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Temple Building Reminders

With Covid cases on the rise, it’s important that we all adhere to Temple policies to keep our staff and each other safe:

  • Do not come if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, even if you think it is only a cold.
  • Always wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose.
  • Call first to let the office know you are coming. Only one visitor in the office at a time.
  • Respect social distancing guidelines by staying at least 6 feet apart.


Rabbi Randy Sheinberg

Shomrei Adamah…We are the Guardians of the Earth

  • As I take my morning walk in these early days of spring, there is much to bring delight. New buds on the trees herald the coming of fresh green leaves. Bulbs with brightly colored flowers - daffodils, crocuses are springing up everywhere, and birdsong nearly drowns out the rush of traffic and hum of the lawnmowers.
  • Yet the hope and joy that spring brings is mitigated for me by the knowledge of what we are doing to endanger this beautiful planet. According to a recent report in Frontiers in Conservation Science, the planet is facing a “ghastly future of mass extinction, declining health and climate-disruption upheavals” that threaten human survival, as well as destruction of our beautiful home. One of the 17 scientists contributing to the report, Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, told reporters, “Environmental deterioration is infinitely more threatening to civilization than Trumpism or Covid-19.” (The Guardian, January 13, 2021)
  • How can we respond to this crisis? - The Torah teaches us about our relationship to the natural world. In the first chapter of the Book of Genesis we learn that humans are to “rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and all the living things that creep on earth.” (Genesis 1.28) Some have taken this verse as a license for human domination and exploitation of the earth and all its resources; however, our sages point us in another direction. They suggest that God gave us the ability to “rule” the earth, much as a parent has the ability to “rule” over a child. Parents exercise their authority over a child not to exploit or enslave her, but rather to tend to her well-being, to help her to grow and flourish. Similarly, the authority to rule given to humanity in Genesis means that we are uniquely equipped to tend to the Earth, and uniquely responsible for its health and survival.
  • This is a huge responsibility, and the task before us is huge as well. Many scientists agree that what we do or fail to do, in this next decade will determine the future of life on earth. The facts are sobering, and the situation dire.
  • And yet, it is not the time to despair. Indeed, there are signs of hope that we can and are addressing this crisis. The United States has just recently rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, committing to take action to address climate change. General Motors recently announced that by 2035 it will sell only zero emissions cars. Furthermore, the U.S. Energy Information Administration projects that “renewable’ shares of the electricity generation mix will more than double by 2050” as coal plants go offline and are replaced with renewable energy sources that are rapidly becoming more economical. (Renkl, New York Times, March 15, 2021) None of these fixes are sufficient to fully address the crisis, but they are important steps in the right direction.
  • There is cause for hope, but Margaret Renkl contributing opinion writer for the New York Times wrote recently, “Hope is not a license to relax. Hope is only a reminder not to give up.” (NY Times, March 15, 2021)

As spring deepens and as Earth Day approaches, let us recommit to prioritizing our concern for the environment. Let us work for bold and decisive action in concert with our faith, for the sake of our children and the generations to come.

Temple President

andrea comerchero

Our Earth is a Special Place, Let Us Not Take it for Granted

  • Take this spring to look at the world with brighter eyes, take the time to care for the environment by going for a walk instead of driving, enjoy a walk in the moonlight. As individuals and as a community we are empowered to restore our earth. This is the time of year when we need to aspire to behave and act constructively and beneficially for our planet.

