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March/April/May 2020 @BVNLibrary As 3rd quarter ended, so too did our time at school. REad on to find out how we adjusted to library life in a pandemic.

ELA 11

Students in ELA 11 classes used a topic selection activity to explore possible topics and choose a topic for a research paper.

Philosophy & Advanced Rep Theater

Students in Ms. Thomas' Philosophy class and Advanced Rep Theater class spent time in the library researching famous philosophers and actors respectively. One of our favorite parts of collaborating with Ms. Thomas is how much her students use research in their writing and acting.

Graphic Design 1

Students in Dr. Crane's Graphic Design 1 classes worked on a design challenge about including ALL students in school. Students came up with ideas, programs, swag and promotional materials to help others learn about their ideas.

And then...

We attempted to provide as much support as possible.

We provided video feedback to AP Lit students finishing the research paper they started long before Spring Break:

We helped teachers design lessons that could more easily meet the needs of our learners and of our teachers.

This summer, we will continue to find the best ways to help our students and our teachers, and figure out what to do when we don't know what to do.

Created By
abby cornelius


Created with images by Sébastien Jermer - "untitled image" • Surface - "Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 in platinum shot by: Christiann Koepke " • Tbel Abuseridze - "untitled image" • Jon Tyson - "untitled image" • Jon Tyson - "untitled image"
