The development of the K class 2-8-0
A large part of the Victorian Railways system, especially in outlying parts of the state, had been laid with light rails as a money saving venture. This limited the weight of locomotives which could operate on these lines. In the early days, these lines were operated by the older and smaller locomotives and later by the DD class or variants of it.
Following the end of World War 1, an increase in rail traffic and overall train weights, resulted in serious shortage of light line freight and mixed train locomotives that could also be turned on 53ft turntables, which were predominantly installed on branch lines.
In 1919, a new locomotive design was commenced by the Chief Mechanical Engineer, a Mr Alfred E. Smith. Ten were built at the Newport workshops between 1922 and 1923 with the first entering service in August 1922. These were of a 2-8-0 type (Consolidation) and numbered K100 to K109 later to renumbered K140-K149.
The DD was the workhorse of the time but the K, with the larger boilers provided better steaming properties, was able to haul 30 to 40% more and was able to operate on steeper grades having greater adhesion. They would later be fitted with smoke deflectors, electric lighting and a modified front end. The DD tender design was initially used before a K specific model was built.
In the late 1930’s boiler improvements were made, front ends modified (boiler/smokebox), smoke deflectors added the lattice cow catcher was replaced with a newer design.
In 1938, according to an annual report, it cost just £10,000 ($20,000) to construct a K locomotive. As a comparison, in 2017 this would have equated to some $883,875 (Reserve Bank of Australia Inflation Calculator).
During the second world war, there was an increased need for light line locomotives. The K was so well regarded that Victorian Railways constructed an additional forty three units between 1940 and 1946. These were also constructed at the Newport workshops and were numbered K150 to K192. They were equipped with stovepipe funnels and staff exchangers. K140 to K149 were also modified with these improvements. Some of the last units of the additional forty three were fitted with single window cabs. The final seven (K186 to K192) were fitted with the ‘Box-Pox’ style wheel. These wheels had a higher strength but more importantly could be precision balanced so locomotives could operate at higher speeds.
The K class was a powerful (for its size), highly reliable and a such a successful work horse that it became used everywhere, operating not only on the light branch lines, but also hauling main line traffic.
The introduction of the T class Bo-Bo diesel-electric units from 1955 sealed the fate of steam hauled operations. Most locomotives were placed into storage and some were brought out to assist with the grain harvest of which K 163 would be one (up to mid 1972). Others were modified with shunters steps and used as yard shunters (Ararat, Geelong, Bendigo).
All locomotives that remained in operation following the arrival of diesel would have had the original screw-link couplings converted to either full auto-couplers of dual couplers. This was happening to all rolling stock at the time.
Summary of locomotives built..
- Series 1 - Original design K100 to K109, later renumbered to K140-K149 and modified
- Series 2 – K150 to K185, Smoke deflectors, Stove pipe funnels – later electric lighting
- Series 3 – K186 to K192, as K150 to K160 but fitted with ‘Box-Pox’ wheels (
Locomotives in preservation (October 2018)
- K151 owned by VicTrack stored at Steamrail and used for operational spares
- K153 owned by VicTrack and in operation with Steamrail
- K154 being converted to N441 by the Steam Locomotive Project
- K157 at Maldon’s Victorian Goldfield Railway for restoration
- K159 at Mornington Railway pending restoration ex Maldon static display
- K160 pending restoration with Victorian Goldfields Railway
- K162 on static display at Yarrgon (was originally K183 but was swapped for restoration)
- K163 in operation with Mornington Railway
- K165 a static display at ARHS’s Williamstown Museum
- K167 a static display at Wycheproof
- K169 a static display at Coal Creek Museum
- K174 used as spare parts at Mornington Railway (parts of K159,K174 and K177)
- K175 a static display at Mildura with mixed spoked and box-pok wheels
- K176 at Seymour Rail Heritage Centre used to supply spare to other organisations
- K177 used as parts at Mornington Railway
- K181 a static display at Numurkah
- K183 Owned by VicTrack and at Steamrail was K162 but swapped due to poor condition. This locomotive was involved in a fatal level crossing accident where three people travelling on the footplate lost their lives. It is pending restoration.
