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Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) brings together and represents our lands five custodial Ngarda Ngarli; Ngarluma, Yindjibarndi, Yaburara, Mardudhunera, and Wong-Goo-Tt-Oo. Our strategy is to work closely as the traditional Ngarda Ngarli to maintain cohesion and to ensure our programs and outcomes reflect the needs of our community. MAC's mission is to preserve and protect our land, heritage and culture while transforming the lives of our community.

Dear MAC Members,

Welcome to our MAC newsletter for October.

Many projects at MAC have started to take shape over the past few months and it is exciting to share some of these achievements with you.

Recently we;

  • Celebrated the transfer of more than 30,000 tropical black lip rock oyster spat (juvenile oysters) from Perth to new trial sites on Pilbara sea country at West Lewis as part of the WA Tropical Rock Oyster Research and Development project.
  • Welcomed six new staff members to our Ranger Program.
  • Welcomed Consul General Gainer - U.S. Consulate General Perth to experience Murujuga country and to see the rock art up close from the new viewing platform and elevated boardwalk at Nganjarli (Deep Gorge).
  • Participated in a practise oil spill along with staff from Australian Marine Services, Pilbara Ports Authority and Rio Tinto to ensure preparedness in an emergency event.
  • Celebrated Sea Week 2020 with over 80 participants visiting Nganjarli on a rock art tour.

These are only a few of the many projects and initiatives we are currently a part of. There has been a lot happening at MAC and we continue to ensure we can preserve and protect our culture, land and heritage, support our members into the future and create long-term mutually beneficial government and industry relationships.

Please keep the feedback and suggestions coming on our regular communications, we truly value your input and point of view!

Ngayintharri gumawarni ngurrangga and stay safe.


Peter Jeffries

CEO, Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation

Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation's 2020 AGM

20 November 2020 at 10.00am

PCYC 50 Cent Hall, 1 Sholl St Roebourne, WA 6718

All MAC Members are invited to join us, and formal notices have been posted out to all listed addresses.

For those of you who are unable to attend, MAC must receive your proxy form before 10am on Wednesday 18 November 2020.

If you have not received this notice, please contact MAC admin to update your member details.

Federal Budget

The Federal Government recently announced the 2020-21 Budget which includes sections on reforming environmental laws and regulations as well as protecting iconic places.

The entire Federal budget can be viewed here.

State Budget

MAC were recently invited to a breakfast with Minister Dawson for a briefing on the State Budget. It was a valuable morning where we listened to a presentation about the Budget, which aims to show commitment towards regional WA (including Murujuga).

The State Budget can be viewed here.

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill

The McGowan Government has released the draft Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2020. The draft ACH Bill proposes to repeal the existing Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) and replace it with a completely new law that establishes a new way of managing heritage.

Click here to view the draft ACH Bill.

MAC fundamentally disagree that the draft ACH Bill in its current form is likely to improve the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage or give Aboriginal Parties a more significant role in the decisions that affect our heritage.

A short public consultation period was set (38 days), in which the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage sought feedback on the Bill. MAC made a submission on the current draft ACH Bill which can be viewed here.

Tropical black lip rock oyster trial project

Recently we celebrated the transfer of more than 30,000 tropical black lip rock oyster spat (juvenile oysters) from Perth to new trial sites on Pilbara sea country at West Lewis.

In partnership with the Murujuga, who will assist with monitoring these sites, Maxima successfully transferred the spat to grow-out baskets where they will grow to market size over the next 18 months.

The project aims to investigate optimal methods for growing Black Lip Rock Oysters and to build on the knowledge gained from the original research and development trial at Flying Foam Passage.

For more information visit our website.

L-R: Transferring the oyster spat to the West Lewis site; John Hutton (Maxima), Mayor Peter Long (City of Karratha), Michel Bermudes (DPIRD), Vince Adams (MAC), Terry Hill (Pilbara Development Commission), Kevin Michel (MLA Member for Pilbara).

Murujuga Ranger Program

The Murujuga Land and Sea Unit (MLSU) is the dedicated fee for service team who work on Murujuga National Heritage Listed sites and Murujuga Sea Country, including tourism within Murujuga.

The MLSU team are proud to have Leanne Lockyer, Cayl Ryan-Walker and Dale Sambo recently join us and three new members join our dedicated Murujuga National Park team; Peter Cooper, Cory Adams and Richard Variakojis.

The Circle of Elders were recently introduced to the new Ranger team to discuss their involvement, rock art tour feedback, on-site cultural inductions as well as cultural advice and key contacts.

Clinton Walker, a MAC Member and a successful operator in the Aboriginal tourism industry has been working together with MAC one day per week to assist in the cultural development of our Rangers, inform and assist on MAC review of its Cultural Awareness Program and to provide advice and stories to support Nganjarli rock art tours. Clinton is well known for his impressive drone skills, photography and tour experiences.

These additions to our Ranger Program further strengthen our ability to move towards the lead role in the management of our National Park, our sea country and our country beyond the National Park, which is part of MAC’s Strategic Objectives.

We look forward to seeing all of our rangers out on country caring for and sharing Murujuga with our community and visitors.

MAC MLSU and National Park Rangers and the MAC Circle of Elders.

Rock Art Tours

We are excited to announce that rock art tours at Nganjarli will resume from Monday 26 October. Join traditional custodians on a 1.5hr rock art and cultural experience in the Murujuga National Park on the Burrup Peninsula.

Frequency of departures may vary due to demand, weather and cultural obligations, so please ensure you enquire first so we can try and accommodate you. Visit to learn more.

Bookings are essential. Book through the Karratha Tourism & Visitor Centre at or call (08) 9186 8055.

Guests, tours and rock art at MAC.

