There are a lot of Categories?
- Mountain bike categories in Oregon are generally self-selected besides Elite, which requires an upgrade. Please note Cat 2 14-18 Junior Men and Women riders must first start at Cat 3 and upgrade based on OBRA rules.
- Faster adult racers should move up to prevent sandbagging and allow more space for the Category 3 novice and Category 2 sport or intermediate categories. Please enter any level up to and including category 1 if you are fast enough. Just know you can't move back until the next season by request if you are in way over your head.
- Special categories like Singlespeed, Clydesdale (200+ lbs) and Fat Bike are specialty categories based on weight or bike type)
- Masters have many options, and for most, Category 2 is where most end up if you self-identify as a person who typically does not “Race.” but rides a reasonable amount. Also, for most events, the Category 2 races on the longest course for typical XC at venues with two distances.
What Category am I?
- If it’s your first race and you want to take it one step at a time, you’re in the Cat 3“Novice” division or sign up for any ability except Elite Men or Women or Cat 2 Junior 14-18, which require prior approval or forced upgrade. These races take most people about an hour and are accessible to all abilities. Once you move up, you cannot downgrade unless you send an e-mail request to OBRA.
- If you’ve done several races or come in from racing in other sports or are a fit person, you can choose to race Cat 2 “Sport.” Equivalent categories may be Cyclocross 2 or 3 or Faster 4 or 5 Riders, or Road Category 4. These races vary from 1 to 3 hours (average 2 hours) and may include technical features and sustained climbs.
- If you can ride anything and can go fast for over two hours, then try the Cat 1“Expert” class. If you race cyclocross 1 or 2 or place in the Top road 1/2/3, then this is most likely your category unless you think you are a poor bike handler and want to start lower in Cat 2 (Sport) for a few events.
- Please remember that 3 top 3 finishes in XC or ST in 12 months in Full Fields (15 for men and 10 for women) require you to upgrade in that particular discipline. No required upgrades for XC after Chainbreaker for the Oregon XC Series to finish up the series for the current year.
Can I ride on course with my Junior Boy or Girl?
You must check-in at registration, sign a waiver, receive a unique race plate, and pay $5 to cover the insurance. We do want to know who you are while on course with your daughter or son
How is the course marked?
- No one likes getting lost, so we heavily mark the course very well with signs to indicate the correct way (Arrows) and the wrong way (Yellow X signs). We may use chalk in places, too, and Ribbons are hanging from branches to indicate you are on course. Mudslinger uses Pink arrows and Yellow Wrong way signs with multiple colored ribbons before and after each turn. Please download the GPS file for each event above and the phone ap if you do not own a Wahoo or Garmin bike GPS.
- In critical places, a volunteer may be necessary to ensure racers go the correct direction, but at Mudslinger Events, we try to keep course marshals down to a minimum to avoid being sent the wrong way. I have seen more lost riders as a result of another person, on course, sending riders down the wrong path. In most cases, any course splits are placed on climbs to provide more time to make a change in direction to stay on course.
- It is always up to the rider to know the course and be responsible while at any Mudslinger Event. Riders are disqualified for going off course and shortcutting the event.
- Mudslinger Events produces GPS Files that are placed on the site to download to a Garmin that will help you stay on course or Pre-ride the event at another point if the land is open to recreation.
Who owns the Mudslinger Land?
The land is owned and managed by Starker Forests and the Tum Tum Unit. A Free permit is needed anytime other than the event weekend by stopping by Starker Forests main office to request a Tum Tum Permit to ride on this piece of property. Please be careful of logging activity while on your bike and tell others where you are riding in the case you get lost or crash, which can happen.
What if I have trouble out there?
- Mountain bikers watch out for each other, and you should come prepared to be in the woods with the proper gear, clothing, and tools.
- Simple crashes and mechanicals you can recover on your own, or someone may decide to stop to help you, which is usually the case.
- If you need mechanical help, you should walk along the direction of the course to the next radio checkpoint, aid station, or finish line. Do not leave the course, or you may become lost — Check-In with the Officials at the finish that you have returned safely. If you do DNF early or late, please do not cross the finish line as that count you as finished.
- We sweep the course via bike as the last wave starts and also pull ribbons within 1 hr after the final rider finishes. We have bike sweeps that follow the last rider per distance and, in most cases, 2 riders per distance.
- For minor medical issues, send someone up to the next radio checkpoint, aid station or finish line.
- For life-threatening emergencies, call 911 if you have service, otherwise send someone to the nearest checkpoint.
- Be aware that all of the roads and land that you race on is open to vehicle traffic (official) and emergency vehicles. Please stay alert as we have had very few interactions in 25+ years with cars and bikes and the ones we have do not work out well for the bike.
Can I sign up the the day of the event?
Please text or e-mail the contact on Mudslinger Events and register early for best pricing.
What’s the weather like at the Mudslinger?
- Traditionally 50 degrees and a 50% chance of rain with some mud.
- It’s been very cold and very hot, and ranged from deep mud to dust even in April.
- I always try to have the rain hold off until after the event begins, or at least 50% of the time.
What should I wear while racing?
- Proper riding gear makes racing in lousy weather fun! Baggies over Lycra is a popular choice, and a lite weight jacket and or base layer to keep your core warm is a great idea.
- In some years it will be 65 degree's and others 38 and frost. Its Oregon!
- Any mountain bike shoe is preferred over sneakers. You want lugs for the soft soil. For those wanting warm feet plenty of Cold weather mountain bike shoes exist to purchase at your local bike shop or internet.
- Suitable Gloves, and or Waterproof covers if the weather is under 50 and you are doing the longer course.
- Cycling Glasses clear or orange, or yellow tinted and a Helmet that is preferably no more than 3 years old as they do deteriorate over time.
- Fender for the front and or front and rear of your bike.
- When in doubt pack extra gear!
- A HELMET is required anytime you are on your bike, before during and after. If your helmet is over 3 years old, consider buying a new one as they degrade over time, and advancements in concussion safety are advancing every year.
Embrocation, Google it, simple and cost-effective way to provide a pre-race barrier to cold. DO not confuse which hand you applied this with from the one you applied Chamois Cream with (Big mistake) This company is local and awesome! NW Knee Warmers or Mad alchemy
How long will it take me to complete the Mudslinger?
- Short Course Record Time = 57 minutes. Most finish around 1h15m.
- Long Course time will range from 1:25 to 3 hours depending on conditions and your fitness.
How are the Junior age results awarded?
- The Mudslinger is part of the Oregon XC Series and the 8 race Oregon Junior MTB series with the best 5 of 8 counting towards the final awards.
- Juniors can compete in the 10-13 and 14-18 age groups for both the series and the OBRA junior XC series
- From Portland 2 hrs 10 minutes
- I-5 south to EXIT 228/HWY 34
- 15 miles to Philomath then six more miles to Blodgett Via HWY 20
- From Eugene
- I -5 North to EXIT 228/HWY 34
- 15 Miles to Philomath then 6 more miles to Blodgett Via HWY 20
- 5 minutes west of Blodgett on HWY 20/ Fir Ridge Campgrounds & RV Park
- Blodgett, 4141 Clem Road, Oregon, OR (541) 453-4664
- Or in Corvallis (20 Minutes Away) at the Benton County Fairgrounds
- KOA is off of I-5 and HWY 34 (35 minutes from venue)
- NO Parking or Camping at the school Friday or Saturday Night (limited parking below the school on side of rd)
Pack it out! This means your gel wrappers and or food wrappers and leave no trace.
Audra Terry Photographjy