- K184 owned by Victrack used as a source of spare parts for Steamrail
- K190 owned by Steamrail on loan and in operation with Victorian Goldfield Railway
- K191 under restoration at Mornington Railway
- K192 a static display at the State Coal Mine in Wonthaggi.
- Cylinders - 2 x 20” (508mm) diameter and 26” (660mm) stroke
- Tractive effort (85%) - 28,650lb (12,995kg)
- Factor of Adhesion – 4.16
Valve gear
- Walschaert - See
- Piston Valves – 10” (254mm)
- Working Pressure – 175lb per sq. in. (1,295kpa)
- Grate area - 25.75 sq. ft. (2.62 sq. m.)
- Firebox - 125 sq. ft.
- Heating Surface Tubes – 925 sq. ft.
- Heating Surface Flues – 392 sq. ft.
- Heating Surface Superheater elements – 238 sq. ft.
- Total Heating surface 1680 sq. ft. (176.8 sq. m.)
Tare Weight
- Engine – 57tons 15cwt
- Tender – 18tons 10cwt
Roadworthy (Gross)
- Engine – 62tons 7cwt (63.4 tonnes)
- Tender – 42tons 5cwt (43.095 tonnes)
- Adhesive Weight - 52tons 2 cwt
- Coupled 4’ 7¾” diameter (1.27m)
- Wheelbase rigid (couple wheels) – 15’ 6”
- Engine and tender wheel base – 50’ 25/8”
- Overall length (buffer to buffer) – 59’ 4¾”
- Overall length (over couplers) - 60’ 23/8” (18.1m)
Tender Capacity
- Coal 5 tons (5.1 tonnes)
- Water 4,200 gallons (19,093l)
- Tractive power – 26,960lbs at a boiler pressure of 175lbs
- Maximum Speed – 45.35mph (73km/h) but was raised to 80km/h in the 1950’s
K163 VR Record Cards
K163 Photo Gallery
The K at Work
Kids having fun climbing K163 in Jubilee Park 1st June 1974 - Copyright Weston Langford
K163 on static Display in Jubilee Park Frankston 1n 1984. Image from the Peter Davis Collection
K163 on in the restoration compound at Jubilee Park Frankston in 1985. It can be seen the work has started on stripping the boiler ready for repair works. Its valuable number plates have also been removed.
Image from the Peter Davis Collection
Return of the Flying Scotsman 9th July 1989
K163 on the big and small screen
- 9th September 1989 – Channel 10 filmed a segment for a documentary drama at HMAS Cerberus with K163 running along the track where a staged fight was taking place.
- 2002, K163 headed a special consist featuring our rolling stock and some classic carriages from the Seymour Heritage Rail Group. These were filmed opposite the Emil Madsen Reserve near Wooralla Drive as the train robbery scene in the Ned Kelly film. The locomotive was temporarily re-numbered to V613, the headlight was modified to resemble an old kerosene lamp, an extra dome was installed on top of the boiler and the front auto-coupler set to screw-link, the smoke deflectors removed and the top of the funnel modified to resemble the funnels of old. Notable stars were Heath Ledger, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush, Naomi Watts, Joel Egerton, Rachel Griffiths and Charles ‘Bud’ Tigwell.
- Late 2007-2008 featured in the 2010 docu-drama “The Pacific” episode 3 at the 41min 20sec mark ( Filmed around Oakbank horse crossing/Padua Collage area and inside 98G. • Driver - Erik Jensen, Fireman – Andrew Becker, Trainee Fireman – Rodney Reed.
- See also “Steam Alive in Victoria” at at the 12:58 mark for maiden run after restoration.
- 15th May 2016 filmed for a feature in Caravan and Motor home as part of the Heritage day running.
K163 History Timeline
- K163 is a series 2 locomotives and was built at the Newport Workshops in 1941.