This spring we are hoping to spend more time together as a community by doing some outdoor events, hybrid services, and so much more. As always, if you want to get involved please reach out to me by calling or emailing.

religious school

Education Director


Children learn from observing and imitating the actions of others. When parents and adults model care and respect for the environment, children will incorporate these behaviors into their own daily activities. (Global Day of Jewish Learning/Curriculum - Under the Same Sky: “The Earth is Full of Your Creations” from The PJ Library)

  • March was a busy month. We celebrated Passover, enjoyed two B’nai Mitzvah, and Grades 4/5 led us in a beautiful Shabbat Service. Thank you to Brotherhood for delivering the Passover Bags to the Religious School Families.
  • We also saw a hint of Spring in March as we celebrated Havdallah, in-person (albeit outdoors in the parking lot) for the first time in many months! We are looking forward to returning to IN-PERSON Religious School on April 11th and hopefully to many more outdoor activities.
  • Our next Study Unit is Koach Hadibbur – appreciating the power of speech/using our words. We will study how Abraham argues with God and how Haman manipulates the king and policy. Words are powerful, and we must always consider how the words we use affect those around us.
  • Please join us on April 23rd for our Family Service lead by our 2nd and 3rd Graders. The following students will participate: Grade 2: Matthew Golbig, Leo Levitan, Ava Shonsky, and Zachary Strobel • Grade 3: Charlotte Faulkner, Jeremy Heron, Hope O’Donnell, and Ella Oglesby
  • Mazel Tov to the Taylor Family on the April 24th Bat Mitzvah of Sanáa!
  • April Events: March 28th to April 10th - Spring Break / Religious School Reopens IN-PERSON on April 11th • April 10th - Junior Congregation at 9:30am and Tikvah Tots at 10:30am • April 11th - Parent Event with Cheryl (outdoors, weather permitting) • April 17th - Outdoor Family Havdallah and Salute to Israel/Lag B’Omer with relay races & dancing • April 18th - Religious School Committee Meeting at 9:45am (outdoors, weather permitting) • April 23rd - Grades 2/3 Family Service at 7:30pm • April 24th - Sanáa Taylor’s Bat Mitzvah at 10:30am

mazel tov to sanáa taylor!

Bat Mitzvah - Saturday, April 24th 2021

My name is Sanáa Taylor and I am 14 years old and will become a Bat Mitzvah on April 24th. I have a 12 year old sister named Khloe and a dog named Snowy. My favorite subjects are math and art, and my favorite hobbies are drawing, reading, and dancing. To me, becoming a Bat Mitzvah means taking responsibility for my own actions and doing what is right for the people around me. For my Bat Mitzvah Project, I collected books to donate to children in the hospital, and also to children in low income families visiting the doctor for a well-visit; so that other kids could have the chance to enjoy reading, just like I do!




  • When Tikvah Tots hear the story of the Three Little Pigs, they do not like the Big Bad Wolf. He destroyed the homes of two of the Three Little Pigs. God created the planet Earth and made it our home. We must protect our home from the Big Bad Wolves who are trying to destroy it. Go away - people who cut down our trees, pollute our lakes and streams, and start forest fires. You are desecrating God’s home that he allows us to occupy.
  • Earth Day is that special time for stepping back and admiring the wonderful things that God has given us. We can look up at the gorgeous blue sky, hear the beautiful sounds of chirping birds, smell the blossoming flowers, taste the fresh spring air, and go to the park to feel Mother Nature’s presence all around us. Yes, we can immerse ourselves in the glories of nature; but God’s bounties are not endless.
  • Earth Day is a great time to teach our children that food and water do not just magically appear on grocery shelves, and that we must conserve them, so that we will have them forever. We can explain to our children that if we chop down trees without replacing them, soon we will not have them anymore. We must show them how preserving nature keeps the animals and plants that we love alive. We can teach them that electricity will not last forever, unless they turn off the light when they leave a room. We can ask them to shut off the water when they are not using it, so that they will always have enough to drink. We can show them that we recycle glass, paper, and plastic, so that we will still have some tomorrow. If being conservationists is a part of our children’s lives, then they will grow up to be the saviors of the Earth and its natural resources.
  • There are many books that help children learn more about the Earth and inspire them to be little conservationists. The Earth Book by Todd Parr and 10 Things I Can Do To Help My World by Melanie Walsh are two of our favorites.
  • Saving the Earth brings us closer to God. On the Sabbath - God’s Day of Rest - we, too, can rest and in doing so save our energy and the energy of the Earth.

