Chairperson Kara Yoshiyama from Hilo High School calls the 2019 Secondary Student Conference to order.
The Hawaii State Student Council welcomes Rep. Troy Hashimoto of Maui as our Day 1 keynote speaker.
Schools from all across the state gather at the Pagoda Hotel for #SSCHI2019.
Delegates use their student voice on Day 1.
Day 1 of #SSCHI2019
Student delegates meet with their HSSC committees for the first time. They discussed the issues that matter to them in the purviews of each of their committees. These discussions helped guide them during SSC this year.
Day 2 of #SSCHI2019
Day 2 included a eventful visit to the Hawaii State Capitol. Delegates were able to meet with legislators, sit on the Senate Floor, and take a tour of the Capitol.
Mahalo to Senator Michelle Kidani.
Delegate pictured with Senator Michelle Kidani, who is Vice President of the Senate and Chair of the Senate committee on Education.
Mahalo to Representative Justin Woodson.
Maui Representative Justin Woodson serves as chair of the House Education committee. He helped organize the SSC experience this year.
Delegates on the Senate Floor.
Delegates pose for a photo near the post of the Senate President on the Senate Floor. A different view and experience from being up at the Senate Gallery!
Annual Conference Photo
Over 150 delegates from across the state pose for the annual conference photo on the stairs of the Hawaii State Capitol. Pictured also are Legislators from both the House and Senate.
Snapshots with Elected Officials
Delegates had the opportunity to meet with legislators and elected officials. Pictured above include delegates with State Senator Roz Baker, Lt. Governor Josh Green, and State Senator Laura Thielen.
Delegates return to the Pagoda Hotel for the evening portion of the 2019 Secondary Student Conference.
Delegates welcome BOE Chair Catherine Payne.
Mahalo to Chair Catherine Payne. Delegates had the opportunity to meet BOE Chair Catherine Payne on the evening of Day 2 of SSC.
A warm welcome for Superintendent Kishimoto.
It was only last year, when a line long of eager students wanted to take photos with the state's visionary education leader, Dr. Kishimoto. This year, Dr. Kishimoto spoke to the delegates about student voice and its integral part of the legislative process.
HSSC Leadership pose with Dr. Kishimoto
The council's leadership thanked Superintendent Kishimoto for her continued support for HSSC.
The Final Day at the Pagoda Hotel for the 2019 Secondary Student Conference.
SSC Committee Debates
Delegates eagerly await the start to committee debates on the bills they will be advocating for!
Student voice at the center of SSC committee debates.
Committee debates during SSC provided delegates the opportunity to share their perspectives on important measures making their way through the Capitol, this legislative session.
Top Bills of SSC 2019
House Bill 247
Appropriates funds for the Department of Education to install air conditioning in public schools that prioritize the project.
Senate Bill 365
Requires DBEDT to develop annual regional economic plans for each county to provide K-16 pathways and qualified internship programs to meet each region's specific industry needs. Exempts qualified internship programs from the procurement process. Appropriates funds.
House Bill 342
Prohibits the Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation from investing in fossil fuel or firearm companies. Requires the Corporation to divest all fossil fuel and firearm investments by 12/31/2024. Earmarks a portion of the Corporation's profits to the Department of Education.
Mahalo from SSC conference planners and delegates!