020 Wilderness Remote First Aid
  • December 6-8, Camp Warren Levis
  • January 10-12, Beaumont Scout Reservation

The American Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid 16-hour course is consistent with guidelines established for and by the Boy Scouts of America and is adaptable to meet needs for such training for youth-serving organizations and adult participants in outdoor recreational activities as well as employees working in various wilderness and remote settings where EMS response to the site of an incident is more than 60 minutes. These courses are designed to meet the needs of those who go into areas that are beyond the reach of urban EMS. It is required for those units going to Philmont, Sea Base or Northern Tier and is recommended for back country camping, hiking, canoeing, or other high adventure. The certification is good for two years. You must be certified in CPR and AED before taking the course, if you need this certification please sign up for the CPR class on Friday night.

For more information and registration:

Fun Photo

So who is this cute kid in the picture? Our very own Dan Decker receiving the National Medal of Honor for lifesaving at a 1963 Annual Council meeting! Thanks to Amy Jones Reeves for sending this in. Feel free to harass him when you see him.

Thank you to all who contributed!

Please send any stories or pictures for future newsletters to: Kris Ranciglio -

The end
