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2020 Graduation Celebration Graduate Groups in Demography & Sociology

2020 Graduate Group in Demography Doctoral Graduates

Duy Do

Dissertation Title: Polypharmacy: Patterns and Policy Propositions

Dissertation Committee: Jason Schnittker (Chair), Irma T. Elo, and Courtney Boen


Do, Duy. (Forthcoming). “The Impact of Medicare Part D on Opioid Use Among U.S. Older Adults.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence.

Do, Duy. (Forthcoming). “Trends in the Use of Medications with Insomnia Side Effects and the Implications for Insomnia Among U.S. Adults.” Journal of Sleep Research.

Schnittker, Jason and Duy Do. 2020. "Pharmaceutical Side Effects and Mental Health Paradoxes Among Racial-Ethnic Minorities." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 61(1):4-23.

Do, Duy and Jason Schnittker. 2020. “Utilization of Medications with Cognitive Impairment Side Effects and The Implications for Older Adults’ Cognitive Function.Journal of Aging and Health.

Aashish Gupta

Dissertation Title: Health, Environment, and Inequality in India

Dissertation Committee: Irma T. Elo (Chair), Michel Guillot, Jere R. Behrman, and Atheendar Venkataramani


Gupta, Aashish and Diane Coffey. 2020. "Caste, Religion, and Mental Health in India." Population Research Policy Review.

Gupta, Aashish. 2019. "Where There is Smoke: Solid Fuel Externalities, Gender, and Adult Respiratory Health in India." Population and Environment 41:32-51.

Aashish was awarded a Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Fellowship by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) for his research on strengthening vital statistics systems in developing countries.

Emmanuel Souza

Dissertation Title: Three Essays on Labor Market Incorporation and Remitting Behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa

Dissertation Committee: Chenoa Flippen (Chair), Emilio Alberto Parrado, Irma T. Elo, and Hans-Peter Kohler


Emmanuel was awarded a Judith Rodin Fellowship for the 2018-9 year. This award is to support the work of distinguished Ph.D. students in the social sciences.

Jordan Weiss

Dissertation Title: Forecasting the Burden of Dementia in the United States

Dissertation Committee: Michel Guillot (Chair), Samuel H. Preston, and Norma B. Coe


Joint Doctoral Degrees in Demography and Sociology.

Puterman, E., Jordan Weiss, B. Hives, A. Gemmill, D. Karasek, W.B. Mendes, D.H. Rehkopf. (Forthcoming). "Predicting Mortality from 57 Economic, Behavioral, Social, and Psychological Factors." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Zhang, Bo, Jordan Weiss, Dylan S. Small, and Qingyuan Zhao. 2020. "Selecting and Ranking Individualized Treatment Rules with Unmeasured Confounding." Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Deshpande, Sameer K., Raiden B. Hasegawa, Jordan Weiss, and Dylan S. Small. 2020. "The Association Between Adolescent Football Participation and Early Adulthood Depression." PLoS One 15(3):e0229978.

Beydoun, May A., Hind A. Beydoun, Jordan Weiss, Sharmin Hossain, Ziad El-Hajj, and Alan B. Zonderman. 2020. "Helicobacter pylori, Periodontal Pathogens, and their Interactive Association with Incident All-Cause and Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia in a Large National Survey.Molecular Psychiatry.

Beydoun, May A., Danielle Shaked, Salman M. Tajuddin, Jordan Weiss, Michele K. Evans, and Alan B. Zonderman AB. 2020. "Accelerated Epigenetic Age and Cognitive Decline Among Urban-Dwelling Adults." Neurology 94(6):e613-e625.

2020 Graduate Group in Sociology Doctoral Graduates

Sarah Adeyinka-Skold

Dissertation Title: Dating in the Digital Age: Race, Gender, and Inequality

Dissertation Committee: Dorothy Roberts (Co-Chair), Chenoa Flippen (Co-Chair), and Robin Leidner


Adeyinka-Skold, Sarah. 2020. “Barriers, Emotion Work, and Relationship Formation.” In Young Adult Sexuality in the Digital Age, edited by Rachel Kalish. IGI Global.

Adeyinka-Skold, Sarah. (Forthcoming). “Race, Place, and Relationship Formation in the Digital Age.” Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race.

Sarah has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Furman University.

Tuğçe Ellialti-Köse

Dissertation Title: Reforming the Laws: Gender, State, and Cases of Sexual Violence

Dissertation Committee: Robin Leidner (Co-Chair), Emily Hannum (Co-Chair), Deborah Thomas, and Fatma Muge Gocek


Ellialtı-Köse, Tuğçe. 2017. “The State, Law, and Feminist Struggles in the Neoliberalizing City: The Istanbul Courthouse as a Contested Space.” In Contested Spaces in Contemporary Turkey: Environmental, Urban and Secular Politics, edited by Fatma M. Göçek. London & New York: IB. Tauris.

Jeylan Erman

Dissertation Title: Three Essays On Migration and Family Change

Dissertation Committee: Chenoa Flippen (Chair), Irma T. Elo, and Jere R. Behrman


Joint Doctoral Degrees in Sociology and Demography.

Jeylan was awarded the 2016-17 Presidential Graduate Prize Fellowship.

