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Thunderbird september, 2019 newsletter

Important Dates at a Glance

  • Fall Fun Rally................................................September 20-22
  • Cub Launch...................................................September 28
  • Service Project................................................September 28
  • Fall Camporee................................................October 4-6
  • Roundtable......................................................October 7
  • Fall Frightfest..................................................October 12
  • Eagle Board of Review....................................October 15
  • Outdoor leader training..................................October 18-20
  • Wilderness Remote First Aid.........................October 18-20
  • Committee/Commissioner meeting................October 21
  • Popcorn sale ends............................................October 23
  • Scoutbotics......................................................October 26
  • STEM University SIUE..................................November 2

District News:

Next Roundtable - Monday, October 7th

Come get your Scouting For Food information and bags, as well as other good information to bring back to your units.

Reminder to all Units to get your estimated ScoutFest 2020 attendance numbers on-line on or before 10/15/2019. Thanks to the Thunderbird Units that have already submitted their estimated numbers.

Service Opportunity - Help needed

Looking for a Service Project for your Pack or Den? Look no further! We have one available! And it's within Thunderbird!

Why: Pack 125, Eagle Prep, needs help with THEIR Service Project, a Church Bar-B-Que (sounds yummy).

Date: 09/28/2019, SATURDAY

Time: 8:00am-5:00pm (Shifts of 2 hours--or stay all day!)

Location: St. John's Lutheran Church, 3738 Morganford Rd., 63116 (northeast corner of Chippewa & Morganford).

Help Needed: At the Bar-B-Que pit, lifting the pit lid, turning the meat, and carrying cooked meat to the kitchen. Help is also needed in the Kitchen.

If you, your Den, or your Pack can help out, it would be much appreciated. Contact Eunice Bain for greater details. Email Eunice Bain at:

Activities and Camping

Fall Camporee

The Fall Camporee will be held October 4-6 -Beaumont Scout Ranch, Laemmli Area. Thunderbird and Grand Towers will once again camp together at Fall Camporee. John Ebert is looking for a Boy Scout Program Coordinator and a Cub Scout Program Coordinator for Fall Camporee. Please contact him at:

To get the manual, go to the Thunderbird website:

Fall Frightfest

October 12th 2019—2PM to 8PM at Beaumont Scout Reservation

Choose a session every 15 minutes. Sessions last approx. 2 hours. Fall Fright Fest Activities: haunted hike through Beaumont, tug-o-war, make SLIME, get a goody bag full of treats, and dress in costume! Dinner concessions available for purchase.

For more information and to download the flyer:

Popcorn Sales

Important Dates:

  • October 21: Deadline to return unsold product
  • October 26: Take Orders Due
  • November 8: Pick up unit Take Order
  • November 15: Deadline to submit all prize orders and Scout incentives
  • December 5: Submit payment – Invoices due

Many units use the popcorn sale to drive their operating budget to pay for program activities. Popcorn sales can generate enough income to financially support your Scouting program for the entire year! Money from popcorn can be used to cover the cost of camporees, pinewood derby races, field trips, equipment or personal gear, badges, advancement and summer camp.

The more you sell the more money you have to deliver the program that youth expect. It takes one minute to sign up for a kick-off meeting:


October 26, 2019 St. Louis University Parks College of Engineering: McDonnell Douglass Hall

Cub Scout Coding Workshop: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Ages 7-11) $30 for a morning of introductory coding and a chance to learn about robotics and computers.

Scouts BSA Robotics Workshop: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Ages 11-17) $55 for a day of coding, building, and competition.

For registration and more information:

Cub Launch

Cub Launch has all things cub scouts! Join us for a day of cub scout activities: bb guns, archery, games, crafts, slime, earn your bobcat, and more!

September 28th 9AM to 3PM @ Beaumont Scout Reservation Over 20 areas of programs and special guests including horse back riding, firetrucks and more!

