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Inject Creativity Live EPisode 55 - Tuesday, 7th December, 2021


Joining us this evening...

  • Ross Johnson
  • Craig Daalmeijer-Power
  • Juliette Bentley
  • Mark Christie


  • Craig Daalmeijer-Power (winner)
  • Juliette Bentley (1st runner-up)
  • Mark Christie (2nd runner-up)

Learn more about EDEX and Adobe

"The Adobe Education Exchange made our [new] learning resources possible" - Ross Johnson, NSW

Ross Johnson

AEL from NSW

Ross argues that creativity and assessment CAN be friends!

Too much duplication across assessments led to both staff and students being ready and willing to try something different and get some change in their curriculum.

Ross shared with us a range of projects and assets that were created by students with different software, using fundamentals of technology and design to tell a story, observing how the students approached their project.

Student examples

Ross adopted the 'Four Icon Challenge' he experienced himself in an EDEX course to create a project for his students to really show their understanding of recognisable concepts in a visual language.

His final share was of a creative task of soft drink brand development, to be presented in a 'Shark Tank' style scenario.

Student examples

Follow Ross

What's on with Adobe in Education for 2022?

AEL Highlight of the Year

  • Juliette: Presenting with international representatives like Matt Niemitz (recently left Adobe for new opportunities)
  • Ross: Promoting creativity in learning through resources from the Adobe Education Exchange and Creative Cloud
  • Craig: Adobe TeachMeets - exploring the different software and the different use cases and ideas, and the chats that result in new ideas for how things can be used.
  • Mark: Exploring how to create sustainability for Adobe in Schools, and it taking 2 years to make Adobe in Schools an 'overnight success', where word of mouth leads to more engagement and creative thinking in their classrooms.
  • Jerry: Additional software available in K-12 schools like Adobe Rush and Photoshop Express
  • Erin: Helping new and future Education Leaders have 'Ah-HA' moments in what they can accomplish with the tools at their disposal
  • Tim: Presenting at Adobe MAX with Craig Daalmeijer-Power and Liza Gotfried, and...
Created By
Erin Raethke


Created with images by Pexels - "christmas tree ornaments decorations" • chaitawat - "fiber optic cable blue"
