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7th Grade Peek of the Week May 24-25, 2021

Please help us with explaining the importance of wearing mask at school. Scholars need to wear their mask covering their nose and mouth. Masks should be worn only once and then washed. A clean mask should be worn daily.

VIRTUAL Honor's Day

Field Day FUNtivities & Schedule

ELA:In ELA next week we will be finishing up our class picture books. Students will also have the opportunity to do grade improvement and make up any missing assignments before the end of the year. The 7th grade will also be taking a field trip to Tybee on Wednesday. Lets finish the year out strong!

READ180: Scholars will finish their final workshop assessment.

Math: Students will review for the math portion of the GMAS (May 11th) this week. Students will spend the week reviewing the Number System, Proportional Relationships, Geometry, and Expressions/Equations/Inequalities. Students can also practice at home using IXL.

  • Science: We will continue our focus on the muscular and skeletal system in class this week. Students enjoyed dissecting frogs on Wednesday.

Have a question or concern? Contact Us!

Blaine Ennis, Elizabeth Raeburn, Michael Tountasakis

Our admin team!!

Liz Raeburn-Principal-

Blaine Ennis-Assistant Principal-Athletic Director

Michael Tountasakis - Assistant Principal -

Bryan County Middle School

600 Payne Avenue

Pembroke, GA 31321


Twitter: @bryancountyms
