
Oxford College 2017 Review

Oxford Dining Hall

The new Oxford Dining Hall opened in January 2017. It's a beautiful space that has greatly enhanced our campus.

President Sterk's Inauguration

In February the inauguration for Emory President Claire Sterk began on the Oxford campus.

Night Out in Atlanta

Night Out in Atlanta was a huge success, bringing out hundreds of local Oxford alumni to Park Tavern on the Beltline.

Pierce Hall Renovation

Pierce Hall has been under renovation during all of 2017. It will reopen in January 2018 ready for spring semester and bringing classroom space, art studios, and writing and math centers all equipped for the 21st century. It will provide office space for more than 30 faculty members.

Oxford Women's and Men's Tennis Win Championships

The Oxford Men's Tennis team won the NJCCA national tennis tournament—Oxford's fifth such championship. The Women's Tennis team claimed a three-peat victory by winning the NJCAA national tournament for the third year in a row.

Travel Courses

Oxford increased its number of travel courses, which combine classroom teaching with travel that brings learning alive. Above: Oxford students take a rest in Italy as part of the philosophy travel course The Rise of Modernity, taught by Erin Tarver and Josh Mousie, assistant professors of philosophy.

Trip to Seoul, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing

Along with Emory Vice President Susan Cruse and others, Dean Douglas Hicks traveled to Asia, meeting with Oxford alumni and Oxford entering students.

Applications for Admission Rise Dramatically

The number of applications to Oxford rose to more than 14,000 in 2017—an amazing 63 percent increase over the previous year.


The Oxford community gathered on the quad and across campus to watch the first solar eclipse to hit the area in decades.

Two New Faculty Chairs Named

Two new faculty chairs were named by the Emory Board of Trustees: Susan Ashmore, Charles Howard Candler Professor of History (pictured here), and Ken Carter, Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology.

Student Interaction

The Oxford Debate Society is a vibrant student group. In October Dean Douglas Hicks presented to them and audience members on American civil discourse, followed by a debate with society participants.

Faculty Scholarship

In addition to full teaching responsibilities, many of our faculty produced outstanding scholarly works—four of their book covers are above. Among these were Alabama Women, co-edited by Charles Howard Candler Professor of History Susan Ashmore; Learn Psychology: an Introduction (revised first edition) co-authored by Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology Ken Carter; Interdisciplinary Approaches to Pedagogy and Place-Based Education co-edited by Jeff Galle, associate professor of English, and Deric Shannon, associate professor of sociology; Revitalizing Classrooms: Innovations and Inquiry Pedagogies in Practice, co-edited by Jeff Galle; Teaching, Pedagogy, and Learning: Fertile Ground for Campus and Community Innovations, co-edited by Jeff Galle; The Parables After Jesus: Their Imaginative Receptions Across Two Millennia by Pierce Professor of Religion David Gowler; and The I in Team: Sports Fandom and the Reproduction of Identity by Erin Tarver, assistant professor of philosophy.

Student Retention

Oxford achieved a student retention rate of 97 percent, one of the highest rates in the country. This measurement puts Oxford in the company of schools including Harvard and Duke.

Welcome, Class of 2021

Oxford welcomed 482 members of the Class of 2021, with a total enrollment of 975. Once again, this was the most highly credentialed entering class ever at Oxford.

Oxford's Economic Impact Reverberates

A research study conducted by Philadelphia based Econsult Solutions Inc. found that Oxford has a significant economic and civic impact across Newton County, the Atlanta MSA, and the state of Georgia—with almost $80 million annual impact in Newton County alone.

The students, faculty, and staff of Oxford College wish you a 2018 filled with peace.


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