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WORLD LEPROSY DAY 2020 #zerodiscrimination #WLd2020 #StandUp4HumanRights

"Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home - so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person; the neighbourhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm, or office where he works. Such are the places where every man, woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere. Without concerted citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world." - Eleanor Roosevelt, 1958

The Campaign

Human Rights is an integral part of the conversation around stigmatised diseases. World Leprosy Day, on the last Sunday of January each year, aims to increase public awareness of leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, and the complications surrounding it. The next World Leprosy Day is on 26 January 2020.

The cornerstone of this campaign is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which is a touchstone for positive actions by governments, individuals, and non-governmental organisations. UDHR has a moral and political significance that provides a guide to action and an evolving set of ideals for future implementation.

Host Socials

  • Twitter: @ILEPAntiLeprosy
  • Facebook: @ILEPAntiLeprosy
  • LinkedIn: ILEP - International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations

Key Contacts Socials


@AmericanLeprosy; @DAHW_Wue; @glra_india1966; @action_damien; @DamienIndia; @FAIRMED59; @RaoulFollereau; @effecthope_IP; @fontilles; @LepraUK; @LEPRAIndia; @SlcLrCanada; @NLR_NoLeprosy; @NLRFoundation; ‎@TNFandSMHF; ‎@SHF_Community; @Leprosymissint; @TLMIndia; @ProgrammesTLMEW; @ZeroLeprosy; @Infolep; @ntdworld


@AmericanLeprosyMissions; @aifoonlus,; @ActionDamien; @effecthope; @FAIRMEDschweiz; @FondationRaoulFollereau; @Fontilles; @LepraUK; @NLRIndia; @SasakawaHealth; @TheLeprosyMissionInternational; @TheLeprosyMissionEnglandandWales; @tlmindia; @TLMNI; @ZeroLeprosy; @INFOLEP

The Video

This year's World Leprosy Day campaign has a headlining video that aims to help inform and counter stigma around leprosy. The video is available with English, German or French voiceovers (and subtitles), and English with Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish subtitles.

Zero Discrimination: Ending the Stigma of Leprosy

Originally launched in January 2019 ahead of World Leprosy Day 2019, this updated ILEP publication explores the complex links between stigma and leprosy and sets out what needs to be done to end the cycle of discrimination.



  • #BeatLeprosy
  • #BeatNTDs
  • #DignityForAll
  • #EndPoverty
  • #endstigma
  • #HealthForAll
  • #LeaveNoOneBehind
  • #leprosy
  • #NTDs
  • #SpeakYourMind
  • #StandUp4HumanRights
  • #universalhealthcare
  • #zerodiscrimination
  • #zeroleprosy
  • #WLD2020
Profile covers for Twitter or Facebook headers can be used leading up to World Leprosy Day 2020.

Women, Children & Leprosy: 16 - 29 December 2019


Over the next weeks we're going to talk about how people affected by leprosy can be deprived of their many basic human rights. Stay tuned for our series leading up to #WLD2020. #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Traditional beliefs, low social status, limited mobility and poor knowledge of #leprosy are all important sociocultural factors responsible for the severe underreporting of leprosy cases in women. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Hormonal changes during puberty or pregnancy can lead to an alteration in a woman’s immune status. This leaves women susceptible to developing #leprosy or having worsened symptoms and disability. #WLD2020

Due to fear, women affected by #leprosy often hide symptoms and go undiagnosed b/c they can legally be abandoned by their husbands. This is a violation of equal rights to marriage. #UDHR #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Many women affected by #leprosy are treated as inferior socially, politically and economically within their societies. This restricts them from a life of dignity and prosperity - Article 5 #UDHR. #WLD2020 #zerostigma