We hope you can join us for our first in person event on Saturday, April 10th. Please see the flyer below.



Director of Youth & Family Engagement

Cheryl Stern

Our focus should be on beautifying the world, leaving it in an even more beautiful state than we found it. (Global Day of Jewish Learning Curriculum – Under the Same Sky: “The Earth is Full of Your Creations” from The PJ Library)

  • Spring has begun and we have been lucky enough to have several programs and events both in-person and online to see our Temple Family - Our Junior Congregation has continued to be on ZOOM, and the slides and songs that Cantor Contzius has given us are a fantastic way for all of us to participate. • Purim this year was a little different, yet still full of laughter and smiles! We had a wonderful program run by Mainstages who played games with us and also retold the story of Purim, which was then followed with a dance party! • Our Outdoor Family Havdallah Program and Passover Craft was great! It was so nice to see so many families and take part in an activity together. Seeing their masks perk up when they were smiling at each other warmed my heart. • I hope you enjoy the pictures in this Issue taken by Julie O’Donnell, April Heron, Nicole Taylor, and me!
  • April Events: On April 10th - Our next Junior Congregation at 9:30am via ZOOM. • April 11th – In-person Parent Event (weather permitting), the focus will be on creating a blessing for the home. This event will take place during Religious School. • April 17th - Family Havdallah Program. We are planning to have some family outdoor fun, celebrate Israel, and have relay races…I hope to see everyone at these events!






Mazel tov!

To Debbie & Herb Hochrad on the birth of their granddaughter, Miss Avery Jean who arrived on February 24th 2021! Celebrating this joyous event are Debbie & Herb's son, Ryan & his wife, Lynlee Hochrad.

To Leslie Kizner on the arrival of her granddaughter, Miss Melody Lynn on March 20th 2021! Leslie's daughter, Emily Kizner & Dean Moran and big brother, Louis Moran are over the moon with their growing family.


thank you lynn beber!



President - Marc Gold

It Is April and It Isn’t An April Fool’s Joke!

  • Hello everyone - Can you feel the warmth in the air, and the trees and flowers beginning to bloom? And let us not forget that we have sprung ahead, and the days are getting longer…YAY! Why you may ask – SPRING HAS ARRIVED!
  • As we welcome this wonderful time of year, it is important to recognize this incredible planet we live on. Thus, although we should celebrate planet Earth daily, in April we set aside a day to remember what we as a community know as Earth Day. We as a community need to be proactive; 24/7, ALL 365 days every year!
  • March was an active month for Brotherhood and in April we will continue to keep the pedal to the metal: In March we had a very successful Pre-Passover Wine Sale. Thank you to everyone who supported Brotherhood and bought a bottle or two. We would also like to thank our Brotherhood Members who assisted and distributed a free challah to our members for their Shabbat dinner. The challah was supplied by our caterer, Bobby Leshansky and his Majestic Catering. In April - Brotherhood is selling Yom HaShoah Memorial Yellow Candles. We started this sale in late March since Yom HaShoah is April 8th. If you would like to still purchase a candle please let Brotherhood know as soon as possible. The candles are $3.00 each. On Tuesday, April 13th at 7:00pm Brotherhood will be playing BINGO on ZOOM for its members and their families. An email will go out to our members and if you are interested in joining us, a Bingo Card will be sent to you (one card per family.) There will be cash prizes for our winners.
  • Upon the arrival of April, "On the Marc Sports Talk" will hold its 48th consecutive week show on ZOOM! Why not join us. It is never too late to join our crew and talk sports. We welcome everyone with open arms. Check for the ZOOM link in the Weekly Temple Updates.

So, enjoy the anticipated change in season, shed some of your layers of clothes, and enjoy life AND of course, get those vaccinations!




