Covalent Interim Sage M and Sam w


Physical Properties:

Bond Type: Ionic (Metal bonding with a none metal)

Lewis Structure:

Sigma and Pi Bonds: 3 Sigma, 0 Pi

Flammability: 1- Slight

Molecular Geometry: Trigonal Pyramidal

Polarity: Polar (Electronegativity Difference: 2.96 - 1.61 = 1.35)

Toxicity: 3- Serious

This compound WOULD NOT work because...

It is NOT covalent, DOES NOT have 3 sigma bonds and 2 Pi bonds , it is NOT very flammable, its geometry's is NOT linear, it's not soluble, it IS toxic to humans.


Physical Properties:

Bond Type: Covalent Bond (Nonmetal and a Nonmetal and a Nonmetal bonding)

Lewis Structure:

Sigma and Pi bonds: 3 Sigma, 1 Pi

Flammability: 4- extreme

Molecular Geometry: Triagonal Planar

Polarity: Polar (Electronegativity Difference: 3.44-2.55=0.89 -- 2.55-2.2=0.35)

Toxicity: 3- serious

This compound WOULD NOT work because...

It does NOT have 3 sigma and 2 Pi bonds, it is NOT linear, it IS toxic


Physical Properties:

Bond Type: Covalent

Lewis Structure:

Sigma and Pi Bonds: 3 Sigma and 2 Pi Bonds

Flammable: 4- extremely

Molecular Geometry: Linear

Polarity: Nonpolar (C-C=0 -- 2.55-2.2=0.35)

Toxicity: 1- slight

This compound COULD work!


Physical Properties:

Bond Type: Covalent Bond

Lewis Structure:

Sigma and Pi Bonds: 3 Sigma, 1 Pi

Flammability: N/A

Molecular Geometry: Bent

Polarity: Polar (ED- 0.84)

Toxicity: N/A

This compound WOULD NOT work because...

Does NOT have 3 sigma and 2 Pi bonds and it is NOT linear


Physical Properties:

Bond Type: Ionic

Lewis Structure:

Molecular Geometry: Bent

This compound WOULD NOT work because...

It is NOT covalent and it is NOT linear


Bond Type: Covalent

Lewis Structure:

Sigma and Pi Bonds: 4 sigma, 0 Pi

Molecular Geometry: Tetrahedral

This compound WOULD NOT work because...


Bond Type: Covalent Bond

Lewis Structure:

Sigma and Pi bonds: 3 Sigma, 0 Pi

Molecular Geometry: Bent

This compound WOULD NOT work because...


Bond Type: Covalent

Lewis Structure:

Sigma and Pi bonds: 3 Sigma, 2 Pi

Flammability: Yes

Molecular Geometry: Linear

Polarity: Polar (0.61)

Toxicity: 3

This compound WOULD NOT work because...

It is toxic to humans


Bond Type: Covalent

Lewis Structure:

Molecular Geometries: Tetrahedral

This compound WOULD NOT work because...

It is NOT linear


Bond Type: Ionic

Lewis Structure:

Molecular Geometry: Bent

This compound WOULD NOT work because...

It is NOT linear



Created with images by jurvetson - "Blog - The Carbon Muse"


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