For Accessible Web Version of Jamila Moore Pewu, Ph.D. Spotlight
Connects students to the history of Public art in O.C.
Jamila Moore Pewu, Cal State Fullerton’s assistant professor, wanted to create a way to show her students that books weren’t the only way to record history. The result was the Mapping Arts OC digital platform, an app-based walking tour of mural sites around Santa Ana. It is an ongoing public digital humanities project produced in collaboration with digital history students at California State University Fullerton (CSUF), local artists and community partners throughout Orange County, California.
Dec. 11, 2018, Orange County Register
“It is great when the students can connect the art to the history of the place they are in,” said Moore Pewu.
Cal State Fullerton's Department of History and nonprofit organization California Humanities partnered to present a Digital Humanities Colloquium and launch the Mapping Arts OC digital platform, which maps and showcases Santa Ana's public murals and utility boxes.
Mapping Arts seeks to build an interactive, digital map that invites users to explore the public arts landscape of Santa Ana while introducing new spatial and cultural interpretations into existing conversations and historical narratives regarding public art and spatial practice in Santa Ana and the greater Orange County region. It plans to engage historically marginalized groups and first-generation college students in the public digital humanities.
Her idea of a compelling history project is one that’s collaborative, where students work together to gather, analyze, and share data. If the project delves into local history and has a component that is useful to the community, that’s even better.
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Portions of this story are excerpted from the Dec. 11, 2018 story in the Orange County Register
Photo credits: Mural photos courtesy of Jamila Moore Pewu. All modified.