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DIY hot chocolate bombs rapidly increase in Tik Tok popularity By: abby nevin '23

Tik Tok has created and inspired many different trends recently. This easy do it yourself hot chocolate bomb recipe is a creative and tasty way to prepare everyone for the upcoming holiday season.

Hot chocolate bombs require no specific measurements, allowing the process to move swiftly.

The best part about this recipe is that you need no specific measurements. The ingredients you will need for this chocolate filled sensation are: melted chocolate), hot chocolate mix, milk and mini marshmallows. You will also need any shaped silicone mold and a hot surface as well.

It is recommended that you use a chocolate that is over 65% cacao so that it is thick enough to mold.

First you will need to melt the certain chocolate you choose. Melt it for around 30 seconds, and then mix. Make sure that it is thin enough to be able to pour smoothly out of the mold later, but thick enough to hold the ingredients later on.

Place the chocolate molds in the freezer for longer than expected so that they are strong enough.

After this, pour your melted chocolate into the mold. Then move the mold from side to side, making sure that the chocolate covers all of the inside. It is recommended that you flip the mold upside down to make sure that no excessive amount of chocolate is still inside. Then, place the mold inside of the freezer for around one hour to let the chocolate sit.

The smaller your hot chocolate bombs are, the more you need to make.

Afterwards, remove the chocolate from the freezer and take each mold out carefully. Heat the rims of the hollow chocolate circles by moving them around on a hot pan for a short amount of time to make them flat. This makes it easier to add the other half on later.

If your chocolates are too small, cut the marshmallows to fit inside.

After heating the rims, add your hot chocolate mix and mini marshmallows. Then, add the other empty halves on top so that they stick together and become a ball.

Add more melted chocolate to wherever you connected the two halves to strengthen its hold.

Finally, heat the milk and pour it into a mug. Drop the hot chocolate bombs inside of the mug, and they will melt. You can then add more marshmallows if necessary, or top it off with some whipped cream if you’d like.

Once the bombs are placed in the milk, they should then open releasing the contents inside.

The end result should look like what is pictured above. You can even add sprinkles for an extra touch of creativity, or just keep it plain. Enjoy these delicious and unique viral Tik Tok trends.

All photos taken by Abby Nevin '23
