Start Date : Judaism is around 3500 years old and is one of the oldest of the world's monotheistic religions—religions with only one god.
Followers worldwide- It's also the smallest, with only about 12 million followers around the world.
Name of Deity- God
Founder- Abraham is believed to be the father of the Jewish people. The story of Abraham is told in the Torah or what Christians call the Old Testament.
Name of Holy Book
The most holy Jewish book is the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible). Others include Judaism's oral tradition, the written form of which is known as the Talmud
Place of Worship
Jerusalem , Israel
Leadership Structure
Rabbi: Teacher and decider of matters of religious law. Chazzan: Cantor, who leads congregation in prayer. Gabbai: Volunteer who assists with Torah readings. Kohein: Descendant of Aaron, the original High Priest. Levi: Descendant of the biblical Levites. Rebbe: The leader of a Chasidic community. Tzaddik: A righteous person with spiritual power.