President - Phyllis Richards

Restore Our Earth, Theme of Earth Day 2021

  • Our Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam means repairing, healing or perfecting the world. It is aligned well with the Earth Day Theme. When we are finally back to in-person activities we should heed the warnings of scientists and be careful about the products we use at our gatherings when we sip that coffee, nosh on our goodies, and schmooze. Let us remember not to add to the problems of our planet by using products that contribute to earth’s deterioration.
  • Sisterhood and other groups held a virtual meeting to discuss Planning for Temple Tikvah’s Future. One of the important questions involved gathering together again. When will you feel safe to return to in-person services and events? Last April we could not have imagined the length or intensity of the pandemic. This April we can realistically be hopeful that we are approaching better days.
  • Sisterhood has continued to work hard to help the Temple and also have fun: Our Purim Greeting Card was a very good fundraiser. The proceeds will be donated to the Temple. Big thanks to Debbie Hochrad and Jay Beber, and all those Sisterhood Members who hand delivered the cards! • Our Table Talk Event was a success, and we would like to thank Michele Gold and Arline Cazes. Thank you to Lisa, as well for the tech support. We enjoyed our Virtual Oneg with large black and white cookies, that were hand delivered. • Plans are being made for our May 4th Scavenger Hunt. • Can we have our June 1st Paint Night in-person, socially distancing outside? Time will tell...
  • We are coming from a point of physical separation; yet fortunately because of the dedication of our clergy, staff, and dedicated members we have been able to be together virtually and continue to build our religious community. Now we are at a point where we can begin to restore our own lives and our Temple lives. We can begin healing and work on safe ways to start the long road back to normality.

Pay attention that you do not corrupt and destroy My world: if you corrupt it, there is no one to repair it after you." (Kohelet Rabbah 7:13)

caring community

Helene Schonhaut & Sharon Kahn

If We Consistently Unify Every Day Things WILL Be Accomplished

  • We hope that more and more of our Congregants, families, and friends have gotten their COVID VACCINE INOCULATIONS by this time or have an appointment to get "that shot in the arm" as soon as possible.
  • With the promising news that we have been hearing that the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight, let us take a moment to think about a Dr. Seuss quote:
  • This is also a good time to think about Earth Day. With that in mind, we present a short history of this special day: • On the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, rallies were held in Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles and most other American cities, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In New York City, Mayor John Lindsay closed off a portion of Fifth Avenue to traffic for several hours and spoke at a rally in Union Square with actors Paul Newman and Ali McGraw. In Washington, D.C., thousands of people listened to speeches and performances by singer Pete Seeger and others; and Congress went into recess so its members could speak to their constituents at Earth Day events. • The first Earth Day was effective at raising awareness about environmental issues and transforming public attitudes. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “Public opinion polls indicate that a permanent change in national priorities followed Earth Day 1970. When polled in May 1971, 25 percent of the U.S. public declared protecting the environment to be an important goal, a 2,500 percent increase over 1969.” Earth Day kicked off the “Environmental decade with a bang,” as Senator Nelson later put it. During the 1970s, a number of important pieces of environmental legislation were passed, among them the Clean Air Act; the Water Quality Improvement Act; the Endangered Species Act; the Toxic Substances Control Act; and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act. Another key development was the establishment in December 1970 of the Environmental Protection Agency, which was tasked with protecting human health and safeguarding the natural environment - air, water, and land.
  • We again call to your attention…that if you need an assist, do not hesitate to call the Temple Office at 516.746.1120 to leave a message for us. We will get back to you upon receipt of your request.
  • Please note…The Evening Book Club will be reviewing Florence Adler Swims Forever by Rachel Beanland at 7:30pm on April 12th and the Afternoon Book Club will be reviewing This Tender Land by William Kent Kreuger at 1:00pm on April 15th. The Writing Club will next meet at 7:30pm on April 20th.