- Entered service 19th March 1941
- It is intriguing to note that the service records show that it was modified to include Auto Couplers, modified front end, table shaker grate, staff exchanger, smoke deflectors and electric lights. The author assumes this is an engineering record and that these were fitted during initial construction as the date is the same as that it entered service.
- Originally allocated to Seymour but was transferred to Benalla in March of 1941 when she entered service.
- 26th March to 5th September 1945 into Newport for small service and a boiler change over
- 27th to 29th January 1947 into Bendigo North for minor repairs and small service
- 6th January to 6th August 1948 into Newport workshops for works and small service
- Transferred to North Melbourne 6th August 1948
- 13th May to 16th September 1949 in Newport workshops for a thorough
- 16th September 1949 a new type of blow down cock was installed and a new type of cab ventilation.
- Transferred to Bendigo 12th December 1949
- Transferred back to North Melbourne 16th February 1950
- Transferred to Traralgon 18th March 1950
- 27th to 28th May 1953 into Newport Workshops to change tender (presumably from D to the D/K design or welded to riveted. An image from 1954 shows a riveted construction D/K tender)
- 12th November 1953 to 4th March 1954 in Ballarat North Workshops A-E Examination
- Transferred back to North Melbourne 4th March 1954
- 24th March 1954 - Photographed in Colac hauling a west bound goods train (Edward A. Downs)
- Transferred to Benalla 31st January 1956
- In storage at Ararat during 1957/58
- Possibly stored at Ballarat East in October 1960
- 3rd March 1960 to 28th April 1961 into Ballarat North A to E Exam and it is belived a boiler change over also took place
- In storage at Ararat between 1st July 1963 and 23rd January 1964
- 7th January 1965 photographed hauling a wheat train at Yarrwonga and Oakland (John Thompson)
- Transferred to Maryborough 15th August 1965
- In storage at Benalla between 19th November 1965 to 20th December 1965
- Transferred to Ararat on 26th January 1966 for storage
- In storage at Ararat between 21st March 1966 and 8th December 1969
- Photographed in the Ararat roundhouse bay 7 on 4th September 1966
- It ran for 4 days from 8th December 1969 and was subsequently declared un-serviceable and stored on 12th December 1969
- Towed to Newport workshops 19th August 1970
- Total recorded mileage on the 7th December 1972 was 420, 061
- Towed to Frankston 26th October 1973
- Purchased by the Frankston Apex Club and removed from the rolling stock register on 18th November 1973
- It was lifted by road crane onto a low loader, delivered and unloaded in Jubilee Park as a static display on 18th November 1973
- From here its MRPS story begins
- In 1984 MRPS identified the locomotive as being suitable for restoration. It was purchased from the Apex Club and the City of Frankston
- 1/4/1984 APEX Frankston to MRPS – APEX support for restoration
- 27/2/1985 APEX Frankston to MRPS – Receipt for purchase of K163
- 12/5/1985 MRPS to APEX Frankston – Tender to purchase of K163
- Restoration works commenced in a purpose made compound around it display site and its boiler was re-certified in July of 1985 whilst still at the park.
- In November of 1985, it was road hauled to the BHP Cresco (Transwest now Lysaught's) sidings where MRPS had been provided with an operating base.
- Feb 1986 - MRPS to APEX Frankston – Report on progress of restoration of K163
- 17th August 1986- K163 moved under its own steam for the first time in 18 years.
- Full restoration works were undertaken and it was returned to operational service in May of 1987
- K163 number plates are reproductions from the originals plans. Manufactured and presented to MRPS at an AGM (year unknown) by Mr Walter McGillvray Thompson an ex. rolling stock design engineer .
- Livery in Apple green with pin-striping
- 12th April 1988 taken to Newport Workshops to be weighed
- An inauguration ceremony for the first train run by the MRPS, was a train hauled in live steam by K163 on the 23rd April 1988 at Hastings. Over three days, it proudly carried the MRPS banner, completing trips from Hastings to Stony Point, Hastings to Somerville, Frankston and Mordialloc with train loads of enthusiastic patrons.