Article 5 of the #UDHR says that no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Up to 20% of children born to mothers affected by #leprosy may also become affected by the time they reach puberty. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Children born to mothers affected by #leprosy may have a range of birth complications including low birth weight, small placentae, greater risk of infection, and high infant mortality – Article 25 #UDHR. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Article 25 of the #UDHR says that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of herself and of her family. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Women face barriers to accessing healthcare that men do not. Women affected by #leprosy may not be able to seek care at the first sign of infection. This can put them at risk for lifelong impairments - Article 25 #UDHR #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Women and children are disproportionately affected by #stigma and impairment from #leprosy. There are diverse sociocultural factors that put them at a higher risk of impairment and poor mental wellbeing. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

There are still many misconceptions about what #leprosy is. This leads to discriminatory policies that may hurt access to human rights for those affected. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Stay tuned for our series on the lead up to #WLD2020. #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights


Women affected by #leprosy suffer disproportionate effects of #stigma and #discrimination in comparison to men. This causes many women to hide the signs and symptoms of the disease, which can lead to worsened symptoms and increased chances of developing visible impairments. Sociocultural and economic barriers to adequate medical services can severely damage women’s chances of fully recovering. Article 25 of the #UDHR says that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and wellbeing of himself and of his family. Share and make #zerodiscrimination a reality. #WLD2020 #StandUp4HumanRights

A common misconception surrounding #leprosy is that it is hereditary. This idea that parents pass the disease on to their children genetically is extremely harmful, especially to women. This false belief is partially responsible for the high divorce rate of women affected by leprosy. It is also the reason behind some women affected losing the right to see or care for their children. These inhumane acts are a violation of women's equal rights and could be eliminated if the truth behind leprosy transmission ( was widely known and accepted. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Children affected by #leprosy can lose their right to education, putting them at a disadvantage for the rest of their life. Especially in many of the communities where #leprosy is prevalent, women and children are already at a disadvantage, and being affected by leprosy adds to that hardship for many. Article 26 of the #UDHR says that everyone has the right to education. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

A lack of mental wellbeing due to #leprosy disproportionately affects women and children. Visible impairments, because of late diagnosis, are a direct causation of poor mental health in persons affected by leprosy. Just as women are less likely to seek medical intervention for leprosy, they are also less likely to seek treatment for mental health disorders. This can cause detrimental effects not only to women but her family as well. Children are most likely to contract leprosy from a household contact, such as an untreated family member or care provider. The #stigma surrounding a child affected by leprosy may stay with them for a lifetime. In addition, children born to a parent with leprosy are automatically attached to the parent's #stigma, isolating them from society. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Even in communities where #leprosy is prevalent, many individuals, even those in the healthcare field, have questions and concerns about leprosy. Simple facts about what leprosy is, what causes it, how it is spread, and its signs are unknown to many. This lack of education about these simple leprosy facts can be very dangerous for those affected by leprosy and those who may interact with them. Without being able to recognise basic risk factors and symptoms, individuals will not be able to recognise the first signs of infection in themselves or their loved ones, delaying both diagnosis and treatment, or ensure that human rights are being recognised for those affected. Stay tuned to for our series on the lead up to #WLD2020. #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Discrimination: 30 December 2019 - 12 January 2020


Segregated #leprosy treatment facilities that claim to be beneficial for health encourage the #stigma and #discrimination of those affected by leprosy. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

In many countries, people affected by #leprosy are put into segregated treatment due to fear and #stigma within the medical field. In order to have #health4all, persons affected by leprosy must have fair and equal access to medical facilities. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination

There are currently 132 laws in place in 23 countries that discriminate against persons affected by #leprosy. These laws allow persons affected to be segregated, divorced, fired, or passed up for employment. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

People affected by #leprosy may not understand their legal rights - #UDHR Article 7. Educating them on those rights will help them actualise their right to protection against discrimination. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

#UDHR Article 7 says that all are equal before the law and are entitled, without discrimination, to equal protection of the law. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

By stripping those affected by #leprosy of their right to work, they are put at lifelong economic disadvantage. This can hinder their ability to ensure dignity and protection to the person affected and their family. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