Do not forget…that action will always speak louder than words!

social action

Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss

Let Us Always Aspire to Behave and Act Constructively and Beneficially

  • Earth Day will be celebrated on Thursday, April 22nd. The theme this year is “Building on the Growth and Resilience of the Environmental Movement Worldwide.” The first time it was celebrated in 1970, an estimated 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy environment and to participate in teach-ins. This year Earth Day will include three days of Climate Action (April 20th – 22nd) by thousands of organizations (see LINK below for 51 events if interested.) What will you be doing to celebrate and protect the planet we live on, the environment, your neighborhood, and everyone’s health? Let us reflect on the ways we can repair the world (Tikkun Olam) and choose among them whatever we are willing and able to commit to for the year ahead.
  • Our last Social Action Meeting took place on March 14th and began with a thoughtful discussion of the questionnaire provided by Temple Tikvah’s Future Planning Committee, which seemed especially timely as we were heading into Passover and Spring. Our discussion also included the work of RAC-NY’s “Less is More” Legislation. More information can be found both in our Weekly Updates and on the RAC-NY Website. You may even have committed to attend the final rally on April 6th to encourage NYS legislators to pass S1144/The Less is More Bill which will: Change “revolving door” to “reentry door”; incentivize positive behavior by granting reduction in parole time for consistent compliance; discourage negative behavior; align us with similar laws in other states; and yet serious violations of parole will still result in reincarceration.
  • We considered how to support NY blood drives given the shortages and the need. Since we have not been able to hold a drive at Temple, we encourage you to participate in one by visiting The New York Blood Center at (see LINK below) or calling 1.800.933.2566 to make an appointment. In addition, we are planning to coordinate with Susan Berman at the SJJCC on drives for food banks. Among the possible ways we can be helpful is through a “Dayenu Circle” (building a movement of American Jews confronting the climate crisis with spiritual audacity and bold political action), or on a community/local level by promoting recycling or educating ourselves through NY Interfaith Power and Light. Everyone should also check out the PJ Library’s books for children on related topics.
  • There are so many ways to act on these beliefs and ideas, and we look forward to more suggestions from all of you. Please contact us directly or come to our May 6th Meeting, right before the Lifelong Learning and Social Action Lunch and Learn on Saturday May 15th. We will have a speaker who can help us to understand the connections between environmental changes and population migration, which often lead to conflicts.

Whatever you do, we hope you remain safe and healthy; and we encourage you to get out into nature and appreciate all we have, to remind ourselves how better to value and protect it.

lifelong learning

Meryl Root

Let Us Not be Reluctant to Pause from Our Labors and Refresh Our Souls

  • Lunch & Learn: Our next Lunch & Learn is on Saturday, April 17th on ZOOM at 11:00am. Rabbi Randy Sheinberg will be teaching the first session of her course entitled, "Holding on to Faith in Hard Times." The Rabbi explains her course as follows: Judaism offers many different ways to conceive of the Divine. Yet many of us still cling to a notion of God that no longer serves us. How can we recast the notion of faith (Emunah) so that it can sustain us and get us through difficult times? Through text study and practice, we will explore this question and deepen our faith together.
  • The next two sessions will take place on the two following Thursdays. The second session will be on April 22nd at 4:30pm. The third session will take place on April 29th at 11:00am. We hope you can join us for any or all of the Rabbi’s course. No prior knowledge is required.
  • Torah Study: Shabbat Morning Torah Study continues every Saturday at 9:00am via ZOOM with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We began reading Vayikra, The Book of Leviticus, in mid-March and will continue into early May. This book emphasizes ritual, legal, and moral practices rather than beliefs. We will pause our reading of Torah on the first Saturday of April to have a special reading for Pesach. Please join us on the journey. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome. The ZOOM LINK will be published in the Weekly Update each week. New participants are always welcome.
  • Hyperlinks: All ZOOM information and links are available in the Weekly Updates.
  • Suggestions: If you have any suggestions for a presenter, a film or a topic of interest that would be good for a Lifelong Learning Program, please feel free to email me at the LINK below and click on Community/Lifelong Learning.

