FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, September 1, 2017
CONTACT: Debra Harris-Bowyer, Cabell County Family Resource Network Coordinator | P: 304.697.0255 | E:
CONTACT: Kaylin R. Adkins-Staten, Hourglass Omnimedia | P: 304.900.2833 | E:
Children’s dental health resource guide available
Highlights eight sectors to promote healthy teeth
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. -- The Cabell County Family Resource Network launched its Resources for Healthy Teeth Toolkit in February 2017, and since then, smiles have been getting brighter!
The information in the Toolkit is compiled to make it easy to access a variety of different materials to help parents and programs promote good oral health and help children have healthy teeth and smiles for life.
Examples of included Local, state, regional and national resources are the following:
- National children’s dental health campaign
- Tips for healthy teeth for parents and caregivers
- Finding a dentist close to you
- Lessons to use with students in the classroom and beyond
- Fun activities for children
- Local, state, regional and national resources
Samples of Resources
Find A Dentist Near You and Establish Your Child's Dental Home!
Here are some best Children's Oral Health practices from credible sources, like the CDC and AAP.
The print and digital resource guide, available on, provides the following:
CHILDREN: Activities, videos, phone apps
PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS: Tips for healthy teeth
EARLY EDUCATION PROGRAMS: Pre-K and in-home family education
SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS: Lessons and activities, K-12
COUNTY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH: Resources, oral health education
DENTISTS: Find a dentist, dental home, insurance, CHIP
“The Cabell County FRN is proud to launch our ‘Resources for Healthy Teeth Toolkit.’ The information in the Toolkit is compiled to make it easy to access a variety of different materials to help parents and programs promote good oral health and help children have healthy teeth and smiles for life,” said Debra Harris Bowyer, Cabell County Family Resource Network Coordinator.
This project is done in collaboration with Marshall University and DentaQuest Foundation. The Community and School Oral Health Team at Marshall University School of Medicine applauds the efforts of the Cabell County FRN as it works to empower families in our local communities. The Cabell County FRN recognizes that families cannot be healthy unless they have the proper knowledge and tools on how to care and maintain healthy teeth and mouths.
“This goes beyond brushing teeth,” said Wendy Mosteller, RDH at Marshall University's Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine. “It extends to providing families with real time information, such as how and where to access dental care, benefits of drinking fluoridated water and why the age 1 dental visit is so important. The Cabell County FRN’s most recent endeavor aims to provide resources to not only parents and children but to any individual seeking to improve their oral health and overall health.”
The Cabell County Family Resource Network (FRN) is a partnership of individuals, families and agencies working together to promote the well-being of children and families in Cabell County. Since its incorporation in September 1993, the Cabell County FRN has brought together a broad-based representation of partners, including business representatives, consumers, and service providers from health, education, housing, and social services. These partners are critical to improving the well-being of our families and children. The Cabell County FRN envisions a coordinated, community-based social service system responsive to the needs of families and effective in enhancing the success of individuals and families to responsibly achieve their goals.
Some Essential Information:
Photos from,, Hourglass Omnimedia
Created By Hourglass Omnimedia
Photos by Kaylin R. Staten, Upsplash and others.