55% of persons affected by #leprosy believe that the disease is used as grounds for divorce. To reach #zerodiscrimination the legislation surrounding leprosy must be changed so equal rights to marriage dissolution can be achieved. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Stay tuned for our series on the lead up to #WLD2020. #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights


Structural discrimination against #leprosy causes those affected to be afraid to seek or continue treatment. This can lead to permanent disabilities and the continued spread of the disease. Structural discrimination includes institutional arrangements that discriminate against those affected by leprosy, like segregated healthcare facilities and laws allowing an individual to be fired due to their leprosy status. If an individual is threatened by social isolation or loss of income it is less likely that they will be open to reporting any physical signs of leprosy. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

One-third of individuals affected by #leprosy have stated that they have been discriminated against when it comes to hiring and promotions in the workplace, and 37% of people affected believe that the disease affects their right to work. This #discrimination reinforces the incorrect belief that people affected by leprosy are unable to live a normal life after diagnosis and treatment. In reality, there is no danger in those affected by leprosy continuing to work or being newly hired into a workplace. Employment related discrimination against persons affected by leprosy is deemed legal in 25 different pieces of legislation worldwide, a direct violation of Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights #UDHR. Stay tuned for our series on the lead up to #WLD2020. #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Social Isolation & Mental Health: 13 - 18 January 2020


When people are aware of the #stigma surrounding them, low self-esteem and strong negative feelings may develop. These feelings of guilt, self-doubt, and anguish can negatively affect #mentalhealth. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Stigma surrounding #leprosy can cause individuals who are suffering to hide symptoms out of fear of isolation or judgement. In order to reach a world with #zeroleprosy we must fight to #endstigma. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Stay tuned for our series on the lead up to #WLD2020 on January 26. #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights


Up to 50% of individuals affected by #leprosy will face mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety in their lifetime. This is extremely dangerous, especially for those that not only have been isolated from their societal support systems but also do not have adequate access to mental health support. Patient compliance is key to treating leprosy, as the multi-drug therapy must be taken regularly for six months to a year in order for it to be successful. For some, poor mental wellbeing can negatively affect this necessary compliance. The right to health and wellbeing is fundamental and mental health as well as physical health should be made priorities for those affected by leprosy. Stay tuned for our series on the lead up to #WLD2020 on January 26. #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Personal Testimonies

Bill Simmons: 19 January 2020

@AmericanLeprosy @ZeroLeprosy


Bill Simmons' desire is to facilitate change for those suffering from #stigma b/c of #leprosy and help them access their rights. Read more about how he thinks we can reach #zerodiscrimination here: #WLD2020 #StandUp4HumanRights @AmericanLeprosy


"I think we need to start with ensuring that people everywhere, who have had Hansen’s disease, have equal rights and equal opportunity for participation in their communities and in their political and governing systems. That is critical. It is one of the first aspects of equality of human rights, and that's where my hope lies initially," said Bill Simmons @AmericanLeprosy. Read more of his thoughts on how to #endstigma as we move towards #WLD2020 here: #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights @ZeroLeprosy

Alice Cruz: 20 January 2020



Alice Cruz @srleprosy believes the key step to end discrimination due to #leprosy is to see persons affected by leprosy as subjects to human rights. Read more about Alice’s thoughts here: #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights


Alice Cruz's goal is to move the #leprosy community’s viewpoint to look through a human rights lens and for people to stop looking at human rights as a token. She fights to make those affected by leprosy be looked as equals in terms of citizenship. Alice views bringing persons affected into the conversation as a vital first step in making serious human rights change in the leprosy community. @srleprosy Read more about Alice’s thoughts on leprosy and human rights here: #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Mathias Duck: 21 January 2020

@mathiasduck @mathiasduckenns


Mathias was diagnosed with #leprosy 9 years ago. He believes love, empathy and knowledge can beat the fear of leprosy. Read more about @mathiasduck thoughts for #WLD2020 here: #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Mathias said that when you have people who are affected and they talk about their experiences THAT is very helpful. Read more about @mathiasduck thoughts for #WLD2020 here: #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