A REMINDER: Every one of us needs a healthy Earth to support our jobs, livelihoods, health & survival, and happiness. A healthy planet is not an option - it is a necessity. (

with gratitude

TODA RABA – תודה רבה

kol nidre

  • ANGEL • Ken & Neela Weber
  • CHESED • Barbara Silberman
  • TZEDEKAH • Lorraine & Lester Bertan • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Elaine Farber • Cheryl & Steve Levine • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
  • BENEFACTOR • Lynn & Jay Beber • Marty Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Carole Kaplan • Anonymous • Sandra & David Peskin • Jeffrey & Teresa Weisbrot
  • PATRON  Arline & Jack Cazes • Nancy Eschemuller • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Justin Wax Jacobs Family – Helen Jacobs, Leonard Jacobs, Goldie Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, Eva Jacobs, Samuel Jacobs, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Helaine & Ed Schachter • Janet & Barry Spool
  • SPONSOR  Helen & Bob Bader • Maureen & Steve Berman • Betsy Jacob Bivrano • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Roger Jassie & Cari Pepkin-Jassie • Judith & Joseph Kirschner • Debbie, Larry & David Klig • Phyllis & Marc Newman • Arlene Sheff & Family • Ruth Vincent-Sechechtman • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • DONOR • Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • Florence Baravarian • Sharon Bibergal • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Farhad Bolandakhtari & Nazita Dashitpour • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Arleen & Ronald Degen • The Diamond Family • Anonymous • Edythe Fastow • Sonia Fink • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Sharon Fricano • Ruth Friedlander • Vivian Goldbaum • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Lori & Mark Gordon • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Ronni & Charles Hollanders • Andrea & Doug King • Leslie Kizner • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Rachel & Nicole Lavoie • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Traci & Victor Levy • Susan & Andre Louis • Estelle Magidson & Family • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Osrow • Phyllis Richards • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg and Family • Barbara Rosenthal (IMO - Philip Kaplan) • Adam Lee Sabel • Burton & Susan Schall • Ron, Barbara, Melissa & Justin Schreiber • June & Jack Schwarz • Felice Tarter • Anonymous • Leo & Jane Tujak • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Sandra Witt • Jeffrey Young • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
  • PARTICIPANT  Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Jeanie & George Berger • Cindy & Joe Bettelheim • Sharyn & Joel Chanin • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Muriel Gorochow • Abe & Hanna Kormas • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Frances Lowenstein • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Mark & Robin Mandell • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Sandy Portnoy • Anonymous • Rachel Raphael-Kupferberg • Jaynie Rudick • Helene & Alene Schonhaut • Susan & Irwin Schneider • Anonymous • Gerty Wolf • Laurence & Ari Wolfson • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Howard & Gale Zeidman • Elaine Zipser


