9:00 Sign In / Breakfast Provided
9:30 - 11:40 Morning Workshops & Demos
11:40 - 12:10 Lunch Provided by Chipotle
12:15 - 2:00 Afternoon Sessions & Panels
For the first time DPS Educators will receive PD Credit!
Register for both PD sessions in Schoolnet below
Connect with Community Partners and Resources
9:30-11:40 Connecting the Garden to Literacy
9:30-11:40 Garden of Youth Program
10:40-11:40 Spring Planning & Planting
10:40-11:40 Garden to Cafeteria Program
Afternoon Sessions and Panels:
12:15-1:00 Garden Curriculum Sharing
1:15- 2:00 Overcoming Garden Challenges
1:15-2:00 Youth Farm Stand Toolkit by Denver Urban Gardens
1:15- 2:00 Keeping Chickens in DPS
Created with images by Greencolander - "veggies" • skeeze - "farmers market fruits vegetables" • Steven-L-Johnson - "backyard chicken" • rFonz - "pasta cooking fresh"