I see you everywhere
From the school
To the prison yard
From the past
To your presence in the future
I see you when I go outside
From the towering trees and their many leaves
To every little bug creeping along their bark
You have to be there
In all life
For one has to fight to survive
You are there right along with the need to breath
People scorn you while others welcome you
But you are still there
No matter what they think
All have you
Some more than others
And you help them
Or you do not
You are a key
To future success
And joy
Or a lock stopping you
From achieving goals
Or you are both
Unlocking yourself
As more of you
Is found
People want
The most of you
And they do not like
When others have more of you
Than they themselves have
So people are always seeking
And seeking
To find more of you
The Mirror
I see a mirror
That is not a mirror
Long gelled hair
I would not be caught dead with
A nice suit and shirt
That I don’t like
A bright pink tie
That I would only wear on wednesdays
A crooked nose
That does not belong to me
A mole
On another person’s face
Entirely different
At the same time
A mirror
We should have listened
To the first
And one of the best
And also one of the smartest
But we did not
He said
Not to party
Too mind our own business
But we did not
And still do not
We are split
Left and right
And are known throughout the world
Outside our borders
You would think we would listen
To one of our greatest heroes
But we did not