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Growing colors

this photo was my first photo I liked because of how the quality is so nice you can see that the background is all blurred and the plant and the crown is in focus I came up with the idea because I was looking at the flowers and so I just saw the plant in the ground so I put it right in it for it to stay. this was at school during class

race car

this photo represents symmetry I really love this photo because how it turned out and you can tell this is symmetry because of the rad strips and the head lights and symmetry means, that the photo looks the same when you split it own the middle and I took this photo of my friends car and it was his first time driving to school because he just got his license so it looked like a great time to take a photo to capture the moment.

old sac

this photo is an diagonal this photo is a memory I went to old sac and I was looking at this and I saw a diagonal in this photo and I thought it was a great photo

baby snoop

this is my dog this photo is fill the Frame and he was looking at me so I had time to take this photo and it turned out good the story behind this photo is my cousin friend came over after school and saw my dog and she picked him up and was holding him and so I had to get a photo of it

life of shapes

this is repetition of shape and I was in my house trying to find shapes and I saw the pillows and I was like hey that would be good so I took the camera and took the shot because it was a good photo it is 2 pillows but it looks like 1 big one

lost in wonders

this I my contrast photo this photo was a classic photo and I like this photo because of how the sun hits her hair and it makes her look dark and cause a bright ring around her and we were outside with the class and I got this great photo and that is why I like this photo

morning things

it was raining lightly and I was thinking of taking a photo because of how dark it was and I saw my friend waling down the street and she had on bright white and she got close and she asked me to take a photo so I did and I liked the way it looked and I enjoy taking photos


this photo was planned my friend knew I had my camera she asked me to take photos of his car so I said yes so he picked me up and it was like 7:00 and we were at the mall and we went up on top and we saw the burn out marks so it looked like he did it was a great seen.

air coloring

this photo was something we were doing in class and I saw how good it came out like the stair was really good and I had he camera on ten seconds so hey would turn off the lights and then turn on the one that they were coloring with.

this was a moment to remember because this was the daywear went to a NBA game and they were super tired so I took a photo and they liked it because it was funny and I thought was too and this is my cousin with he's girlfriend.

Created By
Matheo Beaty