Murujuga art exhibits at the WA Museum

MAC has been working closely with the Western Australian Museum to curate an exhibit on the heritage of Murujuga.

The spectacular new WA Museum Boola Bardip opens in the Perth Cultural Centre on Saturday 21 November 2020.

Experience Murujuga for yourself through realistic projection of petroglyphs onto man-made rocks within the museum. The exhibition features breathtaking panoramic scans of Murujuga land and sea country. The exhibition will play an important role in educating the public about the richness of our culture.

World Heritage & Managing Heritage in WA

As a part of MAC’s commitment to protecting and sharing our land and heritage, we are proud that the Murujuga Cultural Landscape has been accepted by UNESCO onto Australia’s World Heritage Tentative List.

This is a significant step in our journey towards achieving World Heritage Listing, and is the result of a successful and meaningful collaboration between MAC, the Commonwealth and the Western Australian Government.

The Murujuga Heritage Committee and Interagency Taskforce held a joint meeting at the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation office in Dampier on 24 September 2020.

Committee and taskforce members received updates on:

  • The drafting of the nomination book
  • Quarterly stakeholder updates
  • The communication and engagement strategy
  • Murujuga Rock Art Strategy
  • Key development and tourism proposals.

Dossier draft version one, reviews and further draft versions are planned for 2021. By the second quarter of 2022 it is expected that final approvals would take place, with the submission process to be completed by the first quarter of 2023.

Visit the Word Heritage Factsheet page here to read the full update.

Business and Employment Development Unit

Our new Business and Employment Development Unit is here to support our members who would like to pursue employment, business and contracting opportunities with our industry partners and/or more broadly.


Programmed, in partnership with Woodside Energy Ltd, is seeking applications from highly motivated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates for their Pre-pathways Traineeship program in Karratha.

The traineeships cover a range of different skills and positions. Applications close 5.00pm Friday 25 October. Click here for more information and to apply.

Did you know that you can register to be alerted about job postings that suit your criteria?

Visit to register!


MAC’s Corporate Communications and BEDU team recently attended the Pilbara Indigenous Business Network Tradeshow co-hosted by KDCCI & PIBN in Roebourne.

KDCCI and Business Local run regular workshops and training sessions on a range of topics that could be relevant for your business. Some of the upcoming sessions include:

KDCCI Grow Local - HR & People Management Series

  • Grow your business and develop your people, Session 3 – Tuesday 20 October
  • Exit Strategies (Termination, Dismissals, Exit Interviews) Session 4 – Tuesday 27 October
  • Online Advertising – Facebook and Google Ads – Tuesday 20 October
  • Tender Writing – Tuesday 17 November

Business Local

  • Bookkeeping Essentials – Wednesday 28 October

Indigenous Angel investor and entrepreneur program

A dedicated program for Indigenous entrepreneurs, leaders and business owners was announced by the State Government on 14 October. It will provide world-class education to empower Indigenous professionals to become more involved in early-stage business, innovation and technology.

The partnership between Perth Angels and the Minderoo Foundation (Generation One) for the Indigenous Angel program will support the next generation of indigenous entrepreneurs.

The partnership is being supported by the State Government through a $10,000 sponsorship from the $16.7 million New Industries Fund.

This Indigenous Angel Investor and Entrepreneur Program is being piloted with the view of rolling it out nationally in 2021. Applications for the program open on October 15, and close on October 29, 2020.

Industry & Community News

Mawarnkarra Health Service are hosting a Yarn and a Cuppa on Friday 23 October from 9.00 to 11.00am at MHS. Everyone is welcome!

Karratha Central Healthcare have a hydrotherapy pool program for AHP physio patients aged 18+ every Monday at Karratha Leisureplex from 11am. Transport available. To book call Jaye at KCH on 9144 6900 or 0438 333 141.

Wirra Maya Health Service is holding a Galaxy Games night at the YIC Youth Centre in South Hedland on Friday 6 November. Open to anyone 12-25 years old. No registration required.

Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service (PAMS) have a range of job vacancies available, visit for more information and to apply.

The Forum for Directors of Indigenous Organisations (FDIO) is seeking to appoint up to seven board members. To apply, provide a CV, with a letter of your experience to Danielle Edman at by Friday 30 October.

Woodside are offering grants of up to $5,000 to clubs or organisations to support community initiatives in the City of Karratha. Applications can be made online at Applications close Saturday 31 October.

Aboriginal Insights are holding half day virtual workshops on ‘Cultural Foundations for Workplaces’ on Wednesday 4 November and Wednesday 9 December at a cost of $250 + GST per person. To find out more and to book click here.

Riverside Marine are looking for cadets to join their marine program commencing from January 2021. For information and to apply click here.

Indigenous owned and managed business Supply Aus offers clothing, footwear and PPE items for companies, groups or bulk orders. For more information contact or call 0466 412 445.

MAC Reminders

Department of Transport will be visiting Roebourne on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 October from 9.00am to 2.30pm at the NBAC Office.

The Business and Employment Development Unit (BEDU) survey is still open if you would like to be a part of this unit and apply for upcoming employment, business and contracting opportunities. To complete the survey click here.

ARE YOUR MEMBER DETAILS UP TO DATE? Click here to update them now so we can send you important news and opportunities.

A special grocery supplement available to members. To apply for this once-off grocery card please download the application form on our website. If you have submitted your application, thank you – these are being processed.

Nganjarli (Deep Gorge) is now officially reopen.

For all the latest MAC news and updates click here.

Stay safe and look after each other

Office Address: 313 King Bay Road, Dampier, WA 6713

Postal Address: PO Box 1544, Karratha, WA 6714

Email: | Phone: +61 8 9144 4112