  • ADULT EDUCATION FUND: The Kamen Family in memory of Charles Golden • Barbara & Joseph Massey in memory of Susan Cohen • Susan Schall in memory of Charles Golden • Elaine & Howie Weiss in memory of Susan Cohen
  • BROTHERHOOD: Stanley & Irene Zorn would like to say thank you for your warm generosity of the challah
  • CARING COMMUNITY FUND: Gloria & Larry Konstan in honor of the birth of Adin Mordechai Kolios
  • EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND: Judith & Stuart Weinstock in honor of the birth of Herb & Debbie Hochrad’s granddaughter Avery
  • HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECT FUND: Robert Bader in memory of Charles Bader • Lynn & Jay Beber in memory Helen Bader
  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Richard Cember in memory of Charles Golden • Sara & Steve Furman in memory of Charles Golden • Cantor Kat Hastings in memory of Mariana Hastings • Nancy Kiss wishes Sharon York well • Sandra Lichtenstein in memory of Susan Cohen
  • SIMCAH FUND: Lynn & Jay Beber in honor of The Hochrad’s new grandbabies • Judith & Joseph Kirschner in honor of the birth of Adin Mordechai Kolios, grandson of Elaine Brooks & Anthony Kolios • Lynn Moser in honor of the birth of Avery Jean, granddaughter of Debbie & Herb Hochrad • Lorraine & Martin Ross in honor of Rebecca Domeny’s Bat Mitzvah • Barbara Silberman in honor of the Bat/Bar Mitzvah of Rebecca Domeny and Benjamin Gries
  • SISTERHOOD: Arlene Sheff in honor of Becky Domeny’s Bat Mitzvah
  • SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND: Sisterhood in honor of the 50th Anniversary of Julie Steiner O’Donnell & Andrew O’Donnell, which was celebrated on March 20th 2021
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Deborah Abramowitz in memory of Murray Leff • Sharon Adler in memory of Edith Adler and Jennie Kornhauser • Anna Arkin in memory of Hilda Kaufman and Louis Kaufman • Marian & Seth Baskin in memory Benjamin W. Cohen • Steven & Maureen Berman in memory of Leo Berman • Cynthia & Joseph Bettelheim in memory of Harry Rice • Sheila Bokser in memory of Israel Charles Sussman • Brotherhood in memory of Murray Leff • Maxine Chevlowe in memory of Charles Golden • Martin Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg in memory of Sol Cohen and Dr. Monroe Sheinberg • Terry & Michael Cutler in memory of Adam Cutler • Mindy & Mark Daniels in memory of Frances Fox • Jody & Artie Diamond in memory of Samuel Pugach • Elaine Farber in memory of Richard Farber • Gayle & Joel Feinstein in memory of Frances Rubin • Sonia Fink in memory of Clara Fink • Merle Fishkin in memory of Samuel Pugach • Sharon Fricano in memory of Susan Cohen and Clara Fink • Susan & Robert Gelfand in memory of George Ader and Pearl Bederman • Vivien Goldbaum & Family in memory of Michael Goldbaum • Selma Goldberg in memory of Charles Golden and Burton Schall • Debbie & Michael Golob in memory Sophie Golob • Sherry & Robert Goltz in memory of Charles Golden • Muriel Gorochow in memory of Murray Leff • Marlene Gussin in memory of Susan Cohen • The Hamlet in memory of Charles Golden • Dean Hernan in memory of Sophie Hernandez • Ronni & Charlie Hollander in memory of Ruth Warantz • Joseph & Phyllis Horne in memory of Soloman Horne • Robert Jacobson in memory of Irene Jacobson • Mimi Kahn in memory of Edward Kahn • Carole Kaplan in memory of Max Kaplan, Hilda Sorblum, Joseph Sorblum, and Irving Abug • Joe & Judy Kirschner in memory of Israel Kirschner and Susan Cohen • Nancy Kiss in memory of Robert Kiss • Laurence Lande in memory of Susan Cohen • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in memory of Edythe Konstan, Charles Golden, and Abraham Siegel • Rachel Lavoie in memory of Susan Gonzales • Steve & Cheryle Levine in memory of Hazel Cohen • Sandra Lichtenstein & Family in memory of Shirley Lichtenstein and Irving Lichtenstein • Sandra & Fred Levine in memory of Charles Golden • Lisa Lupo in memory of Anne & Bernard Selkin • Barbara & Joe Massey in memory of Elaine Freeberg • Joyce & Joel Mensoff in memory of Bessie & Max Mensoff and Susan Cohen • Susan & Kent Moston in memory of Sidney Kane, Susan Cohen, and Charles Golden • Karla & Orlando Osuna in memory of Murray Leff • Sue Plastrik in memory of Samuel Markus • Sandy Portnoy in memory of George Margolin, Frances Rabinowitz, and Jeffrey Portnoy • Phyllis Richards in memory of Susan Cohen • Lorraine & Martin Ross in memory of Sol Rosenthal • Janie & George Schildge in memory of Charles Golden • Charla Schnupp in memory of Charlotte Jemal and The Sasoon Family • Helene, Alene & Jordan Schonhaut and Family in memory of Traci Schonhaut-Fuller • Barbara & Ron Schreiber in memory of Charles Golden, Murray Leff, and Susan Cohen • Marilyn Schwartz in memory of Janet Newman Schwartz, and Lt. Marvin Newman • Claire Shapiro in memory of Lena Linzer • Arlene Sheff in memory of Lawrence Sheff M.D. • Barbara Silberman in memory of Charles Goldman • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of Susan Cohen • Joyce Braun Stoner in memory of Aaron Braun • Roz & Burt Tropp in memory of Gwendolyn Goldman • Neela & Ken Weber in memory of Pearl Weber & Susan Cohen • Irene Heimrath Zorn & Stanley Zorn in memory Rose Riegelhaupt, David Zorn, Jim Grenman, and Charles Golden


