A Tribute to Grandpa By Jessie Zaideman

I stumbled across this sign while on a hike a few days after Grandpa passed.

I know my grandpa could make friends with anyone and seeing all of you here, all the lives he touched, has been so heartwarming. Thank you all for coming to get grandpa Jim the farewell he deserves.

From the Porter Fire Department

Anyone that knew my grandpa knew his ornery sense of humor. He had a knack for teasing his friends and family. But he only teased us because he loves us so much. One of my favorite memories are of when I got an attitude or was sad, Grandpa would start repeating "dooooon't smile” until I burst out in laughter.

From my second childhood homeInman's

I have a lot of memories of eating grilled cheese smy grandparents house. Kind of odd, I know. But one time recently I was making grilled cheese for my mom and Grandpa. And as usual I was talking away…. not paying any attention. Well…. I burnt the grill cheese, so I started over…. only to burn them AGAIN. I was clearly done cooking at that point, so my mom agreed to take over so we could eat sometime that day. I made my way into the living room, grumpy and angry with myself then Grandpa gave me a hug and he did everything in his power to put a smile back on my face. And that is what I admire most, no matter what the reason we were upset, Grandpa could always make us smile.

From a long time neighbor, Virginia and her son, Ric

So I ask of all of you today, remember his humor, remember his compassion, and above all else, remember he loves every single one of you.

Thank you for everything Grandpa. You will always be in my heart.

One of grandma and grandpa's favorite Christmas hymns was "Go Tell it on the Mountain. Both of them could belt that song out without even looking at the book. It was a natural choice for Grandpa's ascension hymn.


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