“Or people affected pairing up with medical professionals, explaining and bringing together the medical aspect and the human aspect, which can never be separated. Especially not in leprosy,” this, said @mathiasduck, is how we start to fight for #zerodiscrimination #WLD2020


Mathias was diagnosed with #leprosy 9 years ago. He believes love, empathy and knowledge can beat the fear surrounding leprosy. He now works to bring the voices of people affected into decision making. To him, #stigma is the biggest issue for persons affected that needs to have action taken against it, as stigma leads to degrading treatment. He believes that the participation of persons affected in decision making will make the biggest difference in not only tackling stigma but also decreasing discrimination and transmission. Read more about Mathias thoughts leading to #WLD2020 here: #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights @mathiasduckenns

"What is interesting in my case is that I was already familiarised with the disease. I had all the knowledge before I was diagnosed. I was actually already giving talks on #stigma. I'd seen people being abandoned by their families, ostracised by their communities, losing their jobs, etc. and what was interesting was that when I was diagnosed – I used to say that #leprosy is a disease like any other disease and that we should just talk about it normally – but when I was diagnosed it took me about three years to talk freely about it. I was afraid how people would react. I knew that in order for most people to understand what leprosy is it takes a while and there's a lot of nuance to it," said @mathiasduckenns in his interview leading to #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

“Where you have issues and injustices and discrimination and stigma, when you have people who are affected themselves, who are also knowledgeable, who have received some training or have some experience, they talk about their own experience and that has been very helpful. Helpful to the public in general. Or people affected pairing up with medical professionals, explaining and bringing together the medical aspect and the human aspect, which can never be separated. Especially not in leprosy because they go hand-in-hand. That would be my best bet,” said @mathiasduckenns in his interview leading to #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Kofi Nyrako: 22 January 2020


After being diagnosed with #leprosy at age 10, Kofi was bullied in school. He took this hardship and decided to give others a safe and inclusive education. Read more about Kofi’s story here: leading to #WLD2020. #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

"You do not need to be in leprosy colony... being put in a particular place, it makes more #stigma and discrimination. We need to go back into society," said Kofi Nyrako in an interview leading to #WLD2020 here: #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights


Kofi’s #leprosy story began when he was diagnosed in Ghana at the age of 10 and had already suffered from irreversible physical effects of the disease. After fighting social isolation and #discrimination based off of misconceptions, Kofi has dedicated his life to helping others. He is the headmaster of a school for students with special needs and he teaches others about the truths regarding leprosy. He is educating to strengthen the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, including those affected by leprosy. Kofi is dedicated to helping those affected by leprosy be integrated back into their families and communities. He wants people to know that leprosy is curable, and when someone is diagnosed with leprosy, it is not the end of one’s life. Read this interview with Kofi’s leading to #WLD2020 here: #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

"It needs to be general curriculum. And it needs to be added into the syllabus. Because I had this leprosy for 13 years before I was diagnosed. Nobody thought of leprosy. They were checking into other diseases but they did not know about leprosy. This caused me to come out to help people know what the symptoms of leprosy are so that anyone, any person who comes, you see the signs and you refer them to the general hospital," said Kofi Nyrako in this interview leading to #WLD2020 here: #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Paula Soares Brandão: 23 January 2020


Paula was diagnosed with #leprosy at age 22 in Brazil. She feels like it is her mission to communicate with and help others that may have similar experiences. Read more about Paula’s story here: #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

"I think women... suffer more than other persons, b/c when you are a woman... you needed to fight for education, for healthcare, and you need everyone to fight for you," said Paula in this interview leading to #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights


Paula was diagnosed with #leprosy at 22 years old. She is now a nurse, a professor and participates in MORHAN, a an organisation of leprosy affected people in Brazil. Hansen’s disease has completely changed who she is in her eyes. She now uses every opportunity she has to help others fight the #stigma surrounding the disease. After fighting societal pressures on how she should look, #self-stigma regarding her appearance, and depression as a result of her disease, Paula sees the importance of mental health care and supporting others. She is fighting to give people affected by leprosy a voice in Brazil. Read more about Paula in this interview leading to #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Amar Bahadur Timalsina: 24 January 2020