- Several Main Line services were operated
- 20th August 1988 – Frankston to Stony point
- 3rd September 1988 ran a Mitchelton winery tour special to Seymour (S.4703/88). The consist was K163, 604ZD, 98G, 65AW, 57BE, 45BE and 586ZL
- 12th January 1989 – Moved rolling stock from Cresco (Lysaughts’s) at Hastings to HMAS Cerberus at Crib Point
- 3rd March 1989 – HMAS Cerberus Navy day rides
- 1st April 1989 – Mt. Aitken Winery and Wildlife tour from HMAS Cerberus to Gisborne. The consist was K163, 604ZD, 98G, 65AW, 57BE, 45BE and 586ZL
- 20th April 1989 – Pony wheels re-profiled at Newport workshops
- 3rd June 1989 – Mitchelton Winery tour (to Seymour)
- 9th July 1989 – participated in the Welcome back of the Flying Scotsman Australian Railway Enthusiast event by joining up with Steamrails R761 to double head from Flinders Street Station to Seymour (K163 first) and return with R761 first. The carriages in use were 67BW, 68BW, 60BW, 7ABE, 38BE, 25BE, 1BCE and from MRPS 24AW, 26BU, 57BE, 45BE and 5CV acting as a kiosk car. Over 100miles (160km), the consist would run in parallel from Seymour to Melbourne with the Flying Scotsman on the standard gauge track. The author would like any images of this that you may have. See at the 3:15 mark (Flinders Street Station), 9:05 to10:42(Seymour)
- 26th August 1989 – HMAS Cerberus to Sunbury return (Goonawarra Winery and Rupertswood Fair)
- 14th October 1989 – Frankston Standard Centenary Charter running Frankston/HMAS Cerberus in period costume - THIS MAY HAVE ONLY BEEN A R707 EXCURSION
- 1989 or 1990 - Derailed on HMAS Cerberus track failure on Up Y points. This was a wineries excision for the Frankston Amateur Wine makers Guild.
- In 1990, while standing at the Frankston station, three of the 126 boiler tubes failed.
- In April 1991, a full boiler re-tube (replacement) was completed at which time K163's 50th birthday was celebrated. On her return to service on the 18th May 1991, passenger trips were run on the line into HMAS Cerberus
- 18th May 1991 - Double headed with K190 on an ARE charter between Frankston, Long Island, Hastings and Stony Point.
- Sunday 20th October 1991, K163 participated in the Public Transport Corporation's inaugural open day and operated passenger shuttle services between Frankston and Caulfield. Enthusiastic patrons included the Minister for Transport, Mr Peter Spyker. The appearance of K163 on the suburban network created great excitement. To the delight of the bystanders and passengers, the stirring sound of the steam whistle could be heard for miles. This may have had something to do with the tender running out of water at Chelsea where the local Fire Brigade very willingly provided the required assistance.
- An Order in Council in 1991 gave the society the rights to operate between Baxter and Mornington, restoration of the line began.
- A charter by Quayside Frankston on 1st December 1996 ran three shuttles between Frankston and Mordialloc. The consist included 5CV, 45BE, 57BE, 27BU, 65Aw, 98G and 604ZD
- The Last steam service hauled by K163 from HMAS Cerberus was on 10th June 1997.
- HMAS Cerberus was vacated and MRPS relocated to the Moorooduc site. K163 hauled the last of three consist of rolling stock out of HMAS Cerberus at 21:30 Oct 11th and hence the first into Moorooduc arriving around 9:30am 12th October 1997. This train was comprised of K163, 65AW, 20ZB, 129VLPY, K177(dead), 686ZL, OT18 and 12CM. It returned to Baxter to bring another set of rolling stock consisting 604ZD, 3ABL, 98G, 73HD, 59RM(dead), 2 OT’s, 686ZL, a 4 wheeled and 35C
- 13th June 1999 – Hauled the first steam hauled passenger services ran from Moorooduc to Mornington
- 18th May 2003 – Special train for official opening of the Mornington run-around loop
- July 2003 to May 2004 - Boiler tubes replaced.
