Elizabethan Military John Najera P.5

"In 1588, the English navy defeated the powerful Spanish Armada, a fleet of armed ships that tried to invade England."(Bumgardner). The Spanish Armada at the time was a powerful force and had a great Navy. The fact that the English navy was able to stop a big enemy meant great things for the future military of Britain.

"English merchants and sailors then challenged the Spanish with greater confidence around the world. England's economy prospered during the Elizabethan Age."(Bumgardner). This win over the Spanish Armada showed how powerful the British were and that they could do much more than they seemed. This ignited the people's emotions and got them more enjoyed and the kingdom flourished.

"The Royal Navy is the oldest of the four services. It is thus affectionately known as the "Senior Service." Because the United Kingdom is an island nation, the Royal Navy has always had an important role in defense."(Hodierne). The Navy was very important to the UK throughout the ages and has served many purposed and roles to keep the country flourishing. It states that the Navy had a crucial part in defense for the country, which would have meant without a good Navy it is possible the UK would maybe not exist today.

"Royal Navy officers. Men and women who wish to become officers in the Royal Navy enlist as midshipmen at 17 to 19 years of age."(Bumgardner). These men are just becoming adults and some not even, but fighting to protect and serve their country under difficult and demanding circumstances. It must have been hard to decide to put these young men into the Navy, as it could be a life or death situation at anytime.

"The Royal Air Force (RAF) was formed from the Army’s Royal Flying Corps in 1918, and it became the world’s first independent air force."(Hodierne). As the first independent air force, the RAF had a lot to show as and show that they could be independent and useful in battle. The RAF was one of the greatest leaders in air combat that showed throughout history.

"Its most famous actions occurred during World War II. The RAF played a key role in the Battle of Britain (1940), a struggle to control the air over the United Kingdom, and in night bombing raids on Germany"(Hodierne). Being a key role in so many situations had showed the people across the world what the Britain air force could deal out to other enemy armies. Just to think what would have happened to the outcomes of those battles if the RAF had not been created yet.

"British Army officers. Men and women between the ages of 17 years 9 months and 29 years may seek an officer’s commission in the Army. Most officer candidates apply after the completion of either secondary school or college. Some begin preparations earlier by completing their secondary education at the Army-sponsored Welbeck College."(Hodierne). This is insane to think, especially considering today's people and ages that want to be in the military. Crazy also how many of them want to be in the army, which I feel is the most prone to dying or getting injured.

"The British Army is the largest of the four services. Its soldiers have fought in battles throughout the world."(Bumgardner). Being the largest I can understand how they fight so much more, but traveling across the world seems more of a hassle than just hiring more ships or even air fighters. I wonder how much more effective and important the army was in comparison to the navy and the RAF.

"At such battles as Blenheim (1704), against French and Bavarian troops, and Waterloo (1815), against the armies of the French Emperor Napoleon I, British soldiers won not only fame but also the respect of the enemy"(Hodierne). Crazy to know how much important battles this army won that could have affected the history of not only the UK, but the world maybe. I like how the other armies and enemies respected the army and took caution around them.

"However, about 70 percent of occupational specialties in the Army are men"(Hodierne). 30% of women in the army of the British, that is a crazy number in comparison to how big the British army was at the time. I had always thought there were regulations and rules to women fighting and protecting the country.

Works Cited

Anderson, Robert. “William Shakespeare’s Life: A Genius from Stratford.” Holt Literature & Language Arts: Mastering the California Standards: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, by G. Kylene Beers et al., Austin, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2003, pp. 776-77.

Bumgardner, Jake. “Elizabethan Age.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 1 Dec. 2016. Bumgardner, Jake. “Elizabethan Age.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 1 Dec. 2016.

Hodierne, Robert. “United Kingdom, Armed services of the.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

Jones, Jill Tedford. “The Delight of Words: The Elizabethan Sonneteers and....” Popular Music and Society. Winter 2000: n.p. SIRS Renaissance. Web. 10 Dec. 2016.

Lander, Jesse M. “Shakespeare, William.” World Book Advanced. World Book, 2016. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.


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