@Leprosymissint @TheLeprosyMissionInternational


"I was compelled to leave my birthplace. I was compelled to leave my school. And I was even forced to sign divorce papers due to the extreme stigma of this disease," said Amar Timalsina in an interview leading to #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

"The stigma + discrimination, it was too much... with the help of education + financial freedom I was able to change the perception of the community, of society,” said Amar leading to #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights


"#Stigma is that thing that needs to be immediately kept in Pandora’s Box. Stigma in the real world does no good to anyone. Especially the stigma to the people affected by #leprosy is sheer nonsense. There is no reason why the people affected by leprosy need to be undervalued or taken as someone who is less. For me leprosy is a disease as common as headache and toothache in the sense that it is completely curable and a person can remain as normal as earlier once the treatment is carried out in a timely manner. In this sense stigma is a phenomenon that is a ghost. Some humans are using it for their inhuman attitudes. I have suffered a lot in my life. Therefore, I have learned never to underestimate anybody else. We are raising our voice to regain the lost dignity of people affected by leprosy," said Amar Bahadur Timalsina in an interview leading to #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Rachna Kumari: 25 January 2020

@LEPRAIndia @LepraUK


Rachna works with @LEPRAIndia daily to decrease suffering for those affected by #leprosy so they do not have the same experiences she did after her diagnosis. Read more about Rachna’s story here: #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Rachna suffered from discrimination, economic hardships + poor mental health due to her diagnosis w/ #leprosy. She now helps those affected access their human rights. Read Rachna’s interview leading to #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights


"Outside of medical science, in our community #leprosy is the untouchable disease. People are thinking, he had suffered from leprosy, that means that in his past life, you did not do good work, then you receive this disease. Our community is thinking – suppose I had suffered from leprosy, please go, go outside and don’t play with her, and don’t eat with her, and don’t do anything like cooking, playing, reading, anything with her because she suffered from leprosy. I am not touching her. Suppose I am cooking. This is not good because I am cooking, so I touch the food, and prepare the food. So, this food is not good. Those people are thinking, I am eating so this is in contact with me. In our community the meaning of leprosy is abused, it is discrimination, and stigma, and untouchable, and please go out, is thought by many people,“ said Rachna Kumari in an interview leading to #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights @LepraUK

World Leprosy Day: 26 January 2020


In a world that stigmatises + reduces those affected by #leprosy to the disease, the only way forward is to focus on the people, not the disease. Celebrate #WLD2020 by watching our video #leavenoonebehind #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

On #WLD2020 see ILEP's updated publication that explores the complex links between #stigma and #leprosy and sets out what needs to be done to end the cycle of discrimination #StandUp4HumanRights #endstigma

By taking a human rights-based approach to #leprosy we can reach the people most affected by #discrimination. Share our video and help us make watch our video and help us make #zerodiscrimination a reality. #leavenoonebehind #StandUp4HumanRights

The rights set out by #UDHR aims for a free and equal world. People affected by #leprosy are humiliated, stopped from having employment or healthcare. Celebrate #WLD2020 by watching and sharing our video #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

The #UDHR aims for a free and equal world. People affected by #leprosy are stigmatized and discriminated against in everyday life. Celebrate #WLD2020 by reading interviews that see why the UDHR is still important #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

In many places around the world #leprosy is seen as a punishment for sin or an act of karma. In order to #endstigma help us celebrate #WLD2020 by visiting to read about how leprosy is a human rights issue. #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

The #UDHR gives the right to a life adequate for the health + well-being of all. This covers housing, health care + social services, which persons affected by #leprosy may be isolated or mistreated in. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Although progress has been slow, the number of new cases and cases with visual impairment have decreased. This shows progress in the fight to reach a world with #zeroleprosy. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Leprosy's history is filled w/ inhumane legislation + isolation. Stigma surrounding #leprosy dates back to medieval times + those affected have been denied basic rights since. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