- 20th April 2009 – Mornington Tourist Association Network Evening special
- 3rd October 2009 – Wedding Photo Shoot at Moorooduc
- Jan to Oct 2010 – K191’s restored boiler was installed to K163
- 28th October 2010 – Re-pained in Brunswick Green following re-clad after boiler replacement.
- 20th October 2013 – Halloween Train
- Dec 2013 – Santa Train Specials
- 3rd November 2017 – Halloween Spook Train Special
- 21st November 2010 – Return to service event
- 5th October 2014 – Mornington Branch Line 125th Anniversary, Associations 30th.
- 17th April 2014 – Rotary Club Kids Fun Run
- 5th October 2015 – Special mixed train for the Societies 30th Anniversary
- 2016 – Repaired fusible plug and some replacement superheater tubes
- 19th March 2016 – Ale train with Mornington Peninsula Brewery
- 20th March 2016 – K163 75th Birthday Gala Day
- 15th May 2016 – National Trust Heritage Day
- 30th October 2016 – Halloween Train
- 16th November 2016 – Mens’ Shed Special
- 4th and 18th Dec 2016 – Santa Specials
- 14th Jan 2017 – Casey Camera Club Steam Punk photo shoot
- 19th March 2017 – Rotary Club Kids Fun Run
- 25th March 2017 – Wedding charter
- 22nd April 2017 - Ale train with Mornington Peninsula Brewery
- 6th May 2017 – Taylor Wines Special night wine and dine
- 27th Sept 2017 – Super Hero Special
- 28th Sept 2017 – Halloween Spook Train
- 29th Sept 2017 – AFL grand final Vickick Special
- 15th October 2017 – 20th Anniversary at Moorooduc event
- 2018 – January through to September out for major repair works to boiler, pistons, motion gear and air compressor.
- 26th Sept 2018 – Super Hero School Holiday Special
- 30th Sept 2018 – Super Hero Day
- 1st Oct 2018 – Super Hero School Holiday Special
Acknowledgements and Copyright
- Locomotives of Australia by Leo Oberg 1976 issue – ISBN 0 589 07173 4
- The Era of the K and J Class Locomotives of the Victorian Railways by Stephen Watson 1983 – ISBN 0-9594371-3-4
- Victorian Railways Rolling Stock Diagrams and Particulars 1926-1961
- Rail Giants of Australia C1988 by 100th OBOE Pty. Ltd.
- Mornington Railway Preservation Society “The Move to Mooroduc” by Ian McCaskill
- ‘a journey aboard Mornington Railway’ by MRPS
- Mornington Railway a short history and compendium 2014
- See
- Aaron Davey’s “VR” History Facebook Group
- Peter Sweetten for Mitchelton Winery Special image
- MRPS Peter Davis Photo Collection
- MRPS Archives
- Yorsys Photography for header image of K163 at Tanti Station
- Weston Langford for image of children playing on K163 at Jubilee Park
- Kimberley Pemberley for image of K163 at Mornington less smoke deflectors
- Khris Abuid for image of K163 and R761 entering Seymour
- John Thompson for Ararat Image
- Edward A. Downs for Colac Images
- John Thompson for Yarrawonga and Oaklands images
- Brendan McKenna and Barry Sheffield for running with 4472 images
Yorsys Photography Locomotives of Australia by Leo Oberg 1976 issue – ISBN 0 589 07173 4 The Era of the K and J Class Locomotives of the Victorian Railways by Stephen Watson 1983 – ISBN 0-9594371-3-4 Victorian Railways Rolling Stock Diagrams and Particulars 1926-1961 Rail Giants of Australia C1988 by 100th OBOE Pty. Ltd. Mornington Railway Preservation Society “The Move to Mooroduc” by Ian McCaskill ‘a journey aboard Mornington Railway’ by MRPS Mornington Railway a short history and compendium 2014 Aaron Davey’s “VR” History Facebook Group Peter Sweetten for Mitchelton Winery Special image MRPS Peter Davis Photo Collection MRPS Archives