Time at The Bridge The Warthog School's Loving Kindness Committe Finds A way to lend a hand in Puerto Viejo

The Bridge provides educational assistance, food assistance, and microloans mainly to indigenous people in the southeastern part of Costa Rica. Their goal is to help people help themselves to self-sufficiency.

For us, The Bridge is providing an incredible life experience, in particular understanding just how much one receives while "giving" to others. Our bi-weekly volunteering coincided with "giving Tuesday" today - so we decided to make and share a glide-show about it! We hope you enjoy. And if you are interested in learning more about The Bridge or even making it a "Giving Tuesday" beneficiary you can learn more at http://www.elpuente-thebridge.org/

Here is the story as told by E.P. and Baanko

"This is where they make the soup. They use local vegetables and I helped mush the soup for the babies to eat." E.P.

"I really don't have anything to say. I actually don't." Baanko.

Nancy and Barry run the soup kitchen from their home. Nancy is an AMAZING artist who shares much more than soup with the children that she serves. We are hoping to get a duplicate of her hand illustrated children's coloring book before we return home.

This is the dining hall where The Bridge feeds anywhere from a few to 120 people their nourishing soup. Today at one time there were members from five different indigenous tribes at the tables (Two tribes were from Panama and three were from Costa Rica).

"I really don't have a single word to say." Baanko.

"This is me resting in a hammock playing a harp at The Bridge. The harp sounds very pretty and I am learning to play "Hot Cross Buns". E.P.

"Nothing." Baanko

We get down time after set up and meal service. We color and share great conversation and learn more than we could put in words. Thank you Nancy, Barry and everyone else we've met at The Bridge!

Created By
The Warthog School

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