
Research Like a Ninja! Tricks, Tips, Tools and Searches

WYSIWYG isn't always true...

Searching for Information: Basic, Advanced, and Interesting

If you're going to use it, here are some tips!


Hunting, Finding, Getting It

1. What color is the cover of the first National Geographic magazine?

2. Using an advanced search on Gale Resources in Context, search for racial stereotypes and omit American, what is the title of the article whose topic is about a song?

3. In Opposing Viewpoints, name the title of the third Viewpoint article and the first news article

4. Find a photograph of the first baby panda you see. write which database the image came from and the year it was taken.

New, Exciting....FREE!!


Created with images by PublicDomainPictures - "japan traditional armor" • James Cridland - "Internet" • Blowing Puffer Fish - "台北 / Taipei - Cengage Learning" • rhousewright - "jstor's 6000th institutional participant = jstor cake!!!"


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