For a downloadable flier, click here: Cub launch

Advancement and Recognition

Congratulations Jack Nankivil - New Eagle Scout

Jack is a member of St. Joan of Arc Scout Troop 62, and his Eagle Court of Honor was held Sunday, Sept 15th in the South City Catholic Academy School Hall. He also received a Bronze, Gold, and Silver Palm (total of 38 merit badges earned). He presented his Mentor Pin to Mr. Matt Sisul, Scoutmaster of Troop 62. Jack passed his Eagle Board of Review in May but wanted to wait until summer camps and vacations were finished so he could celebrate with his Troop. Jack is a sophomore at St. Mary's High School and the son of Cheryl and Mark (who is also an Eagle Scout).

Jack's Eagle project was to renovate the passenger benches and protective trails bollards at the Wabash, Frisco & Pacific Railroad in Glencoe, MO in order to improve the experience for all visitors.

Upcoming Badge Workshops:

Merit Badge Skill Centers
  • Climbing - Saturdays and Sundays at Upper Limits
  • Chess – Dec 7
  • Golf – Oct 13
  • Citizenship in the Community – Dec 7
  • Citizenship in the Nation – Jan 11
  • Personal Fitness - Oct 5, Nov 9
  • Scuba Diving - Nov 19
  • Chemistry – Nov 16
  • Go to the Merit Badge Skills Center page for full listings and to register:

The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to\scouts

The Salesmanship Merit badge has several workshops coming up. Find out more:

Upcoming Moviemaking Merit Badge Workshops:

Webolos Game Design Adventure has several upcoming workshops:

Digital Technology Merit Badge workshop dates:


Fall Fun Rally - September 20-22

The 46th annual Fall Fun Rally will be held Sept 20-22: Beaumont Scout Reservation - celebrating Gateway City at the Start of the Journey West. Fall Fun Rally can certainly use some adult help.

Join around 750 Venturers, Explorers, Older Scouts, and Advisors for an event filled weekend with more than 100 activities, training, demonstrations, and competitions. This event, put on by the Greater St. Louis Area Council VSOA is a unique event drawing participants from more than 20 BSA councils and more than a dozen states. This year's activities will include some of your favorites such as Mud Cave, Mountain Man Village, Climbing Activities, Crate Stacking, and the STEM Village. New this year will be some great activities including: New Climbing Complex, Exciting New Outside Vendors and Displays and many many more great activities being planned by our Venturing and Sea Scout Officers' Association.

Register here:


STEM Universities

11/02/2019 SIUE (Southern Illinois University--Edwardsville)

Earlybird price of $16 youth/$10 adult by Oct. 20, price goes up $5 after. Price includes lunch, STEM-U patch and program materials. Registration deadline: Sunday, Oct. 27 at 11:59 pm or when capacity reached. NO late registrations or walk-ins. Out of Council Scouts are welcome to enroll.

For more information and to register your cub, go to For more information and to register your boy scout, go to:

12/14/2019 UMSL (University of Missouri--St. Louis)

No registration information yet, but keep an eye out at:


It is very important that all leaders are trained in their appropriate area, as well as Youth Protection Trained. If you need to make sure your training is recorded and logged with the council, you can contact to check.

For information on all types of scout training, visit the council website at

Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills Training (IOLS)

October 18-20, Beaumont Scout Reservation

A new Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster is considered trained upon completion of Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training and the Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills.

This hands-on program gives adult leaders a practical introduction to the patrol method of a boy-led troop by teaching many of the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out-of-doors.

This full weekend course will include the SM/ASM Leader Specific Training and the IOLS training.

For more information and registration:

2019-2020 Wilderness Remote First Aid
  • October 18-20, Beaumont Scout Reservation
  • December 6-8, Camp Warren Levis
  • January 10-12, Beaumont Scout Reservation

The American Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid 16-hour course is consistent with guidelines established for and by the Boy Scouts of America and is adaptable to meet needs for such training for youth-serving organizations and adult participants in outdoor recreational activities as well as employees working in various wilderness and remote settings where EMS response to the site of an incident is more than 60 minutes. These courses are designed to meet the needs of those who go into areas that are beyond the reach of urban EMS. It is required for those units going to Philmont, Sea Base or Northern Tier and is recommended for back country camping, hiking, canoeing, or other high adventure. The certification is good for two years. You must be certified in CPR and AED before taking the course, if you need this certification please sign up for the CPR class on Friday night.

For more information and registration:

Thank you to all who contributed!

Please send any stories or pictures for future newsletters to: Kris Ranciglio -

The end