This World Leprosy Day, we fight to reach a world where there is #zerodiscrimination due to #leprosy within societies and in legislation. Learn more #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Discrimination occurs when #stigma is acted upon. In order to eliminate #discrimination that is an affect of #leprosy, the stigma surrounding the disease must be eliminated. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Every 2 minutes, someone is diagnosed w/ #leprosy. Many go undiagnosed for reasons including fear of isolation, lack of knowledge about symptoms, + lack of access to healthcare. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Thank you for celebrating #WLD2020 with us. Looking for more information of leprosy? Visit us at and help us make #zerodiscrimination a reality.


#UDHR aims to see a world that is free and equal. The rights of every individual, everywhere should be protected. But people affected by #leprosy see their rights taken away. They are humilitated, stoped from having employment, healthcare or empathy. Over the past weeks ILEP has published a number of the testimonies that tell us why we need to get to #zerodiscrimiation today. Help us celebrate #WLD2020 by watching and sharing our video and visiting the website to read interviews about human rights and leprosy #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

On #WLD2020 see ILEP's updated publication that explores the complex links between #stigma and #leprosy and sets out what needs to be done to end the cycle of discrimination #StandUp4HumanRights #endstigma #zerodiscrimination

Misconceptions about #leprosy in communities where the disease is prevalent can increase #stigma and #discrimination for individuals affected. A society’s skewed beliefs of the cause, means of spreading and treatment options of the disease may encourage unjustified fear. In order to #endstigma, communities worldwide must be educated on the truths about leprosy. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more or watch and share our video #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Stigma surrounding #leprosy is largely due to the fear that stems from historical inaccuracies and false beliefs about the disease. In many parts of the world, it is believed that leprosy is a curse from God, a punishment for some form of wrongdoing in a past life, or an act of karma. This idea causes those affected by leprosy to be looked down upon and socially or physically isolated. This along with the idea that there is no cure for leprosy is the reason behind many of the inhumane acts of segregation and mistreatment against persons affected by leprosy that are backed by legislation in many countries. When societies tightly hold immense amounts of fear around a disease, it is difficult to break the cycle of misinformation. In order to do this, education surrounding leprosy is needed for not only those affected, but those in their communities as well. What causes leprosy, how it is spread and how it is treated should be worldwide knowledge. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more or watch and share our video #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights @LepraUK

#UDHR Article 23 gives all the right to work and equal pay without any form of discrimination. Persons affected by #leprosy should be given the opportunities to actualize this right and ensure an existence of human dignity for themselves and their family. Discriminatory policies allow persons affected by leprosy to be fired from their jobs or not hired simply due to their past diagnosis with leprosy putting them at an economic disadvantage. #WLD2020 #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

The number of new leprosy cases detected and cases with impairment has continued to fall each year. This shows progress in the fight to reach a world with #zeroleprosy. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more or watch and share our video #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Although progress towards a world with #zeroleprosy has been slow, @WHO 2018 leprosy update has shown the lowest numbers overall. The report states that 208,619 new cases of leprosy were detected, with a record number of countries submitting data. With Brazil, Indonesia and Somalia reporting an increased number of cases, the progress is not linear within regions. The fight to reach a world with #zeroleprosy is far from complete. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more or watch and share our video #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

The mistreatment of those affected by #leprosy dates back to ancient times, and the disease has been misunderstood and feared since. This history of misunderstanding, mistreatment, and violation of human rights has not significantly changed in many societies worldwide, and those affected by leprosy are still treated in inhumane ways. Celebrate #WLD2020 by learning more or watch and share our video #zerodiscrimination #StandUp4HumanRights

Thank you for celebrating #WLD2020 with us. Looking for more information of leprosy? Visit us at and help us make #zerodiscrimination a reality.