Thank you so much of all your kind words, congratulations, and generosity on the birth of our grandchildren...Debbie & Herb Hochrad

in loving memory


*april calendar

  • THURSDAY, APRIL 1st - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm & Meditation at 7:00pm
  • FRIDAY, APRIL 2nd - Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd - Torah Study at 9:00am
  • TUESDAY, APRIL 6th - Sisterhood Board Meeting at 7:45pm
  • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th - Yom HaShoah Commemoration Program with Michael Berenbaum, noted Holocaust Scholar and Former Director of the US Holocaust Memorial
  • THURSDAY, APRIL 8th - EREV YOM HASHOAH - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, APRIL 9th - YOM HASHOAH - Yom HaShoah Commemoration/Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, APRIL 10th - Torah Study at 9:00am; Junior Congregation at 9:30am; and Tikvah Tots at 10:30am
  • SUNDAY, APRIL 11th - Religious School at 9:30am; Brotherhood Breakfast at 9:30am; and Religious School Parent Event at 11:00am
  • MONDAY, APRIL 12th - Evening Book Club at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14th - Jewish Music and More at 7:00pm & Brotherhood Meeting at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, APRIL 15th - Afternoon Book Club at 1:00pm; On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm; and Meditation at 7:00pm
  • FRIDAY, APRIL 16th - Congregational Virtual Shabbat Dinner with Majestic Catering at 6:00pm & Yom HaAtzmaut Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, APRIL 17th - Torah Study at 9:00am; Contemplative Service at 10:15am; Lifelong Learning Program/Session 1 at 11:00am; and Outdoor Family Havdallah & Paint Night at 4:00pm
  • SUNDAY, APRIL 18th - Religious School at 9:30am; Religious School Committee Meeting at 9:45am; and Social Action Meeting at 10:30am
  • TUESDAY, APRIL 20th - Creative Writing Group Meeting at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, April 21st - Jewish Music and More at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd -Wise Aging at 11:00am; On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm; and Lifelong Learning Program/Session 2 at 4:30pm
  • FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd - Tikvah Tots at 6:30pm; Meditation at 6:45pm; and Grades 2/3 Shabbat Service
  • SATURDAY, APRIL 24th - Torah Study at 9:00pm & Bat Mitzvah of Sanáa Taylor at 10:15am
  • SUNDAY, APRIL 25th - Religious School at 9:30am
  • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th - Jewish Music and More at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, APRIL 29th - Lifelong Learning Program/Session 3 at 11:00am & On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY APRIL 30th - Sisterhood Shabbat at 7:30pm



Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf & Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant


Created with images by ArtsyBee - "school learning graphic" • pixel2013 - "baby dandelion female" • Bessi - "flower lily lilium candidum" • Anrita1705 - "home office coffee computer"
