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Girls and Women in STEM building a brighter future for everyone

Did you know that girls and boys perform equally well in mathematics and science on standardized tests in K-12 education?

Boys and girls enroll in advanced science and math courses at comparable rates, but girls are not continuing on into STEM fields like computer science in college or in the job market. What is holding them back?

Girls think STEM is for boys.

One study found, that the over-emphasis on recruiting and mentoring women in STEM may help contribute to the stereotypes of the field as being masculine and not a good place for women.

Why is it so important to have women and girls represented in STEM fields?

Women make up roughly 50% of the world's population. Without their perspective STEM innovations, progressions and discoveries can only go so far.

The bottom line? Talent in STEM isn't dictated by gender. The best ideas and innovations come from involvement from different perspectives.

What's Next?

Learn more about Global Goal 4: Quality Education.


Created with images by geralt - "learn mathematics child" • Goodward - "science science and technology analysis" • Priscilla Du Preez - "untitled image" • FotoshopTofs - "microbiologist scientist woman" • DarkoStojanovic - "doctor medical medicine"


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