Behrman, Julia and Jeylan Erman. 2019. An Exploration of Differences in Ideal Family Size Between Muslim and Non-Muslim Women in France. Demographic Research 41(22):617-648.

Evertsson, Marie, Katharina Boye, and Jeylan Erman. 2018. “Fathers on Call? A Study on the Sharing of Care Work Among Parents in Sweden”. Demographic Research 39(2):33-60.

Erman, Jeylan and Juho Härkönen. 2017. “Parental Separation and School Performance Among Children of Immigrant Mothers in Sweden.” European Journal of Population 33(2):267-292.

Nora Gross

Dissertation Title: Brothers in Grief: The Stages of Grieving for a School and its Students Following Three Shooting Deaths of Black Teenage Boys

Dissertation Committee: Camille Z. Charles (Co-Chair), Kathleen Hall (Co-Chair), John Jackson, Joseph Nelson, and Nikki Jones


Joint Doctoral Degrees in Sociology and Education.

Clonan-Roy, Katherine, Nora Gross, and Charlotte Jacobs. 2020. “Safe Rebellious Places: The Value of Informal Spaces in Schools to Counter the Emotional Silencing of Youth of Color.International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Media Attention: “Philadelphia’s Black Teen Boys Lose So Many Friends to Gun Violence. Studying How They Grieve Might Help.Philadelphia Inquirer January 2, 2020.

Gross, Nora and Cassandra Lo. 2018. “Relational Teaching and Learning After Loss: Evidence from Black Adolescent Male Students and Their Teachers.” School Psychology Quarterly 33(3):381-389.

Gross, Nora. 2017. “#IfTheyGunnedMeDown: The Double Consciousness of Black Youth in Response to Oppressive Media.” Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society 19(4):416-437.

Two Films Produced During My PhD: Our Philadelphia: Grief and the Aftermath of Gun Violence (Short Film, Completed 2020, Produced with Philadelphia High School Students) & Making Sweet Tea (Feature-Length Film, Completed 2019, Co-Directed with Annenberg Dean John L. Jackson, Jr.)

Nora has accepted a Post-Doc/Visiting Assistant Professor position at Boston College.

Andrea Kauffman-Berry

Dissertation Title: Racial Reclassification, Latino Racialization, and White Ethnic Reclassification in the U.S.

Dissertation Committee: Tukufu Zuberi (Chair), Emilio Parrado, and Chenoa Flippen

David Kirui

Dissertation Title: The Role of For-Profit Education in Social Stratification and Social Inequality in the United States

Dissertation Committee: Camille Z. Charles (Co-Chair), Grace Kao (Co-Chair), Paul Allison, Hyunjoon Park, and Manuel S. González Canché


David was awarded the Dr. Andy Binns Award for Outstanding Service to Graduate and Professional Student Life.

David has been accepted as an Insight Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow.

Jose Loya

Dissertation Title: Social Stratification in the Mortgage Market Post the Great Recession

Dissertation Committee: Chenoa Flippen (Chair), Camille Z. Charles, and Tukufu Zuberi


Jose has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in Urban Planning at UCLA's Luskin School of Public Affairs.

Wensong Shen

Dissertation Title: Behavioral Problems, Depression, and Their Mutual Relationships with Educational Outcomes: Evidence from China

Dissertation Committee: Emily Hannum (Chair), Paul Allison, Jason Schnittker, and Xinyin Chen


Shen, Wensong. 2020. "A Tangled Web: The Reciprocal Relationship Between Depression and Educational Outcomes in China." Social Science Research 85:102353.

Wensong has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Chelsea Wahl

Dissertation Title: Organizational Belonging In The New Economy

Dissertation Committee: David Grazian (Chair), Robin Leidner, Jerry Jacobs, and Ben Shestakofksy

Sociology PhD Graduates Not In Attendance Today

Adira Fierro-Villa

Dissertation Title: The Family and Education in Mexico

Dissertation Committee: Hyunjoon Park (Chair), Emily Hannum, Grace Kao, and David Post

Sonita Moss

Dissertation Title: A Place in Paris? Formulation of Citizenship, Culture, and Identity in the Black American Parisian Community

Dissertation Committee: Dorothy Roberts (Chair), Melissa Wilde, and Amada Armenta


2020 Graduation Celebration

2020 Graduate Division Roll Call


Created with images by Dylan Sauerwein - "Cherry Blossoms blooming in the spring earlier in the year." • Ricardo Gomez Angel - "Colored facade" • Leo SERRAT - "Daytime shot of the Philadelphia CIty Hall" • Markus Spiske - "Paintings from my twelve year old nephew. Have a look:" • Christoph Schulz - "untitled image" • Robert Katzki - "untitled image" • Kelly Kiernan - "The South Street bridge is a super popular photo spot in Philadelphia. Bring your tripod or slider and get some cool shots, and then grab some food in University City!" • Steve Johnson - "small painting (part of a larger project)" • 272447 - "liberty bell philadelphia independence" • Meagan Carsience - "Light transformed by experimental techniques." • 272447 - "independence hall steeple tower" • Victor Garcia - "untitled image" • Kelly Kiernan - "untitled image" • Keith Luke - "I captured this ruckus scene during the 2018 Commencement at Yale University. This was the School of Nursing."
