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The Baystate Phoenix UMMS-Baystate Internal Medicine Residency Humanities Journal

Some of the Humanities Track members at the 2021 UMMS- Baystate Internal Medicine Graduation
what is the Humanities track?
The humanities-in -medicine Track at UMMS-Baystate Internal Medicine Residency includes Medicine and Med-Peds residents and faculty. Track meetings are designed to expose residents to various humanities related activities, including but not limited to: narrative writing, poetry, analysis of an op-ed, fine arts evaluation, Social justice and other avenues that faculty developed all while enjoying afternoon tea, discussing finding joy in practice and connecting with their own humanity.
Group poem, Humanities Track, In Music and Sound

Rhythms move me through my day and make me feel alive.

A backbone of melody

Give me a beat boys and free my soul

Getting lost in the mix

Sounds of the day, and sounds of the night - I sleep to the throbbing of my pulse and wake up to the ticking away of time

Music is the reason I like bollywood films

A renewal of my innermost strengths

the silence between each note can be as moving as the notes themselves

Pulling on the strings of your heart and your memories

A few bars of melody can unite us more than any speech or sermon

Music can provide a common escape

Hymns from my childhood

Music frees you of your emotions

I went to a noise show once; shows noise can be music if you can trick your ears

One phrase over and over and I’m caught up within the sound until I release myself

Music is the life blood.

Stepping in to the hospitals, with all the sounds from people's talking, alarm‘s beeping, and machines running, I know another day is happening

The sound of life, it is a real thing you know,

We are surrounded by it, guided north

Beauty in the Mundane is an exercise where we pause and search for the beauty that often we overlook.
Photo and poem by Jessica Urso
By Jamie Schwartz
Echo by Druv
Ghosts of Jama's past by Adam Dossaji
This is a mixed media made from old covers of JAMA
The struggle
Peaceful Moments by Joy
a 6 word story...

"a presence destroying, aliens are bipolar" -- Anonymous

As long as there's ice cream...
by Kyle Cornell
By Gavin Kuns
This is the second Humanities track Publication. Our journal's name-- The baystate Phoenix-- Encapsulates a year full of growth, change and rising from the ashes. What you will find in our Journal is a culmination of a year's worth of shared experiences, passion and love for humanism in the art medicine. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it.
Members of the Humanities track: Qurrat Ahmed, kyle cornell, Druv Das, Adam Dossaji, Gavin kuns, Laura Kvenvold, Mojdeh Mostafavi, ryan Pritham, Jamie Schwarz, Brent Schell, Katie O'Brien, Jessica Urso, Ritika Walia, Diana Yusim, Fatima Zahid Warraich, Ya (Joy) Zhou. Faculty members: Beth Eagleson, Rohini Harvey, Satoko Igarashi, Angela Sweeney, Katie Jobbins and Chris bryson